Hi Hodan, welcome to the forums!
The lack of minor races is an isue that I am dealing with personally - i'm adding in every minor race that has been in Trek, (And has at least basic info known about them, there are 4 races that I have had to exclude because so little is known about them) specifying what their homesystem is like, giving them special structures, and so on.
As for the slow turn processing...what version of the game do you have? Make sure you download the latest version. (If in the first page of the Supremacy pre-release thread, the link is constantly updated to take you to the latest download version, so check it on a regular basis!

Supremacy is running
faaaar faster than it was only a few weeks ago - Mike fixed an issue where the game was loading the info for everything into the memory rather than just the stuff the game needs. Before the fix, the game took about 27 seconds to process the first turn on a small map
on my computer. It now takes about 5 seconds.

What are your system stats by the way? The game has not been optimised yet, but will be once it is nearer completion. If Mike knows that people are experiencing a slow game on certain computer setups, he may be able to tweak it to run faster for those people. He won't be able to do this if he doesn't know what computers people have, however.
My own computer is Windows XP Home, Pentium 4 model 540 Processor @3.207Ghz, 1Gb RAM, and 2x Radeon 9250 128mb graphics cards. Don't think that you can't run the game if your computer is less equipped than mine - there are
no set hardware requirements for Supremacy yet because the game is incomplete, but the game certainly isn't a resource hog like the latest "real" games are. If you have a fairly recent PC, you'll be fine. My own computer is 2 years old, and I don't have any problems.
Welcome to the forums.

_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."