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Joined: 17 Feb 2008, 16:59 Posts: 8 Location: Worcester, MA
Hi, First of want to say the game looks really good so far. I just have a couple of ideas and questions.
First, it would be really cool to be able to create names for your ships once they are built. Second, At this point in the game do the transports serve any purpose? Third, Why do the images of the colony,construction,transport and surveyor ships display "No Image" when the files are in the game?
Ouu and another thing...hehe...It would be nice to decommission ships (aka Scrap).
17 Feb 2008, 17:05 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Hey EnsignHawk, welcome to the forums!  The ability to create names for ships is something that has been discussed on the forums before, although not recently. I don't know what Mike's (The developer) intentions in this area are, but if he is going to implement it, it will be a low-priority addition. There are much more pressing (And time-consuming) things to be done at the moment - like adding AI for the other Empires.  ... The role of transports has changed somewhat from BOTF, although we're still in a bit of a limbo on precisely how they will work. It was intended that Transports would be a necessary part of the system colonization process, providing all the resources, equipment, and technology needed to terraform a planet (Whilst colony ships would provide the colonists, structures, supplies etc) along with a scout ship that would chart the system to find the best places to colonise. ...But the terraforming process itself has completely changed, so I don't know precisely how this will work anymore. The change is a cool one though - if somewhat confusing for noobs to the game. Basically though, a class M planet will NOT be an ideal planet for every race in the game. We know for instance that the Cardassians evolved on a Desert planet, so when they terraform a planet, it will shift towards a Desert climate, rather than class M. This also means that the maximum population for each class of planet will vary depending on the preferred planet type for each race. The planets will STILL have planet-specific bonuses though - Food, Energy, and a new one - raw materials - as well as Aquaculture centers for Oceanic worlds etc. There are even new planet-specific buildings AND new planet types, although the new planets are EXTREMELY rare...  Multiple terraforming attempts may also be required before you can make a planet ideal for your race as well. For instance, if Humans were to Terraform an Arctic planet, it would produce an Oceanic or Desert planet. You would then need to Terraform the planet again to make it class M - unless you decide that the planet-specific bonuses would be of more worth than the population increase! Multiple terraforming attempts will be extremely energy-intensive processes as well - which is where your energy technology comes into play. The more advanced you are, the faster and more easily you will be able to terraform a planet. What might take multiple terraforming processes early in the game may be possible in only one by the end of the game... ... The 'missing' images is just a glitch - the game is probably looking for files that have since had a name change during an update or something. (Eg. Colonyship.jpg -> colony ship.jpg) It's an easy fix, so dont worry about that. ... Decommissioning ships IS going to be in the game. In fact, this was something that was decided right back at the start of the entire BOTF2 project - back in September 2004. The code hasn't yet been implemented for this - yet - but the buildings have. Decomissioning will only be possible where you have built decommissioning yards, however, and there will also be strict limits on the number of yards you can build, possibly around the 4 per Empire mark. The Zakdorn special building is actually a "Surplus Depot" - which is a decommissioning yard, so acquiring the Zakdorn will actually give you access to a FIFTH decommissioning yard! The yards will allow you to recoup a certain percentage of resources by decommissioning a ship - and the Zakdorn Surplus Depot has another advantage, because it will be able to recycle a greater percentage of resources from old ships than the other yards will be capable of acquiring. Decommissioning will NOT mean scrapping outright though. Instead, you will be able to bring decommissioned ships back into use, but it will take time and resources to do so. In a pinch though, it will allow you to build up a sizeable battlefleet - even if it's made of woefully outdated ships. That fleet of recommissioned ships may be the last thing between you and assimilation, however... The (Outdated But Still Useful) BOTF2 Database wrote: 1.08 / Scrap / Decommission You retain the option to completely scrap the ship, rather than mothball it. Some ships will become utterly obsolete and useless, and a strain on resources, so they can be scrapped with a small return of credits. Otherwise it could reach the point where surplus depots are stuffed with old ships, so I suggest an amendment to this feature:
I’ve included Surplus Depots as Empire structures in the Object Database. They are special facilities to either scrap, or temporarily house inactive starships. They should function two ways: Firstly as a facility to scrap obsolete starships. Scrapping with this facility in the system returns a portion of raw materials back into the Empire wide resource, and a percentage of credits (appox. 25% of original ship cost – no such return will any longer occur at shipyards). Secondly, they have the ability to mothball ships – to completely remove them from the fleet and maintenance cost per turn system. These ships can be reactivated any time, but take 2 turns to be fully recommissioned. These depots (4 allowed per empire) will be supplemented by the Zakdorn Surplus Depot, one of their two special structures. They will function the same way but return a greater percentage of raw materials and credits (hence the value of having their structure)
1.09 / Mothballing As highlighted above, you will be able to mothball your ships if you so wish, removing them from fleet activities and the economy altogether for as long as you want. But it is not compulsory - and will cost credits to mothball each ship.
I will cite this hypothetical scenario of how mothballing fits in using a standard Miranda Frigate as an example:
MIRANDA - FRIGATE. Original Cost - 4620 / Maint. 64 creftis per turn.
The ship is built in let's say the Benzite system. Their morale is Content, which has pushed their Industry productivity to 3500 points. Their Medium Shipyard has an output of 25% Shipbuilding, which will mean that they can allocate 25% of their Industry value to solely ship building, per turn (that's a 25% of the value of their current industry strength, but general construction (building queue) is not affected (remains at 3500). So that means they effectively generate 875 of the total cost of a ship, per turn. It will take 6 turns to build...
Here you also see the benefit of the later Medium (40%) and Large Shipyards (75%), and what they can do. This could be how the percentage figures can work, that its a 'division' of the available industry to build the ships. (I've changed the values of Medium and Large yards to 40% and 75% percent - I didn't think it realistic or challenging to have a yard producing 100%, ie in Benzar's case, another 3500 industry for ships on top of the existing 3500 for the building queue). However the grand Fleetyards structure (4 per empire) can build at 100%.
Anyway. The Miranda flies around and does its thing for its lifetime, costing 64 credits per turn for the pleasure. Then you decide it's obsolete.
Choice A). Scrap it entirely. 10% of its cost is returned to you (money made from the salvageable components). This is 462 credits (this can represent the profit of selling on any Raw Materials made from the scrapping).
Choice B). Mothball it. Here you have to pay 25% of the original cost (I reckon), which is 1155 credits, to put it into dormancy and storage at a surplus depot. Also you must pay 10% of the maintenance to keep it there - 6 credits per turn.
Later, two more choices appear for the ultimate fate of the ship (if mothballed).
Choice A). Reactivate. Here you must pay again the 25% of the original cost, another 1155 credits.
Choice B). Remove from storage, and scrap. It will cost nothing here already in mothballs, and you receive a one time payment of 10% of its original cost (462 credits) back into the global reserve... ...Sorry for making an uberpost in reply, but as you've probably realised by now, making uberposts is my thing. I just like to ensure people have access to all the info that I have.  Welcome to the forums, and if you have any more questions, I'd be happy to answer them. I promise i'll *try* to restrain my urge to uberpost if huge volumes of text frighten you. 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
17 Feb 2008, 22:13 |
Joined: 17 Feb 2008, 16:59 Posts: 8 Location: Worcester, MA
So in other words.... First, it would be really cool to be able to create names for your ships once they are built. WORKING ON ITSecond, At this point in the game do the transports serve any purpose? NOT YETThird, Why do the images of the colony,construction,transport and surveyor ships display "No Image" when the files are in the game? RELAX ITS GOING TO BE OKOuu and another thing...hehe...It would be nice to decommission ships (aka Scrap). WORKING ON ITThanks for the reply! So....hows the AI coming??? 
17 Feb 2008, 23:11 |
Combat Engineer
Joined: 18 Jul 2005, 01:00 Posts: 1054
MOE are you entirley sure about being able to teraform planets to the best possible class for each race?, the problem i have with it is that like in MOO2 you'll end up with every system being uber POP wise, which negates the strategic interest of finding that once in a game system and protecting it. Also it kind of negates the variation Dafedz and co thought up with various types of planet given varying resources non?
just a thought.
Regards Wolfe
17 Feb 2008, 23:49 |
Joined: 17 Feb 2008, 16:59 Posts: 8 Location: Worcester, MA
Just to add my two cents, I think the way colonization is as its stands is the way it should be, I think the whole terraforming idea is a waste of turns. Yes I believe that different races should have a higher max population on specific planet tyes Human-class M ect.... Also resources should be system specific in that you can only build starships in a system only if that system has dilithium and the materials, not jut pull it from the total empire pool. Of course you could use the transports to move resources from system to system like in BOTe. Just more realistic in my eyes.
18 Feb 2008, 00:14 |
Chief Software Engineer
Joined: 11 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 2934
I've tossed around the idea of pooling resources at the system level rather than the galactic level, but for that to be viable, you'd really need a way of transporting resources between systems. The problem is that every solution I've come up with is either ambiguous or requires too much micromanagement. The ambiguous solutions are like the one in MoO2 where you had a fleet of freighters, but no way to determine *which* systems got resources when there weren't enough freighters to go around, or even any way to prioritize them. You could have a system where you manually load, move, and unload freighters, but I think that would be a nightmare for players who hate micromanagement. hmm, I actually just came up with a third idea... I'll think about it some more  .
_________________ Lead Developer of Star Trek: Supremacy 253,658 lines of code and counting...
18 Feb 2008, 16:25 |
Joined: 17 Feb 2008, 16:59 Posts: 8 Location: Worcester, MA
Glad we could get you thinking...... 
18 Feb 2008, 16:42 |
Joined: 17 Feb 2008, 16:59 Posts: 8 Location: Worcester, MA
I don't know if this would help but I have 2 good images of a Conestoga Class and a Icarus Class. Attachment:
GConestogaship2.jpg [ 28.99 KiB | Viewed 4965 times ]
Last edited by EnsignHawk on 18 Feb 2008, 18:02, edited 1 time in total.
18 Feb 2008, 17:41 |
Fleet Admiral
Joined: 13 Nov 2006, 01:00 Posts: 2323 Location: Germany
doesn't hurt to show does it? 
18 Feb 2008, 17:57 |
Joined: 17 Feb 2008, 16:59 Posts: 8 Location: Worcester, MA
The Icarus Attachment:
Icarus1.jpg [ 33.18 KiB | Viewed 4962 times ]
18 Feb 2008, 18:04 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
We've already got the Conestoga as the colony ship 1 - you can download the model for it by clicking Here should you so wish. I'm not sure about the status of the Icarus though, but thanks for the pic. I'm sure our modellers will use it if they need it.  ... So what's this third option, Mike? I LOVE micromanagement, but even I do NOT want a system where you have to move ships around to transport resources. That would simply be too tedious - even for me. 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
18 Feb 2008, 18:22 |
Joined: 17 Feb 2008, 16:59 Posts: 8 Location: Worcester, MA
I was just saying there are no "images" for these ships in the game.... fed_colony_ship_i and fed_surveyor_i
18 Feb 2008, 18:42 |
Joined: 17 Feb 2008, 16:59 Posts: 8 Location: Worcester, MA
About the resource issue I think you should be able to use the transports to load and deliver resources to a system OR For the "lazy" people you can have a screen where you can use "private merchants" deliver resources you select to the system you select in just the course of 1 turn...of course there would be a credit fee for this feature. I know the idea is simple enough to come up with but the coding is another matter so just throwing this out there as a thought. 
18 Feb 2008, 18:49 |
Ship Engineer
Joined: 10 Jul 2006, 01:00 Posts: 5220 Location: Space is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence!
We have an Icarus as a survey ship. If there are models behind those images that we could use that would be great.  Colonyships and Transports are amoung the last models we are getting around to building. They will be the some of the last images to go into the game.
18 Feb 2008, 20:44 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Oh...sorry about that, EnsignHawk, didn't realise you meant the graphics themselves were missing. If the game ever says "image missing" for a ship, then it refers to the image itself, NOT the model. In the case of those two ships, we have models but not images lol. Don't worry, lose ends like these WILL be sorted out as time goes by, but do keep pointing them out to keep us on our toes. 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
18 Feb 2008, 21:31 |
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