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 Supremacy german translation!? 
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Joined: 18 Jul 2009, 15:27
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I'm new at this board, so I hoppe that's not a too stupid question ...

I read, that there are a quite a number of people who has or want to translate Supremacy into german!
Is there a anywhere a finished translation for the game?



13 Aug 2010, 14:43
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Nope, no full translations done yet. It's too early, a lot can still change, and it'd be wasted work really. Maybe after the next release some work can be started, let's see.

13 Aug 2010, 16:18
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Welcome Crys. Matress of Evil can add you to our translator team. Thanks for the offer.


13 Aug 2010, 16:30
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Hi Crys, welcome to the forums! :smile:

As .Iceman said, there are no translations available yet, because even though we have a translator team, it isn't yet physically possible to translate the game in a way that would be playable. The game simply isn't ready for this yet.

I created the translation thread for people to register themselves as people who would be willing to help translate the game when the time comes. I guess this fact isn't as obvious as I thought though, so i'll edit the thread so people can understand this fact better.

Just so you know, we plan to release a game up date in the very near future, but this version will not be translated either. But it will bring the game a bit closer to the stage where translations can be done.

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13 Aug 2010, 19:07
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thx for your posts! :thumbsup:

I noticed, that the translations is not (complete) feasible ... because I translated the 'en.txt' in '\Resources\Strings' some time ago and the half game is still at english ...

Then I think, I apply for a translator :wink:

Btw.: Here is my translated file: klick!


13 Aug 2010, 21:01
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Welcome to the team. :thumbsup:


13 Aug 2010, 21:51
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Some of the text hooks are hard-coded rather than being .xml editable, which is why your edits didn't work. We've hunted through the files to find where this missing hooks are, so it's just a matter of waiting for Mike, the developer, to release an update for this.

There will also be an editor in future that will make editing the considerably easier (and safer). Again, we just need to wait for this.

The main reason for holding the translation back though is simply because not even the English version of the game is complete yet, so how can you translate an incomplete game? By waiting, we can avoid a lot of problems further down the road.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


14 Aug 2010, 00:21
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