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Ship Engineer
Joined: 10 Jul 2006, 01:00 Posts: 5220 Location: Space is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence!
mstrobel wrote: And like in the MoO games, if you just recently went to war, you will temporarily unable to communicate with the diplomat of that race (for, say, 5 turns). In such cases, the greeting will reflect that, and will say something like "Go away, {LEADER NAME}. We are too busy crushing your fleets to talk to you right now." Then, when the lines of communication are re-opened, the greeting would change to something like "I shudder each time you come before me, {LEADER NAME}. Too bad communication is possible again, as time has not lessened my revulsion of you and your kind."
Of course, greetings might also be friendly, and they will always appear, regardless of your current relations.
Last edited by Kenneth_of_Borg on 28 Feb 2008, 02:45, edited 1 time in total.
27 Feb 2008, 13:58 |
Supreme Architect
Joined: 20 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 372 Location: Sol 3
Now I have some time I can respond and offer input to the conversation. My position is, they should all sound serious!, or at the very least Genuine. Supremacy and Bote should NOT be 'spoofs', but proper games, like the predecessor. The dialogue needs to reflect that. Kudos for the effort of the recordings of course, we will need more of that quality from the actors/actresses in a variety of other game scenarios, but I cannot see the various empires doing their diplomatic business in this way: as if by way of answer phone messages! lol There is a difference between 'wit', and 'parody', and I'm sure Mike was referring to the former. I certainly hope he was!! I have attempted, where appropriate, to insert some suitable 'wit' into the diplomatic exchanges. Secondly, surely it is not necessary to make ANY recordings for these messages? These are simply text entries for the diplomatic dialogue for various game events. I see it as occurring like this: A) You hear a default voice over after Turn, stating: "We have received a diplomatic message from the Klingons". (or somethig like that) B) You then go to the diplomacy screen, as in BOTF. C) You read the message, what the Klingons have to say. D) You respond if necessary. But there is no voice over for their actual message. To record voices for each and every eventuality would take for ever, and is unnecessary anyway. I thought the voices were only needed for initial diplomatic contact, certain game actions (such as 'Terraforming completed'), and one day combat. That's it! Or are there other plans for Supremacy? Quote: Most of it looks good, but I must say there are parts (mainly in the war declaration / surrender sections) that sound more Romulan/Cardassian than Federation like. I'd like to offer my services in trying to sort some of these things out if nescessary and perhaps come up with other races diplomatics. Send me a pm or an email for that. I should be having some time left the comming few weeks. I've carefully and specifically tailored each empire to use a unique and appropriate 'voice', for offering, addressing, responding etc. It may seem that the Federation sounds a little 'belligerent' at times, but only if they have been pushed into a corner, or are reacting to an extreme scenario where sympathy has dropped to a very low level. The Federation can still have thick skin, just think of Satie, or Sisko during the Dominion war. They can be bastards if they have to be. Here is the next one, this time the Klingons: KLINGON – NON-AGGRESSION
TREATY TYPE: Similar rules as BOTF. This treaty establishes empire territories with a visible border. Crossing the border and violating another empire's territory could be considered an act of war – for unlike BOTF you would be physically able to cross this border as long as your vessel is in your own refuelling zone. If you are the party who proposes this treaty you may offer as much compensation as you wish in order to sway negotiations. On the same note, you may request compensation in exchange for peace. You can request a neutral zone to be installed between the two empires (1 grid square thick) – neither side by agreement can enter the zone as it could be considered an act of war, but the zone can be violated (at the players risk) if you so wish. This treaty can be offered whenever your relationship is neutral, or as a ‘stalemate’ conclusion to a war.
NON-AGGRESSION OFFER 1 There is a time for fighting, and there is a time for patience and listening. Listen to us now!
NON-AGGRESSION OFFER 2 Sign this treaty with us! If you want peace with the Klingon Empire, this is perhaps your only chance!
NON-AGGRESSION OFFER 3 We offer this treaty because we must. It is not generally our way, but borders must be established, and observed. Make no delay – sign it now!
NON-AGGRESSION ACCEPT 1 We shall begrudgingly accept these terms. We wish to examine the territories you have claimed… with no small amount of cunning, no doubt! Perhaps one day such claims will be challenged!
NON-AGGRESSION ACCEPT 2 Consider it an honour to reach such an agreement with us. Few have succeeded where you have.
NON-AGGRESSION ACCEPT 3 We are content to agree to this as a temporary, short-term measure. But know that non-aggression carries no meaning for us.
NON-AGGRESSION ACCEPT 4 (to a greater opponent) A treaty like this would stifle our natural instinct for war. And normally we would refuse such agreements, for we would be obliged to honour them. But in this instant we must humbly accept, given the current situation!
NON-AGGRESSION DECLINE 1 We see no need for such an arrangement. Treaties oppose the natural instincts of a warrior. We cannot live under such restraints.
NON-AGGRESSION DECLINE 2 We do not trust such treaties. They are just contracts, and contracts can be broken, so why should we bother?
NON-AGGRESSION DECLINE 3 We do not know what outrages us most; that you would seek to purchase your safety like the cowards you are, or that you have offered such a small incentive!
NON-AGGRESSION DECLINE 4 There is nothing in this that is of interest to us. You will never come to enjoy peace with the Klingon Empire on such terms!
NON-AGGRESSION DECLINE 5 Your position is weak. We will hear of no treaties. Appeal all you want, it will be pointless!
TREATY DESCRIPTION: A Trade Treaty is similar to a Friendship, but precedes it by one level. With these simple initial trade ties, you do not get to see the populations, system names or the system information of your partner’s territory. Profits for each trade route could also be only 50% of what they could potentially be. Friendship treaties would guarantee a full 100% profit.
TRADE OFFER 1 There are things we need, things you have to trade. Sell them to us! But decide quickly, we are not a patient people!
TRADE OFFER 2 A warrior is only as strong as the weapon he has to wield. We need more of them. We want latinum and materials, so trade with us now, or don't, it's up to you!
TRADE OFFER 3 You are honoured to have the opportunity to talk with us. We want to open trades routes between our peoples. We will only ask once!
TRADE ACCEPT 1 Very well, if it will keep you quiet!
TRADE ACCEPT 2 All right, we shall accept these terms.
TRADE ACCEPT 3 We shall accept this treaty, but you must prove to us that it will be worth the effort. Fail, and we will terminate it!
TRADE DECLINE 1 No! You have nothing we want.
TRADE DECLINE 2 We do not trade our resources. They are for Klingons, and no one else!
TRADE DECLINE 3 You would not mix or associate well with Klingons. You are not worthy, and you have no honour!
TREATY DESCRIPTION: I would see a Friendship Treaty as being an extension and enhancement of a Trade Treaty. Now planets, populations and system information of your opponent’s territory can be seen and inspected. Also, trade routes will return a higher profit margin. Friends often help each other in times of conflict, however this isn’t a condition of the treaty.
FRIENDSHIP OFFER 1 Pressing times have driven us to make this approach, so be honoured to receive us! We want a new treaty, a treaty that would strengthen us. And we have chosen you. Decide well!
FRIENDSHIP OFFER 2 We are not used to diplomatic talks. They are a waste of time. We negotiate in battle! But sometimes there are other choices, and this one we have made. Accept, and be our friends! Or decline, and be our foes!
FRIENDSHIP OFFER 3 We wish to expand and formalise our current arrangement. Sign this treaty quickly -- we are not accustomed to waiting!
FRIENDSHIP ACCEPT 1 You wish to be our friends so that you can feel safe and secure! Ha! Very well. Tell your people they are safe from us, for now!
FRIENDSHIP ACCEPT 2 All right, we will consent to it. We have not yet mustered all our strength to embark on a long war campaign, so this agreement suits us for the time being. Enjoy this time! Things might change.
FRIENDSHIP ACCEPT 3 We will agree to the terms of the treaty, but we warn you now: do not betray us! Failing to meet your end of the bargain will meet with vengeance, swift, and brutal!
FRIENDSHIP DECLINE 1 You have neither heart nor honour. You do not deserve our friendship!
FRIENDSHIP ACCEPT 2 We do not need any friends.
FRIENDSHIP ACCEPT 3 We will recognise only two relationships with you: as we are now, and nothing more, or War. Which is it to be!
TREATY DESCRIPTION: Affiliated empires may cross each other’s space and use each other’s starbases to expand refuelling zones and for ship repair. It is also a commitment of the treaty that each empire defends each other as they would their own people. If an empire declares war on your affiliate, it is a treaty obligation you declare war on them.
AFFILIATION OFFER 1 You should feel honoured to receive an audience with the High Council, so pay heed and listen carefully! A warrior's true calling is battle, but there is also another: brotherhood! Sign this treaty of affiliation, and we shall conquer the galaxy as true brothers!
AFFILIATION OFFER 2 This could be a day long remembered in our histories! Are you strong enough for the challenges ahead? Are you worthy of our trust in you?
AFFILIATION OFFER 3 Qapla! We demand your full attention! A war shared is glory doubled! Share in the joy of battle and stand beside us as brothers!
AFFILIATION ACCEPT 1 Yes! The time has come to join together as allies. We shall rule the galaxy together!
AFFILIATION ACCEPT 2 It will be an honour to fight alongside you. And we shall delight together in watching our enemies despair!
AFFILIATION ACCEPT 3 We have both profited from our relationship so far, and we are not talking about latinum! There are many who hoped we would turn on each other, but we share an honour that others do not have, and would not understand. Let us move to the next level. Become our military allies, and then we will become a true force!
AFFILIATION DECLINE 1 No, we will conquer alone, for the glory will taste all the richer. We will not be allies.
AFFILIATION DECLINE 2 We do not believe you have either the strength or conviction to fight with us! Treaty refused.
AFFILIATION DECLINE 3 You do have the courage to spill blood in our name, and so you are not worthy of sharing the glory that awaits us.
TREATY DESCRIPTION: Two empires sharing military facilities can escort each other’s convoys, patrol each other’s borders etc. It is a commitment of the treaty that allied empires defend each other as they would their own people. If an empire declares war on your ally, it is a treaty obligation that you declare war on them. Intelligence is still possible against such an ally, but sabotage events are not.
ALLIANCE OFFER 1 We have chosen to honour you with an alliance! Do you have the courage to accept?
ALLIANCE OFFER 2 The name of the %_____% is as a curse to us in our tongue. You loathe them also. They must be stopped! Join us in an alliance, and this can be done swiftly!
ALLIANCE OFFER 3 You have proved a worthy friend and partner. And now we believe you can make a worthy ally. So sign this treaty, and prove our faith in you!
ALLIANCE ACCEPT 1 Yes! A glorious new saga for the galaxy shall be written, beginning here today! This will be a day long remembered!
ALLIANCE ACCEPT 2 We will be honoured to fight alongside you. How our enemies will fear us now!
ALLIANCE ACCEPT 3 We are honoured that you value us so highly. Qapla! We will not let you down!
ALLIANCE DECLINE 1 Ha! Another has come rushing to our side begging for protection, offering us riches. Well you shall not have it. You forget that we are Klingons! We are not so easily seduced.
ALLIANCE DECLINE 2 This proposal honours us. But we see no need of such a union. We shall fight alone.
ALLIANCE DECLINE 3 Your proposal of an alliance is rejected. As a people we cannot thrive as we must if an outside power were to interfere in all that we would do. The High Council will rule autonomously and alone, as it always has.
TREATY DESCRIPTION: A War Pact is an immediate mutual declaration of war on another empire. Current diplomatic status is unimportant -- neutral empires can fight together against a common threat (including the Borg). Affiliates and allies can propose war pacts in order to ensure the war is agreed on both sides before committing. It does not alter your current status with said empire. A Defence Pact confirms that two empires, regardless of relationship, will commit to mutual defence to encourage an aggressive power to leave both partners alone. This treaty would include the conditions of only a non-aggression treaty.
OFFER WAR PACT 1 The growth of the %_____% must end -- the time for war has come! You may sit it out if you wish, if that is your way, but we cannot guarantee the fight would not spill over into your territory, and if that were to happen you would then be in our way. So your only choice is to join us now, or oppose us later. Decide!
OFFER WAR PACT 2 We have decided you need a lesson in war and honour. We can teach it, if your troops fight alongside us against the %_____%. It is in your interests to cooperate!
OFFER WAR PACT 3 It is very simple. The %_____% pose a threat to us both, and they cannot be trusted to honour their agreements. They have become too powerful! We do not offer this as advice, but a warning. They have to be stopped! Oppose them with us.
OFFER WAR PACT 4 We have had enough of the %_____%! They are the scourge of the galaxy! If we do nothing they threaten to overcome us all. We must not let that happen! Let us put an end to them now, while we still have the chance!
ACCEPT WAR PACT 1 Did you think we would say no! You can always rely upon us. We live for war. Let it be done!
ACCEPT WAR PACT 2 Yes, we will help you defeat the %_____%! But if you were expecting to negotiate terms with them, or ask for their surrender, think again! We will destroy them completely; do not try to stop us! ACCEPT WAR PACT 3 At last, the chance for glory is upon us! You may assist us as a reserve force; we can take it from here! Just do not get in our way! ACCEPT WAR PACT 4 Your desire to conquer the %_____% is an honourable one, and a correct one – they deserve death! And you were right to come to us for aid. Alone they would have crushed you.
DECLINE WAR PACT 1 Very rarely would we refuse the chance for battle. But this would be a dishonourable battle, for the %_____% have proved honourable in all our dealings with them. And there is only one thing more important to a Klingon than battle, and that’s honour!
DECLINE WAR PACT 2 It would be foolish to overreact. Now is not the time for rash decisions. Sit back and wait!
DECLINE WAR PACT 3 They may be a threat to your people, but they are no threat to the mighty Klingon Empire! We have no need to oppose them at this time.
OFFER DEFENCE PACT 1 Join us in a defence agreement! Why should our strength stand divided, when together it could be doubled? It would silence the arrogance of our enemies if we were to cooperate.
OFFER DEFENCE PACT 2 You are an honourable people, and deserve a worthy ally like ourselves. We offer this new treaty as recognition of our respect! A defence pact would guarantee our cooperation if either of us were ever threatened.
OFFER DEFENCE PACT 3 Consider the wisdom of our words! You must join us in mutual defence against our common enemies. It is the only way forward if you do not wish to become one of them!
ACCEPT DEFENCE PACT 1 There is some value in what you say. Let it be done! But our fleets may not mix well, so do not interfere with our manoeuvres! And do no get in our way!
ACCEPT DEFENCE PACT 2 We deem you would make a worthy opponent, and an even worthier ally! In this treaty we are in agreement. Mutual defence is in both our interests.
ACCEPT DEFENCE PACT 3 We are loathe to accept such a proposal, but we cannot deny what you say is true. Very well, we will trust you with this. But do not betray that trust! You do not want us as an enemy!
DECLINE DEFENCE PACT 1 Why settle for defence when you could choose to attack those you fear? This makes no sense to us.
DECLINE DEFENCE PACT 2 This pact is meaningless. If you wish to attack them, then attack! Or do you lack the nerve and guile to take them on alone? If so you are cowards. We will not help you.
DECLINE DEFENCE PACT 3 (with no other treaty in place) To think that we would have any interest in such an agreement with you! We will defend our own, with valour and honour! You lack either one!
TREATY DESCRIPTION: This is a special non-aggression treaty that you would offer to superior forces to save your empire. It is an admittance of defeat, and would incur stiff morale penalties (if they are not already bottomed out), and a major morale boost for your enemy. It may not be the end of the game – you may be granted a reprieve (if accepted), and a chance to rebuild and ‘come back’. You may offer as much or as little compensation as you wish, however large compensation may be needed to save your empire. Compensation can include, but is not limited to: ships, territory, credits, research points, intel points, raw materials.
Likewise, demanding the surrender of your poor victims grants you a big morale boost. You may ask for whatever compensation you wish.
SURRENDER 1 Our empire is broken, but our spirits remain! But we have nothing left to fight you with, so we may as well give up!
SURRENDER 2 State your terms. We are beaten!
SURRENDER 2 We covet war above all else, but this war threatens to get out of hand, beyond the means for either of us to contain it. Can you not see it? We must end it now!
ACCEPT SURRENDER 1 (to admit defeat) We will meet these terms. We are not fools. The Klingon race must live on!
ACCEPT SURRENDER 2 (to admit defeat) You have your victory, for now. But do not take it for granted!
ACCEPT SURRENDER 3 (to admit defeat) We will take these terms. If we had the means to fight, we would fight on, but we are a spent force.
ACCEPT SURRENDER 1 (to accept victory) We will accept. You are beaten! Such a spineless capitulation would usually enrage us, and we would fight you all the more fiercely! But this interval will afford our troops time to regroup for more worthy battles ahead.
ACCEPT SURRENDER 2 (to accept victory) You submit to the Klingon Empire freely, with scarcely a whimper or sign of resistance? We thought you a worthy adversary. We were wrong! Prepare your people for our mines and work camps. We do not think they will last long.
DECLINE SURRENDER 1 (not accepting defeat) To fight is the first act of valour, and to surrender is the last act of cowardice! Do you forget who we are? We are Klingons!
DECLINE SURRENDER 2 (not accepting defeat) Take all that you wish to take, but you can never take our honour. Klingons do not surrender!
DECLINE SURRENDER 3 (not accepting defeat) No! We do not surrender! We will fight to achieve victory, or die with honour trying.
REFUSE SURRENDER OFFER 1 (no peace! now you will all die!) We do not lay down our arms until the last man standing is slain.
REFUSE SURRENDER OFFER 2 (no peace! now you will all die!) You do not deserve the dignity of mercy! For your offences you will die, each and every one of you!
REFUSE SURRENDER OFFER 3 (no peace! now you will all die!) Cowardice makes us ever more angry! Today is a good day to die, for you!
DEMAND SURRENDER 1 Your military is all but destroyed! We will give you this one chance to spare your people, who are now weak and defenceless. Surrender, or your race will come to an end.
DEMAND SURRENDER 2 We give you one final chance to show us that you are not entirely without honour. Accept defeat, and yield to us!
DEMAND SURRENDER 3 Your territory is ours, and your military is lost. All that remain are women and children, and we would not slay the innocent without need -- there is no honour in revenge with cold blood. They can be spared as prisoners of war, if you accept victory and meet our terms. Do not be blinded by pride, you have nothing to be proud of!
TREATY DESCRIPTION: This is self-explanatory.
DECLARE WAR 1 (event specific - Raids) If you have the gall to plunder our systems, then you can face us in battle! You will pay us for what you have taken, in blood!
DECLARE WAR 2 (event specific - Intel) We have killed your spies, and they received no mercy! We will punish you for this outrage! To war!
DECLARE WAR 3 (event specific – colonizing near the border, claiming contested sector etc) You have failed to obverse our borders for the last time! Prepare your people for war!
DECLARE WAR 3 (event specific – colonizing near the border, claiming contested sector etc) You would dare challenge our territorial rights? War will settle this dispute!
DECLARE WAR 4 (event specific – treaty abrogation) We will teach you the meaning of honour. To war!
DECLARE WAR 5 (event specific – treaty abrogation) Excellent! We despised that treaty, and we despise you as much. Now we have the perfect excuse for war!
DECLARE WAR 6 (event specific – demands not met) Gah! Betrayal deserves death. It is our way!
DECLARE WAR 6 (general) We are impressed by your strength and aggression, but you are fools to provoke us. Did you think we would be cowed into submission? Now we are at war!
DECLARE WAR 7 (general) We salute you! The war will be glorious indeed! May the contest begin!
DECLARE WAR 8 (general) You have failed to prove your worth to us, and have shown no sign of virtue or honour that we would recognise and respect! You are now at war with the Klingon Empire!
TREATY DESCRIPTION: This is self-explanatory.
DISSOLVE 1 (event specific – Intel) This treaty is terminated! And your spies have been put to a fitting death!
DISSOLVE 2 (event specific – Intel) Do not ever send your spies among us again! You have forfeited this treaty for your treachery. The next time it will be war. You have this one and only warning!
DISSOLVE 3 (event specific – Sabotage) Your acts of sabotage are a disgrace! We are outraged! This treaty is over!
DISSOLVE 4 (event specific – raids) Your daring raids have to be admired. But your greed will cost you dearly. Our treaty is hereby dissolved. And heed this warning well – offend us again, and it will be war!
DISSOLVE 5 We cannot follow the guidelines you have laid down in this treaty. We have to end it!
DISSOLVE 6 We knew that this would not work.
SUBMIT REQUEST 1 (peaceful relations) We wish to make a request of you. Pay us the following, and there will be no need for bloodshed! Forward (….) Total of $____$ to us now. Accept or Decline?
SUBMIT REQUEST 2 (peaceful relations) It is time to fulfil your obligation to our current relationship. We need $latinum$ and/or $resources$, delivered to us without delay. Accept or Decline?
SUBMIT REQUEST 3 (peaceful relations) There is no doubt that you profit greatly from your friendship with us. And it is about time we received our share! It is the honourable thing to do! Forward (….) Total of $____$ to us now. Accept or Decline?
SUBMIT DEMAND 1 (unfriendly relations) Listen to us! It may soon be time to do battle. But you fear death! If you give us what we want we shall delay it! Forward (….) Total of $____$ to us now. Accept or Decline?
SUBMIT DEMAND 2 (unfriendly relations) Pay your dues to the glorious Klingon Empire, and we shall look more favourably upon you! Accept or Decline?
SUBMIT DEMAND 3 (unfriendly relations) Your wealth should be shared among those that have contributed to it! Give us what is owed, or we shall take our share by force! Forward (….) Total of $____$ to us now. Accept or Decline?
SUBMIT DEMAND 1 (hostile relations) We require $latinum$ and/or $resources$! Give it to us freely, or we will take it! Forward (….) Total of $____$ to us at once. Accept or Decline?
SUBMIT DEMAND 2 (hostile relations) It is time to collect the tribute that is owed to us. Forward (….) Total of $____$ to us now. Accept or Decline?
SUBMIT DEMAND 1 (when at war) We demand this payment! There are no conditions, and no appeals! Forward (….) Total of $____$ to us now. Accept or Decline?
SUBMIT DEMAND 2 (when at war) You are no match for us in battle, and no challenge for us in sport. We demand compensation for the lack of glory in this war! Forward (….) Total of $____$ to us now. Accept or Decline?
SUBMIT DEMAND 3 (when at war) You will meet our demands, or be destroyed! Accept or Decline?
SUBMIT REQUEST 1 (territory – sectors) We want these territories! We do not see what value they are to you. Accept or Decline?
SUBMIT REQUEST 2 (territory – sectors) We have no argument with you. Do not create one! We request that the following territories are handed over to our control at once! Accept or Decline?
SUBMIT DEMAND 1 (territory – sectors) Relinquish your claim to all contested sectors! We would consider it an honourable act. Besides, they are of little value to you. Accept or Decline?
SUBMIT DEMAND 2 (territory – sectors) These sectors belong to us. Our claim on them is ancient, and indisputable. Give them to us now! Accept or Decline? ACCEPT REQUEST 1 (sympathetic) All right! But we do not feel obliged to do this!
ACCEPT REQUEST 2 (sympathetic) We can be generous at need, and only if it serves our objectives.
ACCEPT REQUEST 1 (unsympathetic) Do not test us too often with such 'requests'. One day we will say no.
ACCEPT REQUEST 2 (unsympathetic) You have proved yourself a people worthy of our friendship. So be it. You may receive this 'loan'. But a day will come when we will ask for it back!
ACCEPT REQUEST 1 (territory - sectors) We accept, on the grounds that you may have earned it. But we resent the tone you have been taking with us!
ACCEPT DEMAND 2 (territory - sectors) They are worthless to us. Take them if you want them!
ACCEPT DEMAND 1 (unfriendly relations) Gah! Take it then! And must you ask so politely? It disgusts us! If you wanted our wealth, you would do well to impress us and come to claim it in battle! But you do not, because you are cowards!
ACCEPT DEMAND 2 (unfriendly relations) It is fortunate you contacted us at such a time of plenty. But this is not always the case. Do not think it will be so easy for you the next time you approach us.
DECLINE REQUEST 1 (sympathetic) No. We keep what is ours. You keep what is yours.
DECLINE REQUEST 2 (sympathetic) We can find no precedent in our treaty that says we must pay you tribute. But that is an interesting concept! You should pay tribute to us from now on!
DECLINE REQUEST 1 (unsympathetic) You have not yet earned the right to ask anything of us. Request declined!
DECLINE REQUEST 2 (unsympathetic) Ha! You cannot intimidate us with your words. They are empty!
DECLINE REQUEST 1 (territory - sectors) Bring your argument onto the field of battle, and we shall settle it there! DECLINE REQUEST/DEMAND 1 (latinum) We would sooner destroy your entire people, than give to you one small strip of latinum!
DECLINE REQUEST/DEMAND 1 (furious) The Klingon Empire does not pay tribute! If you wish to make an appeal, do so in battle!
DECLINE REQUEST/DEMAND 2 (furious) We should be the ones collecting tribute from you, not paying it! The Klingon Empire will not be threatened!
OFFER GIFT 1 We have decided to honour you with a gift. Be sure to show your gratitude, we offend easily! (Forward amount = $____$.)
OFFER GIFT 2 This gift is a display of our power and influence. Now you have something to think about!
OFFER GIFT 3 We are humbled by your power and dominance, and that is no small praise from a Klingon! Take this gift as a sign that we pledge to continue our support.
OFFER GIFT 4 (no relations) Are you worthy of such offerings? Prove that you are, for there are many watching who believe we are taking a foolish risk! (Forward amount = $____$.)
OFFER GIFT 5 (allied or affiliated) We have no desire to antagonise you. We continue to hold you in high regard. You should be honoured to receive such praise from the Klingon Empire!
RECEIVE GIFT 1 We are honoured to receive this from you.
RECEIVE GIFT 2 We shall accept this gift as an apology, and consider your debt paid in full.
RECEIVE GIFT 3 (hostile relations) We will take it. But do not dress up your pointless speeches with pretty words! They are meaningless!
RECEIVE GIFT 4 (hostile relations) We crave the glory of war! So do not think that because of a one pitiful payment we would not declare it on you in an instant!
KLINGON – COMMUNICATION RESPONSEINITIAL COMMUNICATION (RESPONSIVE) 1 >Initial dialogue opening< We look favourably on those who would treat with us on civil terms… <Appended with relevant response> INITIAL COMMUNICATION (RESPONSIVE) 2 >Initial dialogue opening< It is good that we have this opportunity to talk once again. <Appended with relevant response> INITIAL COMMUNICATION (UNRESPONSIVE) 1 >Initial dialogue opening< We are breaking our custom by just talking to you! REFUSAL OF COMMUNICATION (UNCOOPERATIVE) 1 >Slight Rebuff< What purpose does talking serve, except to delay the inevitable…? REFUSAL OF COMMUNICATION (UNCOOPERATIVE) 2 >Slight Rebuff< Negotiate? To what end? There is nothing to talk about. REFUSAL OF COMMUNICATION (TO TREATY BREAKER) 1 >A complete rebuff< Your dishonour is a knife in our backs! It is a wound that will never close. We will not talk to your kind anymore! If you send an ambassador to us, he will be killed. REFUSAL OF COMMUNICATION (WHEN AT WAR) 1 >A complete rebuff< Ha! Now you wish to talk because you are beaten! We do not care what you propose. We only talk if we have anything to say, and we do not! REFUSAL OF COMMUNICATION (WHEN AT WAR) 2 >A complete rebuff< You wish to distract us with talk? Waste your time with words, but it will not work; we are too busy fighting you. It is why we will be victorious! REFUSAL OF COMMUNICATION (WHEN AT WAR) 3 >A complete rebuff< When your leader comes to kneel before the Chancellor, then, and only then, will he be heard. Before being put to death!
_________________ dafedz = The Federation dummy! (da fedz= the Feds) :D
27 Feb 2008, 17:29 |
Chief Software Engineer
Joined: 11 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 2934
Yes, dafedz, I was merely suggesting that we can inject some humor into the dialogue (wit, not parody). After all, aliens have a sense of humor too, right? In particular, I can see the Klingons spicing up their dialogue a dash of insult and a sprinkle of mockery  . You are also correct in that the diplomatic exchanges will appear in text form only. It would be very difficult to do voice recordings because of the nature of the new diplomacy system. A diplomatic exchange may include several clauses, and thus the dialogue will be composed from several "snippets". Those snippets may in turn be similar to madlibs, in that key words and phrases may be interchangable to make the experience more random. I see no reason why a player should be subjected to the exact same dialogue in every game. The downside, of course, is that someone has to write all of those snippets  .
_________________ Lead Developer of Star Trek: Supremacy 253,658 lines of code and counting...
27 Feb 2008, 17:40 |
Supreme Architect
Joined: 20 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 372 Location: Sol 3
Well that's no problem. I am in essence a 'writer', and it comes quickly and easily to me. All the above, for the Fed, Cards and Klingons, is not much more than a couple of afternoons work. Maybe a little more for the polish-up.
But if you can provided a detailed explanation of exactly how the system of interchangeable phrases will work, with these snippets and 'madlibs', with even sketching out a little sample quote or two, I can get right on it. Sounds a bit complex though. For random words to be inserted here and there, it might be a bit tricky to make everything seamlessly run together and sound 'right'. But again, if I saw a sample it would clarify things.
Are the lists I posted still of use though? Need I finish the Romulans (almost done) and Dominion?
On my further list of things to do:
-Complete Diplomatic Reports in the database, written for each independent empire. -Complete Race Descriptions in the database for each independent empire. -Complete Diplomatic message list for Minors addressing Majors.
_________________ dafedz = The Federation dummy! (da fedz= the Feds) :D
27 Feb 2008, 18:12 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Mstrobel wrote: I can see the Klingon's spicing up their dialogue a dash of insult and a sprinkle of mockery  . I already did that with the randoms. They're full of Klingon expletives - and I didn't make them up either. They're all genuine Klingon insults - and I even went as far as having them refer to their researchers as ye'jan. Of course, translation isn't perfect as many words have no equivalent, or multiple words can have the same general meaning; for instance, I could also have used "tej" (Scientist), "Hovtej" (Star-scientist), "jonwI'" (Engineer), "QeDpIn" (Science Officer), "ngong" (Experimenter)... It's fun just deciding which one to use. 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
27 Feb 2008, 19:34 |
Ship Engineer
Joined: 10 Jul 2006, 01:00 Posts: 5220 Location: Space is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence!
That is an amazing collection dafedz. Very impressive. We can always count on you. I guess the minors could be cut up into a few general subtypes. It would be too much to make a list like that for 146 minor races. Ah? Clearly you could not record all that. Would just the declare war be of value to spice up the game?
Last edited by Kenneth_of_Borg on 02 Mar 2008, 18:35, edited 5 times in total.
28 Feb 2008, 02:40 |
Supreme Architect
Joined: 20 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 372 Location: Sol 3
As far as a unique voice recordings go for key events such as declare war, it's ok with me - but ultimately it's over to Mike on that one.
Thanks, glad you like it so far. Romulans coming next. Almost done.
The initial dialogue for first contact (for each empire) and the race description, will of course be unique for each race. But that brings us to the specific reactions/messages etc that you will receive from the minors throughout the game. As you say, it would be far too much to write a list of messages (numbering a few dozen maybe) for each of the 148 races. So yes, I have envisaged sub-types.
I can imagine that there will be 2 or 3 different messages for each scenario, per race type. I'm re-doing the Minor race database to incorporate it with unique values for each, according to type, including: diplomatic 'approachability', bribability, ground combat, survivability (determined my medical structures) and so forth. Of course its speculative, and not ultimately down to me. But as a concept it throws a great deal more diversity into the game, and into how each minor race will work.
The race-type is referred to as 'Function'. It relates to the actions, reactions, moods and behaviours of Minor Races in the game, particularly in regards to diplomacy and how they conduct themselves, and the values/strengths offered by their special structures. It works similar to BOTF (but the number of types is significantly expanded). The types I've speculated are: (followed by their strength or game speciality)
POLITICAL (external/internal affairs) FINANCIAL (trade, credit production etc) WARLIKE (war!) DECEPTIVE (intel) DYNAMIC (ship production, ship training) PACIFIST (peaceful, positive morale) INDUSTRIAL (industry) ISOLATIONIST (secretive, hard to coerce) RESEARCHER (research) PRODUCER (raw materials) AGRICULTURAL (primitive, food)
A couple have also been drawn from BoTE. They are pretty self-explanatory, and it wouildn't be a problem coming up with preset messages for each type. Once the database update is complete I'll post in the staff room.
_________________ dafedz = The Federation dummy! (da fedz= the Feds) :D
28 Feb 2008, 07:36 |
Ship Engineer
Joined: 10 Jul 2006, 01:00 Posts: 5220 Location: Space is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence!
That looks very well thought out and should provide ongoing verity. In the event Mike could use just the audio for the declare war setting I uploaded four of the five major races doing just that. ... ar@you.mp3 ... ar@You.mp3 ... in_War.mp3 ... om_War.mp3Wolf is the voice of the Dominion so I will wait for him to record them.
01 Mar 2008, 19:57 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
To be honest, the minor race types sound a bit like the Civilization types from the Civilization games, although I don't personally think the types had that much of an affect on the game. They could certainly be modified to have more of an affect in BOTF though, and we could give them all bonuses and weaknesses based on these types. Some races may even be multiple types. By the way, I thought of some extra ones to add to your list, Dafedz. These extra ones would better fit some of the more unusual races in Trek or the special structures that we have already assigned to the minors: POLITICAL (external/internal affairs)FINANCIAL (trade, credit production etc)WARLIKE (war!)DECEPTIVE (intel)DYNAMIC (ship production, ship training)PACIFIST (peaceful, positive morale)INDUSTRIAL (industry)ISOLATIONIST (secretive, hard to coerce)RESEARCHER (research)PRODUCER (raw materials)AGRICULTURAL (primitive, food)RECREATIONAL (friendly, extremely positive morale) EXPANSIONIST (extremely high growth rate/fast colonization, potentially warlike)
Some of the existing types could also be expanded from the current ones. I'm refering mostly to the POLITICAL and DECEPTIVE types with this one: POLITICAL could perhaps be expanded into: MEDDLERS (external affairs)POLICE STATE (internal affairs)...or something similar. and DECEPTIVE could perhaps be expanded into: SABOTEURS (sabotage)OPERATIVES (espionage) ...or something similar. I'm not picking at your work, Dafedz, just thinking of ways to expand it coz I like the system, and it could easily be added into the editor as multiple drop-down boxes or something to allow for easy implementation/modification. It would also make it easier for the AI to 'accurately' decide how races would respond to situations. 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
01 Mar 2008, 21:05 |
Fleet Admiral
Joined: 13 Nov 2006, 01:00 Posts: 2323 Location: Germany
Matress_of_Evil wrote: ...Maes dydw i ddim yn hoffi gymraeg! I just thought someone died... 
01 Mar 2008, 22:08 |
Supreme Architect
Joined: 20 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 372 Location: Sol 3
Yeh I like some of the additions Mattress. I think you're quite right - POLITICAL and DECEPTIVE describe two different types of gameplay value, and should be divided. It would be quite easy to implement, and easy to update my current tables. But how about this slight alteration. Matress_of_evil wrote: POLITICAL could perhaps be expanded into: MEDDLERS (external affairs) POLICE STATE (internal affairs) ...or something similar. How about.. POLITICAL (as before but ONLY for External affairs)PARTISAN (Internal Affairs)Matress_of_evil wrote: and DECEPTIVE could perhaps be expanded into: SABOTEURS (sabotage) OPERATIVES (espionage) ...or something similar. and.. ENIGMATIC (as before but ONLY for Espionage)TREACHEROUS (Sabotage)To be honest, the RECREATIONAL one is pretty much covered by PACIFIST i reckon, and ESPANSIONIST is really more of a race attribute (there are many that can expand) rather than a specific strength/characteristic, which should reflect diplomacy and any talents the race has. The others I'd definitely go for though. Oh, and I'm adding more to that. I take it Personnel and Personnel Training will still be a relevant aspect to the game? If so, there are certain race structures which specialize in things like Officer/Personnel Training, Loyalty, and indeed Crew Training (ship experience). So DYNAMIC needs to be split as well. Secondly, something was needed for paranoid races that specialise in security and interior defence. So that's been added as well This would make the complete list look like this this (including new ones in green): PARTISAN (internal affairs)POLITICAL (external affairs)FINANCIAL (trade, credit production)MILITANT (ground defence, security)WARLIKE (war, violence)ENIGMATIC (general intel)TREACHEROUS (sabotage)DYNAMIC (ship production)ACADEMIC (officer training, ship experience)PACIFIST (peaceful, positive morale)INDUSTRIAL (industry)ISOLATIONIST (secretive, independent)RESEARCHER (research)PRODUCER (raw materials production, dilithium)AGRICULTURAL (primitive, food)
_________________ dafedz = The Federation dummy! (da fedz= the Feds) :D
01 Mar 2008, 23:01 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
The recreational one is supposed to be a bit different to the pacifist one, because they are different mentalities. Pacifists would be races like the Mizarians, who value peace at ALL costs, whilst recreationalists would be races such as the Edo or the Sikarians. They are races who would certainly fight to protect themselves, but would much prefer to rely on others in exchange for goods and services etc. The pacifists would have system-only morale bonuses, and would take great offense if you tried to create a war pact with them, no matter how much resources, territory, or money you gave them. They would be easy to conduct trade negotiations with, but would prefer to decline affiliations unless it involved complete membership. They may even open diplomacy with you simply as an act of self-preservation. The recreationalists would instead have Empire-wide morale bonuses. They would welcome trade and be more open to affiliation treaties, but would still prefer to shun them. Recreationalists may also have an economic bonus from providing their services to other races. ... The expansionist one is aimed more at races with extreme populations, such as the B'omar. They would be strict with their territories, and would value disputed sectors much more than money or resources. They would be relatively easy to bribe if you send sufficient resources though. They would also suffer much heavier casualties than normal if attacked, and would take greater hits from sabotage or outbreaks of disease - but the population would also recover from these events much more quickly than normal. They would colonize the largest systems near them as fast as they possibly could, making them a potential threat to anyone with plans to expand nearby. ... As for your name changes, they're fine by me. Like I said, use them "or something similar"; I wasn't thinking much about the actual names used. 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
02 Mar 2008, 11:37 |
Supreme Architect
Joined: 20 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 372 Location: Sol 3
Ok I'm convinced on the issue of 'Recreationalist' - it is different from Pacifist.  But I insist on changing that moniker though! RECREATIONALIST isn't actually a word, so how about IDEALIST? It's in keeping with the current scheme, and still describes their optimisitc desire for positive morale empire-wide. On the 'Expansionist' issue, sorry mate I can't reach agreement on it.  I see where you're coming from as to certain aspects of their possible attitude, but they are just 1 of some 40 races that can expand, but the only ones (because of the colony ships) that would qualify as Expansionist. There are no others. All the other races have different functions that relate to their attitudes and structures, but I don't think one race like the B'omar warrants the creation of one unique Function-type that won't be used again. In the current database, the B'omar are listed as ISOLATIONIST due to their independent nature, and distrust of any outside influence or interference. I reckon that might do for them, what do you think?
_________________ dafedz = The Federation dummy! (da fedz= the Feds) :D
02 Mar 2008, 17:17 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Oh well, one out of two isn't too bad. 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
02 Mar 2008, 22:29 |
Supreme Architect
Joined: 20 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 372 Location: Sol 3
Here are the Romulan entries:
TREATY TYPE: Similar rules as BOTF. This treaty establishes empire territories with a visible border. Crossing the border and violating another empire's territory could be considered an act of war – for unlike BOTF you would be physically able to cross this border as long as your vessel is in your own refuelling zone. If you are the party who proposes this treaty you may offer as much compensation as you wish in order to sway negotiations. On the same note, you may request compensation in exchange for peace. You can request a neutral zone to be installed between the two empires (1 grid square thick) – neither side by agreement can enter the zone as it could be considered an act of war, but the zone can be violated (at the players risk) if you so wish. This treaty can be offered whenever your relationship is neutral, or as a ‘stalemate’ conclusion to a war.
NON-AGGRESSION OFFER 1 We have lately come to the conclusion that, to secure the welfare of all parties, a pact of non-aggression would be the solution. We are quite sure you will agree.
NON-AGGRESSION OFFER 2 The Romulan Star Empire bears no ill favour to any of your people. As a signal of our true, benevolent purpose, we propose a truce of non-aggression to you.
NON-AGGRESSION OFFER 3 To pre-empt any possibility of a… misunderstanding, we offer you a truce now before things escalate. Think shrewdly on this. It may prove to be a wise choice.
NON-AGGRESSION ACCEPT 1 So be it. We shall authorize the activation of this accord forthwith, on the terms you have outlined. But we will not be held accountable should any difficulties arise, or the agreement fail to meet the objectives we anticipate.
NON-AGGRESSION ACCEPT 2 This has fortuitously coincided with our own designs: a mutual acknowledgement of each other assets and territories. Let it be so.
NON-AGGRESSION ACCEPT 3 This arrangement is adequate, for now. But we insist that you remain faithful to your agreement. It would be most unfortunate if there were to be any… incidents, that would serve to jeopardise the long-term prosperity of your people.
NON-AGGRESSION ACCEPT 4 It is said that the diplomatic arena is the noblest battlefield of all. And we have fought a pitched battle with you, and lost. So be it!
NON-AGGRESSION DECLINE 1 We appear to differ in many things. This does not serve our interests, only yours.
NON-AGGRESSION DECLINE 2 This treaty fails to acknowledge the recognition of our authority, and general superiority. However, should you return to us with the necessary revisions in place, we might be persuaded to endorse this agreement.
NON-AGGRESSION DECLINE 3 We cannot recognise your borders, as you describe them, as closed frontiers. If we choose to expand beyond them, we shall. It would be wise not to resist us.
TREATY DESCRIPTION: A Trade Treaty is similar to a Friendship, but precedes it by one level. With these simple initial trade ties, you do not get to see the populations, system names or the system information of your partner’s territory. Profits for each trade route could also be only 50% of what they could potentially be. Friendship treaties would guarantee a full 100% profit.
TRADE OFFER 1 The Romulan senate has designed a new trade accord for our two worlds. No doubt you will be honoured to hear that we hold your people in such high regard to have granted you this much attention. Know that we would take great offence were you to decline...
TRADE OFFER 2 We would like to establish a new commercial venture with you. What would you say to an experimental trading agreement? It has some merit, no?
TRADE OFFER 3 Your attention is required. One door closes and a new one opens. We are branching out into new sectors for various trading ventures. We propose that it is in your best interests to be a part of that. Do you agree?
TRADE ACCEPT 1 Very well. For now, the Romulan Empire will consent to a trade association only.
TRADE ACCEPT 2 Such an arrangement is not without some virtue. It would serve as a timely boost to our economic output.
TRADE ACCEPT 3 You have convinced us. A trading partnership would create an additional source of useful materials for our various projects.
TRADE DECLINE 1 Trading does not concern us.
TRADE DECLINE 2 So, you would seek to tap and exploit the power and wealth of the Romulan economy. We are sorry to...disappoint.
TRADE DECLINE 3 This is a hastily contrived attempt, meant, no doubt, to subvert domestic policy and cast doubt into the minds of our citizens. It will not succeed. We have no interest in forging any sort of relationship with you.
TREATY DESCRIPTION: I would see a Friendship Treaty as being an extension and enhancement of a Trade Treaty. Now planets, populations and system information of your opponent’s territory can be seen and inspected. Also, trade routes will return a higher profit margin. Friends often help each other in times of conflict, however this isn’t a condition of the treaty.
FRIENDSHIP OFFER 1 We put it to you that mere trade is not quite all our two peoples are capable of. There can be a greater future, we feel, in other more ambitious endeavours. Would you be interested in a formal friendship treaty? This opportunity could secure the prosperity and safety of your citizens.
FRIENDSHIP OFFER 2 The Praetor sends his regards. Confidence and morale among our citizens is high at present, and we extend our thanks partly to you, for the success of the trade network we share. Commercial gains in industry and all public sectors have enjoyed new levels of productivity. But we would like to take things to the next level. A friendship treaty would secure relations between us for the next generation and beyond...
FRIENDSHIP OFFER 3 We would like to suggest the possibility of a friendship treaty. You have proven thus far to be faithful associates in trade. Friendship is simply the next step, and we would make a formidable partnership!
FRIENDSHIP OFFER 4 We will one day be the dominant force in the galaxy. You would do well to befriend us…
FRIENDSHIP ACCEPT 1 It is not generally our custom to form such bonds with our neighbours. But in this instance we shall accept. We feel it is in both our interests.
FRIENDSHIP ACCEPT 2 Peace and prosperity between such powerful empires as ours requires a profound level of cooperation from both parties. This is not however easily achieved, with so many disparate thoughts, goals and opinions. A friendship treaty would provide a solid foundation to secure such cooperation. We accept!
FRIENDSHIP ACCEPT 3 It is a brave and bold proposition. The Romulan Star Empire is not shy of such challenges. We will join you in friendship. Let us hope we are not making a big mistake!
FRIENDSHIP DECLINE 1 We were quite surprised by your presumptuous approach. No doubt such an arrangement would suit you well. But our mandate precludes associations of such… familiarity. A friendship treaty is not at all possible.
FRIENDSHIP DECLINE 2 We cannot commit to a binding treaty of this type, particularly one so deeply in your favour.
FRIENDSHIP DECLINE 3 And we would gain what? It appeals to us why? The very notion of this treaty is an affront to our integrity and intelligence.
FRIENDSHIP DECLINE 4 (low sympathy rating) We have used every resource at our disposal to examine the treaty manifesto you dispatched. After careful analysis we have determined.... it is a fake! We noted the deviously hidden clauses throughout. Did you think you could trick us into signing? This is a grave insult, and tantamount to an act of war!
TREATY DESCRIPTION: Affiliated empires may cross each other’s space and use each other’s starbases to expand refuelling zones and for ship repair. It is also a commitment of the treaty that each empire defends each other as they would their own people. If an empire declares war on your affiliate, it is a treaty obligation you declare war on them.
AFFILIATION OFFER 1 Think carefully on what we have to say. Separate, we are vulnerable to attack. Together we could form a very strong bond, and our enemies would think twice before threatening us. Affiliation need not be a byword for burden or obligation. Sign this treaty now, and be our trusted allies!
AFFILIATION OFFER 2 There is now no doubt. In order to survive, you need allies. We are both the same. We need to stand together, or fall alone. Join us in affiliation, and we need never again feel so… exposed.
AFFILIATION OFFER 3 We have shared a solid and productive friendship. But there can be yet further adjustments from which we can profit. Affiliation would ensure the continued survival of both our powers. AFFILIATION ACCEPT 1 We approve of this idea very strongly. Signing will be just a formality. We agree that this is the obvious next step in our growing friendship.
AFFILIATION ACCEPT 2 Agreed. We have reached similar conclusions. Yes, the time has come for affiliation between our worlds. It was always destined to be this way...
AFFILIATION ACCEPT 3 We are not wholly given over to accept such claims rashly, but on this issue we concur. Affiliation is the only way forward – certainly the most rationale way. The only alternative is a slow but steady fracturing of our current relationship, and inevitably, war. We do not want that any more than you do.
AFFILIATION DECLINE 1 We are not ready to make such radical changes to our association. We would be quite comfortable in keeping our current relationship unchanged. AFFILIATION DECLINE 2 Your suggestion is outrageous! We would not ever suffer alien interference in our affairs. Affiliation is out of the question!
AFFILIATION DECLINE 3 Just how would such a grandiose arrangement work? We do not think you have thought it through very carefully. There are many grey areas that you have failed to address, and we are most discomfited by such… ambiguity. Make the necessary revisions, and we may be prepared to reconsider.
AFFILIATION DECLINE 4 (when neutral) We believe this to be a final, desperate attempt to claim some measure of security for your people. So grave must be your domestic instability that you come running to us. Your people are not our concern: they are your burden, and you must protect them yourselves. We are busy with our own affairs.
TREATY DESCRIPTION: Two empires sharing military facilities can escort each other’s convoys, patrol each other’s borders etc. It is a commitment of the treaty that allied empires defend each other as they would their own people. If an empire declares war on your ally, it is a treaty obligation that you declare war on them. Intelligence is still possible against such an ally, but sabotage events are not. ALLIANCE OFFER 1 There is an urgent matter at hand, and that is our mutual survival. As ‘distasteful’ as it may sound, an alliance between our two powers is the next logical progression to that goal, and perhaps the only way to ensure that we are not reduced to mere footnotes in history.
ALLIANCE OFFER 2 War is coming, sides are being chosen; the pieces in the grand game are moving. We know that you see this also. Join us now, or risk facing enemies on all sides. Such a close association between us is not an ideal solution, we know. But it is a necessary evil, and if there were any alternative, we would take it.
ALLIANCE OFFER 3 It is strange, is it not, that we would make such a proposal to you. And even stranger when you consider the two choices before us -- a commitment to an alliance that would secure the bonds between us, or war, that would break our bonds forever, and destroy us both!
ALLIANCE ACCEPT 1 We are a proud people, and we would seldom admit openly that such measures are necessary. Never before have we agreed to an endeavour so profound, or embarked upon a journey so strange and uncertain. We have found the undiscovered country, once quoted long ago.
ALLIANCE ACCEPT 2 There can be no guarantees. Such an arrangement cannot last forever, but for now it will suit.
ALLIANCE ACCEPT 3 We doubt that you possess the will or capacity to honour such a treaty in the long-term. But we shall accept, eager to discover if our misgivings were correct, or not.
ALLIANCE DECLINE 1 We cannot accept, but we do appreciate your offer; it seems like a wise suggestion, yet contrived, as if a deeper agenda is hidden, which we are yet to unravel. We are also concerned that our forces, once merged, could never again be separated.
ALLIANCE DECLINE 2 (to a weaker partner) Your impudence has somewhat amused us -- and be glad it caused no great offence -- but such treaties do not suit us.
ALLIANCE DECLINE 3 We would respectfully decline your invitation. The logistical demands of such an endeavour are vast, and we could not possibly commit to it.
ALLIANCE DECLINE 4 We advise you to conduct your time more productively, than exasperate those who have more pressing concerns. We do not pander to the flattery of subordinates.
ALLIANCE DECLINE 5 Such an arrangement would suit you well, no doubt. But to us it is certainly the most absurd suggestion we have ever heard.
TREATY DESCRIPTION: A War Pact is an immediate mutual declaration of war on another empire. Current diplomatic status is unimportant -- neutral empires can fight together against a common threat (including the Borg). Affiliates and allies can propose war pacts in order to ensure the war is agreed on both sides before committing. It does not alter your current status with said empire. A Defence Pact confirms that two empires, regardless of relationship, will commit to mutual defence to encourage an aggressive power to leave both partners alone. This treaty would include the conditions of only a non-aggression treaty.
OFFER WAR PACT 1 We have detected a significant build up of %______% forces in recent times. We cannot allow this fleet to grow any more. Destroy it with us.
OFFER WAR PACT 2 We wish to declare war on the %______%. We would be surprised to learn that you did not share our distrust, and general dislike of their kind. They merit the brand of justice that only we can serve. Will you support us?
OFFER WAR PACT 3 It is time the %______% learned a unique and powerful lesson. We are confident this lesson can be taught more effectively, and more quickly, with the combined strength of our forces. The spoils of a conquered empire are rich rewards indeed, and we can share them equally.
OFFER WAR PACT 4 An opportunity has arisen that neither of us can afford to ignore. The treacherous %______% are exposed and vulnerable, and they are distracted on other fronts, and would not be expecting an incursion. We must strike, and we must strike now! There will never be a better time…
ACCEPT WAR PACT 1 We are in general agreement. Perhaps it is time that we enforced our mutual political position, and took advantage of our military superiority.
ACCEPT WAR PACT 2 Agreed. The Romulan Star Empire stands with you. This will be a war that history will not soon forget…
ACCEPT WAR PACT 3 Of course. There can be no doubt that we share a mutual loathing of the %______%. Our goals are well matched, it seems.
DECLINE WAR PACT 1 Imperial forces would no doubt bear the brunt in such an assault. Why should we defend your interests? No, we could not work together in this. Our agendas are quite different.
DECLINE WAR PACT 2 Military cooperation you say? Such a proposal has many intriguing, but equally unpalatable permutations… Ultimately, we just do not feel a coordinated attack could work. No, we would not mix well in such a campaign.
DECLINE WAR PACT 3 (neutral relations) We are not opposed to the idea of war against the %______%. But we are opposed to fighting them with you. There can be no alliance of military forces with your people.
OFFER DEFENCE PACT 1 Now is the chance to prove your convictions to us. By now the threat of the %_____% should be clear to you. Should they harbour any ambition to contravene the borders of our territories, a defence pact will make them think again.
OFFER DEFENCE PACT 1 (When not affiliated) We share a fundamental problem. So a radical solution is required. We both have wide frontiers to defend, so why do we not cooperate, and send a signal to our counterparts that we are not to be intimidated?
ACCEPT DEFENCE PACT 1 The %_____% are indeed a menace. Very well, we shall sign this accord. But do not become too comfortable in this coalition; it is a temporary measure only…
ACCEPT DEFENCE PACT 2 We share your concerns. However, we do not believe you grasp the full severity of the threat that opposes us. But like you, a defence pact is all we are capable of supporting at present… Let us hope it is enough.
DECLINE DEFENCE PACT 1 Your military weakness is your own concern, not ours, not yet at least…. We see no need for a defence pact.
DECLINE DEFENCE PACT 2 We believe this treaty is premature. We perceive no overt threat against us, so see no need to prepare our defences. Quite what enemies you have made is not our concern.
DECLINE DEFENCE PACT 3 You are all too quick to ask us for aid when you are threatened, but we feel you would be less inclined if the tables were turned. This treaty would serve only your interests, and as such, does not appeal to us in the slightest.
TREATY DESCRIPTION: This is a special non-aggression treaty that you would offer to superior forces to save your empire. It is an admittance of defeat, and would incur stiff morale penalties (if they are not already bottomed out), and a major morale boost for your enemy. It may not be the end of the game – you may be granted a reprieve (if accepted), and a chance to rebuild and ‘come back’. You may offer as much or as little compensation as you wish, however large compensation may be needed to save your empire. Compensation can include, but is not limited to: ships, territory, credits, research points, intel points, raw materials.
Likewise, demanding the surrender of your poor victims grants you a big morale boost. You may ask for whatever compensation you wish.
SURRENDER 1 This war has surely reached its bitter conclusion! It is pointless to continue. Let us put a stop to the violence and end this now.
SURRENDER 2 The time has come to reconsider our position. We are prepared to enter negotiations for a ceasefire.
SURRENDER 3 We will concede to you. The Romulan Empire must continue, perhaps as an independent state within your territory. Do not be fools! You will gain nothing from our destruction.
ACCEPT SURRENDER 1 (to admit defeat) This will be a day rued by many! The Romulan Empire is all but over. But we shall be avenged!
ACCEPT SURRENDER 2 (to admit defeat) We do not ask for pity. But one day we will ask for justice.
ACCEPT SURRENDER 3 (to admit defeat) It is over. For now.
ACCEPT SURRENDER 1 (to accept victory) At last, you have seen wisdom. It is regrettable that you did not see it sooner, for you may have been spared much suffering. But it is hard to see is it not, when one is blinded by such conceit…?
ACCEPT SURRENDER 2 (to accept victory) We will grant you this one mercy. Be ever thankful that we permitted your race an opportunity to survive.
DECLINE SURRENDER 1 (not accepting defeat) We do not surrender. To do so is to admit defeat. To admit defeat is to conclude that one’s opponent is superior.
DECLINE SURRENDER 2 (not accepting defeat) The Romulan Empire will never yield to you!
DECLINE SURRENDER 3 (not accepting defeat) This is absurd. You have not seen the best of us yet! We are merely biding our time.
REFUSE SURRENDER OFFER 1 (no peace! now you will all die!) This is not acceptable. We feel that you have not yet learned your lesson. One day, perhaps, you will understand, and there will be no need for further violence. But that day has not yet arrived.
REFUSE SURRENDER OFFER 2 (no peace! now you will all die!) You request kindled quite a debate in the senate. However, after a long consultation we have chosen to decline. You would not adapt to our rule, so we would be forced to eliminate you anyway. It would be more efficient to do that now, rather than later.
REFUSE SURRENDER OFFER 3 (no peace! now you will all die!) We are not a forgiving people. We would only consider such a surrender proposal if we were to benefit from it. But your kind would not at all suit our needs as a labour-class. You fall some way short of our minimum requirement.
REFUSE SURRENDER OFFER 4 (no peace! now you will all die!) No. We have identified your homeworld as a suitable location for a new colony. You must be eradicated to make way for us.
REFUSE SURRENDER OFFER 5 (no peace! now you will all die!) You misunderstand. We do not wish to take control of your government and subjugate your people. We wish to destroy you – completely.
DEMAND SURRENDER 1 The time has come for you to fall into the dust from whence you came. Alternatively, we would ask for your unconditional surrender on the grounds that we are far superior, and you are defeated. Submit now. You may not get another chance.
DEMAND SURRENDER 2 We have chosen to offer you a unique opportunity. There is no need for the extinction of your species. You may surrender to us instead. This would allow your people -- the worthy and the strong that remain -- to continue for some time yet, as prisoners of war. The only alternative is the complete annihilation of your kind.
DEMAND SURRENDER 3 Consider our words carefully. We will overlook the criminal acts committed against us, and accept your surrender forthwith. Should you choose to refuse our goodwill gesture, there may be further…unpleasantness.
TREATY DESCRIPTION: This is self-explanatory.
DECLARE WAR 1 (event specific - Raids) Either you have no interest in peace, or you have committed a grave error. Whatever the case may be, you will find the consequences most uncomfortable. Prepare for war!
DECLARE WAR 2 (event specific - Intel) You may thank your spies for the forfeit of the peace we have shared. In fact, we thank them also. It was an uneasy peace, and now it is over we are relieved. Let there be war!
DECLARE WAR 3 (event specific – colonizing near the border, claiming contested sector etc) We will not tolerate the blatant disregard of our territorial claims! These sectors are clearly ours. If you cannot respect that, you will be punished.
DECLARE WAR 4 (event specific – treaty abrogation) You have chosen to dishonour our agreement. What fools you are. Know that there will be no mercy in the war to come, and your people will be made to pay very dearly for your treachery!
DECLARE WAR 5 (event specific – demands not met) Pride has blinded you to the path of wisdom. So be it. But know that we would have granted you peace, and for such a small cost…
DECLARE WAR 6 (general) If there can be no reason for peace, then there must be war.
DECLARE WAR 7 (general) You are an annoyance, and you are a pestilence, but both problems have the same solution. Prepare for war!
DECLARE WAR 8 (general) In order to survive we must expand. Unfortunately, your people would hinder that goal, so you must make way for us. Prepare your fleets for battle!
TREATY DESCRIPTION: This is self-explanatory.
DISSOLVE 1 (event specific – Intel) We had no choice but to put your agents to death. Your treachery has cost you the support of the Senate! We hereby dissolve our treaty with your people.
DISSOLVE 2 (event specific – Intel) Consider our treaty over. But well played, well played indeed. You almost succeeded, but your reach exceeded your grasp. We are the masters of subterfuge, and we cannot be so easily out-manoeuvred. Did you think you could breach our security?
DISSOLVE 3 (event specific – Sabotage) We have chosen to ignore your pleas of innocence, and the claim that these ‘rebels’ were members of a splinter faction not under your control. You have made a mockery of our treaty!
DISSOLVE 4 (event specific – raids) We will respond to these raids with vengeance – when the time is right. For now, consider our treaty terminated!
DISSOLVE 5 The treaty between us was designed to be a symbol of unity and friendship between us. We can no longer share this vision with you. We have no choice but to end it.
DISSOLVE 6 This treaty is no longer compatible with our objectives. It is hereby dissolved.
SUMBIT REQUEST 1 (peaceful relations) We desire a gift of $latinum$ and/or $resources$. This would go some way to persuading us that we made the right choice in choosing you as friends. Dispatch the following sum to us $____$. Accept or Decline?
SUMBIT REQUEST 2 (peaceful relations) Greetings galactic neighbours! We rarely ask anything of you, but the time has come to collect the debts that are owed to us. If it were to be done quickly, and painlessly, we are sure it would go some way to appeasing the dissident groups that continue to oppose our treaty. We are sure you understand. Dispatch the following sum to us $____$. Accept or Decline?
SUMBIT DEMAND 1 (unfriendly relations) We take a dim view of those who delay in squaring their debts. Our records show that you are in arrears, and overdue. Correct this discrepancy at once. We are quite sure this is just an oversight, and there would be no need for further action. Accept or Decline?
SUMBIT DEMAND 2 (unfriendly relations) We invite you to pay the following sum of appeasement. Our patience is not boundless. Dispatch the following sum to us $____$. Accept or Decline?
SUMBIT DEMAND 3 (unfriendly relations We invite you to add to our military funding. It serves your interests that the Romulan Empire is strong. Dispatch the following sum to us $____$. Accept or Decline?
SUMBIT DEMAND 1 (hostile relations) The Romulan Empire asks that you would recognise its greatness with a gift! We expect you to comply, for few have the gall to defy us. Dispatch the following sum to us $____$. Accept or Decline?
SUMBIT DEMAND 2 (hostile relations) We insist on the following payments of reparation. Dispatch the following sum to us $____$. Accept or Decline?
SUMBIT DEMAND 1 (when at war) If you hope to survive in these difficult times, then you will be willing to pay a levy for your survival. Dispatch the following sum to us $____$. Accept or Decline?
SUMBIT DEMAND 2 (when at war) We shall permit you the prospect of a reprieve, by way of compensation for the burden you have become. Give it to us freely, now, or we shall take it by force! Accept or Decline?
SUMBIT REQUEST (territory – sectors) The Romulan Star Empire insists that you forfeit the following: all disputed sectors and/or the %_____% system. This may serve to soothe relations between us, for the time being.
SUMBIT DEMAND (territory - sectors) We do not think you are as wealthy as you claim – economic strength is in decline across the quadrant. Therefore we do not ask for funds, and you may thank us for that small mercy, but, we require the unconditional release of the disputed sectors: they shall be under our control from this time forward. Do not think. Do not hesitate. Meet the terms, and meet them quickly!
ACCEPT REQUEST 1 (sympathetic) Normally we would not excuse such audacity. But we have chosen to pity your plight at this time. Consider this a one time only gesture. Do not ask anything more of us.
ACCEPT REQUEST 2 (sympathetic) Very well. This we will do. But there will come a time when you will be refused, and our support will be lost forever.
ACCEPT REQUEST 1 (unsympathetic) We see that you have been careless with your finances – again. And so you come to us to beg for aid. Very well, we shall grant you this act of sympathy, like a kindly parent to a needy child. But soon you must learn to provide for yourself.
ACCEPT REQUEST 2 (unsympathetic) Such appeals do not amuse us. But considering the current situation, we deemed it prudent on this one occasion to meet your request.
ACCEPT REQUEST 1 (territory - sectors) Take them if you want them. Space is endless. We will claim new territory elsewhere.
ACCEPT DEMAND 1 (unfriendly relations) What you ask is almost beyond our means. Know that we are making a great sacrifice! Do not betray this gesture!
ACCEPT DEMAND 2 (unfriendly relations) We have come to expect such absurdities from you. You do not yet know your place. But we forgive the immaturity of your race, for you will learn, in time…
DECLINE REQUEST 1 (sympathetic) We cannot unfortunately assist you at this time. We have only the means to support our own. And we are sure that you would not ask us to deprive our own people…
DECLINE REQUEST 2 (sympathetic) So you seek sustenance for your vanity? Well we cannot grant it.
DECLINE REQUEST 1 (unsympathetic) You are wasting your time, and ours.
DECLINE REQUEST 2 (unsympathetic) Has there been some sort of error? We find such requests crude and offensive.
DECLINE REQUEST 3 (unsympathetic) If you have squandered your wealth and resources, then it is a predicament you must solve yourself.
DECLINE REQUEST 1 (territory - sectors) Those sectors are rather valuable, and strategically placed, are they not? It was worth a try. Bravo for the impudent request, but we shall not be granting it.
DECLINE REQUEST 2 (territory - sectors) We would not simply waive our rights to territories that are clearly ours.
DECLINE REQUEST/DEMAND 1 (furious) The insolence of your demand is in extreme bad taste. Do not ever presume to make such a demand in future. Our response will not be so forgiving!
DECLINE REQUEST/DEMAND 2 (furious) We are not at all intimidated by your threats. They are empty! The Romulan Star Empire will not pay tribute.
DECLINE REQUEST/DEMAND 3 (furious) Yours is the debt! You should be the one to pay tribute to us! We invite you to attack, if you dare, but we will give you nothing!
OFFER GIFT 1 We believe it would be fitting at this time to extend a gesture of our friendship to you. (Dispatch amount = $____$.)
OFFER GIFT 2 Perhaps you are unaware of the many advantages that friendship with the Romulan Empire can bring. Perhaps this gesture can serve as a demonstration. (Dispatch amount = $____$.)
OFFER GIFT 3 We understand that harsh times are with us, and more yet lie ahead. We will grant you this small provision, so you are better prepared for the trials that await you… (Dispatch amount = $____$.)
OFFER GIFT 4 Your position is so weak it is to be pitied. Take this gift, and use it to better yourselves. Perhaps one day you will be strong enough to be a worthy opponent of the Romulan Empire. (Dispatch amount = $____$.)
OFFER GIFT 5 (neutral) There is no need for bloodshed. Indeed, perhaps there is an opportunity for a future accord, or even a collaboration? (Dispatch amount = $____$.)
OFFER GIFT 6 (friendly) We feel there is room yet to improve our relations. Accept this token of our continued support. (Dispatch amount = $____$.)
RECEIVE GIFT 1 Such gifts are well received. Accept the gratitude of the Praetor, and all the Romulan people.
RECEIVE GIFT 2 What we deemed was rightly ours has at last been returned to us. We thank you…
RECEIVE GIFT 3 This is a shrewd and suitably timed gesture. The matter of the current disparity between us is being discussed in the Imperial Senate. This gift may, or may not, have a favourable influence.
INITIAL COMMUNICATION (RESPONSIVE) 1 >Initial dialogue opening< We cannot always promise to agree, but we can at least always promise to listen… <Appended with relevant response>
INITIAL COMMUNICATION (RESPONSIVE) 2 >Initial dialogue opening< Very well, you have earned an audience with us. <Appended with relevant response>
INITIAL COMMUNICATION (UNRESPONSIVE) 1 >Initial dialogue opening< Our opinion of your people is rather low, and you are not yet worthy of our attention. Come back to us when you have something worthwhile to say.
REFUSAL OF COMMUNICATION (UNCOOPERATIVE) 1 >Slight Rebuff< We admire your persistence, but we would ask your forbearance. We are somewhat preoccupied at present.
REFUSAL OF COMMUNICATION (UNCOOPERATIVE) 2 >Slight Rebuff< Your overtures are proving somewhat wearisome, and you have yet to say anything that we desire to hear…
REFUSAL OF COMMUNICATION (TO TREATY BREAKER) 1 >A complete rebuff< Your words carry no weight with us anymore. You cannot even negotiate in a dignified manner!
REFUSAL OF COMMUNICATION (WHEN AT WAR) 1 >A complete rebuff< Try as you might, you cannot talk yourselves out of this war. The damage is done -- you wrought it, and we shall repair it.
REFUSAL OF COMMUNICATION (WHEN AT WAR) 2 >A complete rebuff< Do not attempt to weary us with words. The time for discussion has long passed. We are at war, and you have not yet begun to glimpse the full might of the imperial fleet!
REFUSAL OF COMMUNICATION (WHEN AT WAR) 3 >A complete rebuff< What would we have you say that could absolve you at such late an hour? Such pleas are entertaining, but ultimately empty. Your end nears. We shall soon claim your homeland as our own.
_________________ dafedz = The Federation dummy! (da fedz= the Feds) :D
08 Mar 2008, 19:48 |
Ship Engineer
Joined: 10 Jul 2006, 01:00 Posts: 5220 Location: Space is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence!
Beautifully Romaulanesk, very nice 
08 Mar 2008, 21:05 |
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