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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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BOTF had a number of images that related to the in-game random events, and we're hoping to employ a similar system in Supremacy, and possibly even BOTE. However, we can't use the images from BOTF as these are copyrighted. We therefore need new images for the random events.

The matter is futher complicated by the fact that we (I) have come up with a new - and vastly increased - list of random events for the game(s). The following is a list of all the random events and their descriptions that may need an event image to go with it. The final list of random events has not yet been decided on, so this list may change over time.

Anyone can submit images for the random events. Images must be in the .png filetype and be 270x225 pixels and must be your own work or non-copyrighted AND used with permission. Images that are taken directly from the internet or any other sources cannot be used, so don't submit them!

The Borg
They assimilate systems, initially invading with small scout ships and moving up to Spheres, Cubes and Tactical Cubes. The only way to completely destroy them is to wipe out their systems. When the Borg appear, you will gain a new option in Diplomacy to set up an Anti-Borg Alliance with the other powers. The chances of this random event occurring increases the longer a game is played, and the higher your tech level is. The Borg will always attack the strongest players first; including the AI. Once the most powerful Empire is assimilated, the Borg will then move onto the second most powerful Empire, and so on. They will be a much bigger threat than in BOTF.

Sphere Builders
The Sphere builders slowly make the space around them uninhabitable, causing the inhabitants in nearby systems to die. You need to reach a certain tech level before your ships can take out the Spheres in combat.

Species 8472
They pour out of a fluidic gate and destroy everything within sight - including Planets themselves. You have to fight them to stop the invasion. Species 8472 will only appear once the Borg have invaded, although if/when they appear will otherwise be random.

Complete loss of trade in a system for a number of turns.

Alien Shipyard
The alien shipyard from Enterprise that repairs ships in exchange for resources and officers.

A random ship is thrown to a random sector. The ship will have to attempt to make it home under its' own fuel reserves, so making alliances with the locals will be essential. The chances of contact with the Borg - irrelevant of where in the Galaxy the ship is sent - are greatly increased.

Caretaker Array
A random ship is sent to the Ocampa system in the Delta Quadrant. Contact with the Ocampa is impossible until the Caretaker is destroyed, but the Ocampa will be defenceless and prone to attack if you do this. The Caretaker is a bit weaker than the Edo Guardian.

Subspace Bubble
A random ship is destroyed. No salvaging of the debris is possible.

Subspace Anomaly
Same as BOTF, movement throughout the Galaxy is impossible for _____ turns. Affects ALL ships in the Galaxy.

Graviton Ellipse
Movement impossible for X number of turns in a small ring of sectors. Gain a large amount of research if you scan it, and you get an increase in Deuterium supplies since ships are not travelling at Warp, but there is a loss of trade in affected Star Systems.

Dark Matter Nebula
Damages all ships in the sector, 25% to 66% of ships hit points per entrance. This event can only occur in open space, not in a system.

Ion Storms
Severely damages ships, stations, and structures in a system.

Solar Flare
Renders ALL defences in a system inoperable, and significantly reduces energy output and morale in the system for a number of turns.

Positive Temporal Disturbance
Increases all production, scientific output, and population growth in a random system for one turn.

Negative Temporal Disturbance
Decreases all production, scientific output, and population growth in a random system for one turn.

Hekaras Corridor Incident
Collapse of Subspace in a sector for at least 50 turns. This event cannot happen in a system. Travel through the affected sector is impossible, and the movement rate of ALL ships - irrelevant of the race or Empire - is halved until Propulsion 9 - Field Compression - is discovered. The likelihood of this event occurring increases with every turn, and once it has occurred once, it could cause a cascading effect causing it to happen again in multiple nearby sectors.

Unstable Wormhole
A Wormhole randomly shifts endpoints.

Wormhole Discovered
A Wormhole is discovered by one of your ships.
*Note - this random may become an actual event rather than a random. The image will stil be used if possible.

Nebula Formation
A Nebula forms in a random sector. Nebulas cause ships and stations in the sector to lose shields and halves sensor ranges and scan strengths. Some types of Nebula may also cause damage to ships that enter them. Damaged ships will be destroyed if their hull reaches zero. Stations in such sectors may also be destroyed, but science stations will be immune.

Nebula Collapse
A random Nebula turns into a Star system over a number of turns. The system will be extremely rich in Deuterium and Raw Materials. (Gas Giants, Asteroids, and Crystalline Planets)

Solar Wind Change
Large increase in population growth for X number of turns. (Metaphasic radiation)

Nexus Energy Ribbon
Ships "disappear" in a system/sector for a minimum of 120 turns. (10 years) There is slight damage to structures in the system, a small random change in system population, and a large increase in research output for several turns.

A System with a Red Giant Star is completely destroyed; the planets will cease to exist. You get a warning approximately 12 turns (A year) before the event, giving you time to start an evacuation.
Part 1

Part 2

Comet Strike
A random Planet in a system becomes barren. Extreme decrease in system population, many system structures are destroyed, the chances of an Earthquake/Volcano/Storm/Climate shift occurring on that planet is greatly increased during the next 12 turns.

Asteroid Impact
Same as a Comet strike, but the devastation is somewhat reduced. Future Climate changes are more likely than with a Comet strike, but Volcanoes and Earthquakes are less likely. The Planet still becomes Barren, but can sustain a higher population than if a Comet had struck.

Many structures destroyed, large decrease in population.

Supermassive Volcanic Eruption
Decrease in population, some buildings damaged, chances of a climate change random event are greatly increased.

Radioactive Explosion
X number of energy and research structures are destroyed, population is killed off at an increasing rate for X number of turns, decrease in energy research.

Weather System Breakdown
Decrease in population, many structures are destroyed. If the system has a charge collector, the system gets an energy bonus for X number of turns and the damage is reduced.

Atmospheric Disturbance
A random planet becomes uninhabitable.

Climate Change
Same as in BOTF, a random Planet randomly shifts from one class to another.

Ice Age
Exactly as it sounds, a random planet shifts to a polar planet. A moderate amount of population is killed by the sudden and unexpected change in planetary conditions.

Polar Shift
Buildings damaged, decrease in population, Planet changes to "opposite" class; Volcanic to Barren, Barren to Desert, Desert to Terran/Jungle/Oceanic, Terran to Arctic. Rogue and Demon class Planets are not affected.

Unstable Orbit
The population growth and/or food production of a random system randomly fluctuates.

Population decrease, food production facilities destroyed, starvation in system.

Neural Parasites
A random colony is wiped out. If the system is recolonised - by ANY race - the existing structures will be available to the new colony, except for any race-specific structures, eg. Federation Replicator.

Geological Survey
Permanent increase in Dilithium/Raw Material output from a random system.

Archaeological Dig Success
Large increase in system research production for 5 turns, small but permanent increase in system trade.

Advanced Starship Discovered
Large increase in all areas of research.

Advanced Starship Captured
Small increase in all areas of research, large increase in diplomatic ties with another random Empire.

Large increase in research in a random field.

Alien Fossils
Receive a small Biology research bonus.

Receive a large Biology research bonus.

Lab Explosion
Receive a small Energy research bonus.

Subspace Reaction
Receive a large Energy Research bonus.

New Subroutines
Receive a small Computer research bonus.

Discovery of Data
Receive a large Computer research bonus.

Engine Malfunction
Receive a small Propulsion research bonus.

Student Prodigy
Receive a large Propulsion research bonus.

Geographical Expedition
Receive a small Construction tech bonus.

Architectural Symposium
Recieve a large Construction tech bonus.

Weapon Misfire
Recieve a small Weapons tech bonus.

Recieve a large Weapons tech bonus.

Scientific Breakthrough
Small increase in research Empire-Wide for a long time.

Discovery of the Dyson Sphere
Receive a large increase in all areas of research.

Influx of Scientists
Large increase in a random tech area for _____ number of turns.

Encounter the Cytherians
A random ship is dragged to the Cytherian system. Receive a large bonus in all areas of research, and relations with the Cytherians is opened.

Encounter the Omega Particle
You are given the option to either research the Omega Particle, or destroy it. If you destroy it, there is a minimal chance that it will explode, destroying Subspace in the surrounding sectors, permanently halving movement rates in the three surrounding sectors and permanently causing the loss of trade in all systems in the surrounding area. If you decide to research it, you will get a 50% Empire-Wide research bonus to Energy for 10 turns, but the chances of Omega Exploding are considerably increased.

Encounter the Think Tank
In exchange for a random amount of resources, the Think Tank will provide you with a 50% Empire-Wide research bonus for 5 turns.

Test Beds
You are asked to provide resources towards a new scientific project. The more resources you commit, the greater the reward and the higher the chances of success.

Data Lost
Decrease in amount of research gained in a particular field for 1 turn.

Covert Scans
Gain info on enemy starships - future combat effectiveness increase.

Fuel Leak
A random ship takes a small amount of damage and loses 50% of its fuel reserves.

Salvage Operation
Gain _____ units of Dilithium\Deuterium\Raw Materials.

Perfect Growing Conditions
+100% Food in a random system for 10 turns.

Negative Growing Conditions
-25% Food in a random system for 20 turns.

-100% Food in system for 10 turns.

New Mining Methods
+100% Raw Materials production in a random system for 10 turns.

Catastrophic Mining Accident
A random moon or asteroid field is destroyed. Permanently lose 10% raw material gain in system.

New Operating Protocols
Repair rate of damaged ships in system increased by 25%.

Artificial Intelligence
The game AI takes control of a random ship, which will then attack any nearby ships, stations, and worlds - irrelevant of who controls them - until you regain control of the ship or it is destroyed. Foreign Empires will take any attacks extremely seriously.

Galactic Trade Summit
Relations improve with a random Empire/Minor race. Any Trade routes with this race permanently generate an extra 25% income.

Positive Foreign Government Change
Relations with a random Empire or Minor Race improve.

Negative Foreign Government Change
Relations with a random Empire or Minor Race worsen.

Points Of Opportunity
+5% Espionage/Sabotage against a random rival Empire for 50 turns.

Enemy Spy Defection
+20% Espionage/Sabotage against a random rival Empire for 20 turns.

Compromising Material Uncovered
Small improvement in relations with another Empire.

Enemy Leader Assassinated, Relations Improve
Relations with a random Empire/Minor Race considerably improve, small increase in morale Empire-wide.

Enemy Leader Assassinated, Relations Worsen
Relations with a random Empire/Minor Race considerably suffer, small drop in morale Empire-wide.

Popular Advisor Dies
Empire-wide drop in morale for 10 turns.

Diplomat Rescued
Relations with a random Empire/Minor Race improve.

Highway Robbery
Relations with a random Empire/Minor Race worsen.
No image yet available.

Diplomatic Success
Relations with a random Empire/Minor Race significantly improve.

Diplomatic Failure
Relations with a random Empire/Minor Race significantly worsen.

Pro-Empire Speech
Relations with a random Empire/Minor Race significantly improve, all trade routes with the Empire/Minor race permanently generate +10% income.

Anti-Empire Speech
Relations with a random Empire/Minor Race significantly worsen, all trade routes with the Empire/Minor race generate -10% income.

Undercover Reporter
Relations with a random Empire/Minor Race take a massive hit.

Commercial Terrorism
-40% credits Empire-wide for 5 turns.

Domestic Terrorism
Relations with a random Empire/Minor Race worsen, -40% trade on trade routes with that race.

Morale randomly fluctuates for x turns.

Terrorist Bombing
A random building in a random system is destroyed.

Terrorist Bombing Of Ship Production
A ship that is in production is destroyed.

Religious Holiday
Complete loss of production in a random system for one turn, +1 morale in system.

Warp Core Breach
A random ship is destroyed.

Manned Station Lost
A random station is destroyed.

Enlistments Boost
Only occurs after war is declared, 25% increase in personnel gain for a long time.

Academy Enlistments Record
50% increase in personnel gain for a short time.

Officer Exchange Program
Increase in available officers for _____ turns.

Dishonourable Discharge
25% loss in personnel gain for _____ turns, small decrease in morale Empire-wide.

Academy Disaster
50% loss in personnel gain for 5 turns, large decrease in morale Empire-wide.

Computer Hack
Propaganda in your Empire - empire-wide morale and Internal Security takes a hit.

Terrorists Captured
Increase in morale, chances of terrorism decreased, enemy intelligence in your Empire suffers a small setback.

Defector Captured
Morale boost empire-wide, enemy intelligence in your Empire suffers a major setback.

_____ credits added to treasury.

_____ credits lost from treasury.

Trade Guild Strikes
Trade from all trade routes ceases for _____ number of turns.

X population per turn in a random system die until the plague is eradicated. You will need to send a medical ship to save your people. If you send a medical ship to a plagued enemy/minor race world, relations with the race will greatly improve.

Gain an alien Colony Ship.

Splinter Colonies
A system breaks away from your Empire. You can regain control by either subjugating it or through diplomacy. Other Empires can also gain control of it in the same way, so you'll have to establish Diplomatic relations quickly!

Conspiracy Uncovered
Large increase in morale Empire-wide, enemy intelligence in your Empire suffers a major long-term setback.

Ext. Affairs Breakthrough
Increase in external affairs effectiveness for _____ turns.

Ex. Affairs Crisis
Loss of external affairs effectiveness for _____ turns.
No image yet available.

First Contact Disaster
Minor Races become less sympathetic towards you.

Severe Setback
Empire-wide drop in morale.

Devastating War Averted
Empire-wide Morale increase.

Civil War
Contact impossible with a minor race for 50 turns.

Encounter With The Mirror Universe
+1 Morale Empire-wide and a small increase in research output Empire-wide.

Guardian of the T'Kon
A random ship becomes trapped in a system for _____ turns. Players will be given a series of tasks to complete. Depending on a players ability to complete the tasks, the guardian will decide whether to allow your ship to continue in its mission, or will destroy it.

Encounter with the Traveller
A random ship disappears for _____ turns. When it returns, it brings a large propulsion research bonus with it.
No image yet available.

Starship Lost
A random ship is permanently lost without trace.

Encounter the Suliban Cabal
You gain some Biotech research points.

Encounter the Guardian of Forever
Consequences still under discussion.

Encounter the Earth Augments
Consequences still under discussion.

Encounter the Kelvan Empire
Consequences still under discussion.

Encounter Gamesters of Triskelion
You lose a random "hero"

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


31 Jul 2008, 15:46
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Today everything is copyrighted, for god sake were we gonna find 500 copyright fee images or 500 permissions? 8O

500 is estimated number of images needed for Supremacy.

I' m preparing "the image mod" for supremacy and i will include pics from old botf so far i have around 300 images. :wink:

Carpe Diem

31 Jul 2008, 16:32
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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So you're saying you don't make them Zeleni? I've very disappointed in you. Tut tut. :P :lol:

We don't have to find these images - they don't even really need them. But they're an extra piece of eye candy that we can just keep adding to. It's definitely not a priority, but kenneth wanted a list of them so I thought I might as well make one.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


31 Jul 2008, 16:51
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Ooh some of those images would be useful in Supremacy. Can anyone use them? What about editing them, since we need images that are 270x225?

On the side of legitimacy, one of the moderators on the Bethesda forums has said he is going to review Supremacy soon, so that's a small positive sign...unless he means "review the available legal options", of course. 8O :lol:

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


31 Jul 2008, 18:33
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I've already submitted an update to Gamespot that has been accepted - they've changed the category of the game to "Sci-fi Turn-Based Strategy". They also added a couple of extra tags that I added to the game.

They didn't listen to all of the information that I put in there though - I told them to change the Sharepoint link to Codeplex and gave them a link to the forums, but they seem to have either ignored me or missed it out. :(

Perhaps we need to submit the info from a number of sources. Could you try telling them the same thing Mal? The Supremacy info submission link is Here. (You need to log into Gamefaqs using your Gamespot username and password before that link will work)

On a side note, the video I uploaded yesterday has already been viewed 60 times. :)

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31 Jul 2008, 19:42
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well, codeplex isn't exactly what they were looking for. the domain is registered on Mike Strobel and that's what they need since they can fix the game down to a real person with that domain information. A subsite would not give them that. Nevertheless one could make a forum entry there about the codeplex source availability.

on a side note, if I were Mike I would ask them directly if they checked all legal aspects with their mother company CBS. From their initial mistake in genre assignment, I have my doubts they really know the real status of the game. I mean that looks a lot like a valid business site thanks to the way MS sharepoint is designed so I can understand if that was maybe enough for them or they even think we have some sort of deal with CBS since we practically just do as if we have tbh ;).

In any case, I'd rather sort that out first. If they got nothing else planned commercially in that area (like a PC version of Conquest) then Mike is likely to get a positive answer from them right now. They sure want to have every possible trek game for the new film as "by-products" as they can get. I mean we have a hook now here. Let's just use it before it vanishes unseen..
Of course one could think about trying to merge wolfe's next combat demo into Supremacy first to have some real action there to show. Also it would be a good idea to just remove all botf images and replace them with a blank screen.

31 Jul 2008, 19:57
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Thanks Mal, i will use some of images you showed me. Well, this is going to be fan mod aimed for personal use only, in that way it should be legaly free.

Carpe Diem

01 Aug 2008, 08:24
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Zeleni, what is meant by "legally free" (offered for free so as not to be commercial or free of legal liability, there would still be liability even if the game wasn't used for profit and you came up with your own trek content)? Mal you have a good point about getting permission from CBS/Paramount, I have no idea how they would respond though. I had noted to myself that Mike Strobel's Supremacy website (in addition to sharepoint) looks very professional when I saw it after he launched the site to the point I feared it would be confused for an unauthorized commercial game (someone may want to tell Mike Strobel to credit CBS/Paramount with the copyrights to star trek on his site and/or to say something about how the game is being developed as a free fan game not affiliated with CBS/Paramount).

Sad to see sharepoint crashed in the last few weeks :cry: , hope that doesn't slow things down too much. Hope all the code and content gets backed up with a high degree of paranoia now :wink:. I had been dabling in making some voice recordings for the game prior to the sharepoint crash, but was shy about submitting them and got distracted by studying for the bar exam the last two months. Now it seems the sharepoint recordings are gone though, so I might go back and try again, and maybe submit them to see if anyone likes them for the game.

Hope Supremacy can keep climbing those rankings.

01 Aug 2008, 20:51
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good point. the usual "Star trek is a registered trademark, etc.." is missing on both sites which could have lead them to really think Supremacy is an all-official game. Though I would have thought about the chance of it being the opposite way too, in fact I first would have thought of that and tried to check that. With gamespot being practically owned by CBS, that would have just been an internal phone call away ;).

I think Zeleni means a mod that only he (and a very close and closed circle of friends) plays and never gets published. That would be the only way of it really being legally free. To be clear, the pictures I linked Zeleni are in fact royalty-free as long as the files are protected from in-game retrieval (encryption, etc.) and can be used for Supremacy's official content too.

01 Aug 2008, 20:56
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On the issue of recordings Stegrex we need now a Cardassian and Dominion rendition of these voice acting recordings. (As below for the Klingon and Federation and Romulans not shown)

Power shields vs Shields up
Power weapons vs power weapons
Attack vs Engage Hostiles
Ship Destroyed vs Ship Destroyed and Wessel Destroyed
Station Destroyed vs Station lost
Enemy destroyed vs Hostile destroyed
Incoming vs Incoming fire
Shields failing vs Shields down
Damage to Hull vs Hull damaged
Fire Weapons vs Fire weapons
Torpedo fired vs fire torpedo
Fire disrupts vs fire phasers
Strategic withdrawal vs disengage hostiles

Make up something like this for the Cards and Dominion, keep it short for rapid fire combat and have fun.

We have nearly all the recordings backed up from SharePoint. You will be able to hear those above and upload your own once SharePoint or its replacement is running.


01 Aug 2008, 21:38
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I'll do the Dominion so don't worry about doing both, though if you want to variety is the spice after all :)

Regards Wolfe


01 Aug 2008, 22:25
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I'll just try my hand at the Cardassians then. Is there a script for combat on the forum with all the voice stuff (I think it was a diplomacy dialogue thread) or should I use something along the lines of the original BOTF? Also, maybe this is on a voice recording thread, but any particular encoding/file format/bit rate preferred?

02 Aug 2008, 05:37
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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There is a script in another thread, but unless you're referring to the minor race intros, we're not gonna be using it.

This is because the voices need to be short and punchy - battles are going to be big and will likely have lots of voices. Unless those voices are short, we're gonna end up with a big indistinguishable noise during battles.

The battle script that you need is the stuff in red in Kenneth's post above. We're not intending you to read it out, it is merely a guide. Each race will have their own unique way of saying something, or will have race-specific weaponry - Phaser vs Disruptor for instance - so it will be up to you to make those changes as necessary. That's also why the word "vs" is in there - this denotes that there are two or more variations of the same thing in that line, for instance:

Power shields vs Shields up

This is two separate lines, and either one could be used - or you could make your own one up. Just remember the spirit of the different races. Since you're doing the Cardassians, remember they are militaristically rigid and have been training since they were children. They should be calm and thoughtful, but should also sneer, laugh at, and be disdainful of their cowardly enemies, as they believe they are the superior race.

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02 Aug 2008, 12:51
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Sounds good, if I have any questions I will go back to the proper thread first. I will just record in .wav format then and convert it if necessary.

02 Aug 2008, 15:58
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How about using FLAC for lossless audio encoding?

02 Aug 2008, 16:22
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Here is a link to what we have on Sharepoint as example for the Cards. Most of these recording will not be used but most of the new two word combat lines will.

We put everything on SharePoint in MP3 to save space but I is nice to make the initial recording in a better formate.

I can see having more than one voice for each race. We just do not have anyone doing those lines for the Cards yet. I would say feel free to record them for all the races.

When Sharepoint or its replacement is available we can upload them all.


04 Aug 2008, 01:14
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Impressive! :wink:

Carpe Diem

04 Aug 2008, 20:57
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Here are 5 that I've created so far.


Species 8472

Sphere Builders


Caretaker Array

10 Aug 2008, 03:22
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10 Aug 2008, 04:06
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Heres 5 more I just finished:

Subspace anomaly

Subspace Bubble


Gravitron Ellipse

Alien Shipyard

10 Aug 2008, 07:03
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Our SharePoint data base is down for now. We are working on a way to collect, organize and store all the old and this stunning new content. Welcome to the collective sj2290.


10 Aug 2008, 07:48
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Nice! :winkthumb:

Carpe Diem

10 Aug 2008, 08:11
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Spicy :wink: :bigthumb:

Were botf random event images also 275x225? I thought they were bigger ;).

10 Aug 2008, 08:35
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In botf.res they are 270x 225 :wink:

Carpe Diem

10 Aug 2008, 08:40
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well must be the old 800x600 screen resolution that made them appear larger. Anyway, how about taking the proportions over too, so it would then be something like 405x338..

10 Aug 2008, 08:47
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Sj PM'd the first five images to me last night, and I told him to post them here for you guys to see.

I was wondering if you guys thought there would be legal problems with using peoples faces, such as Locutus and Q? Or am I being pedantic?

Anyways, i'm making copies of these images for Supremacy Kenneth, so if anything happened then at least we've got a backup ready. :)

Keep up the good work, Sj. These are fantastic images! :love:

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10 Aug 2008, 08:49
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Matress_of_evil wrote:
I was wondering if you guys thought there would be legal problems with using peoples faces, such as Locutus and Q? Or am I being pedantic?

sure it's not allowed to take anyone's picture and put it into some release for everyone to download. It's Mike's decision to use them in the official version. A mod could always have those pics inserted without harming the core Supremacy team.

If you're going to be that nitpicky however, then all race pics need to be replaced by their respective race emblem since they are also real people depicted there without being asked.

10 Aug 2008, 09:12
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Damn didn't think about it to that extreme. Meh forget about it. Damn the legalities. :lol:

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


10 Aug 2008, 09:53
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The original BOTF did not use well known actors. Replacing them would be safer. That is one less person to come after us. :borg:


Last edited by Kenneth_of_Borg on 11 Aug 2008, 03:23, edited 1 time in total.

10 Aug 2008, 13:55
Fleet Admiral
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it did. in the intro videos for example and iirc with the race introduction screens when you first met a race. wasn't it in diplomatic menu too? Long time since I played botf, for sure...

Edit: Okay maybe they weren't famous or well-known. Instead of Q-actor, one could also paint a big shiny Q-letter in the image with 2 or 3 exclamation marks to make it at least a bit funny ;).

10 Aug 2008, 14:02
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