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 I'm Sure You Have A Place For Me 

Do you think the Supremacy website needs updating?
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 I'm Sure You Have A Place For Me 
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Joined: 12 Sep 2012, 21:12
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Big hello from your newest member. I have been following the progress of this game for years and even played the alpha release. The reason I have signed up to the forums now is because I recently checked the Supremacy website and noticed the last update was in 2009. These forums are an excellent source of info but the website needs a major update.

I am a web designer and I design my own graphics too. When I go to Google and type in Star Trek Supremacy the website in question is first on the list. Let's get people excited again about this project and not let them think it has died. I would love to redesign the Supremacy website for you if you let me. I can keep it up to date and create a blog using Wordpress that will seamlessly integrate into the website. We could also use the website to actively recruit for help.

I have many other ideas but it all just depends if you would like to do this or not. Below is the areas I can help you with.

I am good at:

Web Design.
Search Engine Optimisation (optimization if your American ;)
Graphics For Websites Mostly and Logos etc.

I can show you a couple of examples of websites I have created if you wish. Don't want to post the links here in case I break the rules. :)

12 Sep 2012, 21:54
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Welcome Magnetic. We are all glad to see you here. Posting the links is fine.

What we need at this point is someone to take on the job of coding the game. Mike has said he does not see himself finishing the game and from what I can tell he has not been to the site in some time. If you can attacked someone skilled in C# that would invest the time and effort you would save the game from a slow death.



12 Sep 2012, 22:30
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Welcome aboard.

The project is not dead, but currently it's in similar condition as Guinan's race...As for me...I'm perfecting my skills and trying to produce some HD images in case we are revived...I don't want to get rusty :P

If you need and large resolution (or small) for the page just say so...I'll be more than happy to contribute.

I have no doubt that soon you'll get a more detailed response on how to proceed.


12 Sep 2012, 22:33
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Thanks for the reply guys :)

Unfortunately I do not know any coders. I should also have mentioned I am a facebook social media consultant and there is currently no Supremacy Page on facebook. I see there is a group but no page unless I just cant find it?

That would also get people engaging and perhaps find coders there too. Anyways just a thought, I wanted to offer my help. You know where I am if you need me. :)

12 Sep 2012, 22:57
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Your offer is great!

But a Blog doesn't help much when there's nothing to post. At least I've not seen much going on in the news page recently. :rolleyes:
And how should the new page look? Can you do a little mockup maybe?

What about merging with old afc (former url and creating a complete botf dedicated page?
afc needs more than an update too, and I find it very sad we have two small communities while both fight loosing members more and more.
Long time before it surely made sense to split, but by now afc is concentrating more on botf2 aspects too. Take the Botf Clone project of QuasarDonkey for reference that you people completely missed over here as you only pass by once in a year if at all. :lol:
And well, I did not find time to introduce my own projects here yet either as I'm just too busy lately. :hmm:
On the other hand I completely missed that TrekWar game I still have to try. :drool:

In the end I think both would benefit of a stronger community with more activity.
And we all just aim for a better new experience of our old beloved game botf, no?
Further every once in a while there pass some botf interested developers around at afc that you might catch easier. Ofc none were missed to point over here, but who knows what other peoples are just passing by without posting or keep lurking around and what cooperations could come out.

Think about.

Edit: clean confusement a bit

Last edited by VinculumOne on 13 Sep 2012, 17:54, edited 1 time in total.

13 Sep 2012, 09:32
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I pass by more than once a year I just forgot my old log in and created this new one lol. I have since found my old log in for AFC though and now reading the clone project of QuasarDonkey. Very interesting. Must read more on that.

As for a blog you are right, no point having one unless there is something to write about. I feel that this forum and the AFC forum has more than enough information to write up a blog for years if done correctly. It will give the community and new comers a place to find this info more easily and well Google just loves blogs.

Funny you mention about a complete botf dedicated page. I have thought of this many times myself and I totally agree with you. I would love the opportunity to create that. :)

As for a mockup I will take time out later today to design one on paper. Should have something to show you online soon. I will design a mockup for a botf dedicated page. I love Star Trek but my love for Botf is not just because it is based on Star Trek it is because no game even today can match it's gameplay. I recently played Sword of the Stars 2. Although it is a great game it is lacking when compared to Botf. We need this project to move on and get people excited about it again. :)

13 Sep 2012, 11:10
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end of last year on afc anjel began writing monthly newsletters but stopped simply due to not getting the newsletter run properly with the forum mail system
yes I'm sure there's enough to write on in a blog :)

I would find it cool to have a merged site. So far it's just an idea but I know people and admins on afc pretty well and we had talk before, e.g. jigalypuff had some thought on merging back afc last year before he disappeared. The idea didn't come far with his disappearance but had good response as afc is struggling hosting and forum issues ever since.

Btw, as I'm not long known here to the most, talking of 'you' I didn't mean you explictly. Sry for confusement. ;)

13 Sep 2012, 17:49
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just my thoughts: A website is a one way-site, a wiki is a way where many can take an active part :wink: . Maybe think about that whether a wiki might be a better kind of website.
With a wiki you also can limit who can change which sites. And I think a wiki can be stylish too.

BotE-Wiki: ... one_minute - A-Z (automatically) - A-Z manually, but English
BotE-Homepage: - German Forum: German Forum

13 Sep 2012, 17:51
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I already set up a wiki for botf before ( ) and the most ever posted in there is all the savegame modding info mainly by myself and Spocks-Cuddly-Tribble. Admittedly that wiki was not listed in google but for afc community.
Further I remember there already was another wiki page also for botf2 never used...
Matress of Evil once posted on that: ... wiki#p2069 but it's link doesn't work anymore

Edit: Ah, fine, here's the botf2 wiki: forgot it's linked on main site :lol:

Last edited by VinculumOne on 13 Sep 2012, 23:54, edited 1 time in total.

13 Sep 2012, 18:03
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A wiki is very limiting and can also be over whelming. A website can be so much more than just info. It can be used to get people sucked in and want to learn more.

A merged site is a fantastic idea. I have some preliminary drawings for a design made up. I'm like a child at this stage of a project. haha.

13 Sep 2012, 18:50
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well...didn't found a better thread so I post it here: What's about ? - It's already down for some time - will it come back?

on the other hand an overview -as started here ... _Supremacy - would be nice:

Community: index.php newest chats and infos

Homepage: (not up to date) and download there and last build here viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4797

Facebook (closed group):


19 Jan 2013, 15:26
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