READ ONLY Backup - Star Trek Fan Games

Diplomacy Dialogue
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Author:  mstrobel [ 17 May 2007, 17:27 ]
Post subject:  Diplomacy Dialogue

I'd like to make the diplomacy dialogue in Supremacy more fun and witty than it was in BotF. I think the dialogue in MoO2 was excellent. I'm opening this thread for people to contribute random snippets of dialogue that they think are appropriate for any of the races in the game.

Have fun and please contribute :).

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 17 May 2007, 23:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Ooh this thread is going to be fun! Just wait until people get to grips with Klingon curses! :twisted:

I had fun writing the random events with plenty of Klingon words and curses. Here's some useful links to help people:




Author:  Centurion_VarDin [ 18 May 2007, 12:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

I know it's been a while since I last showed up, work, college and those things. But I like this idea of a diplomacy system.

Some questions first, Mike. Do you intent to incorporate the exact system as in MoO2? So no sent treaties anymore and waiting for a response in 2 turns but rather a reaction on the spot?
How do you want the lines to be written? Empire - specific (if so, how do you picture the minors, I figure it is a bit overdone to write different lines for each of them) of more category (tone) - specific (think of Agressive, uncooperative, receptive, worshipping).
Will the setting of the tones remain in? Like they tried with BotF (which I never figured out, btw) and like the also tried with MoO3. For some reason those are algorytms I personaly wouldn't use.

Have you considered a "diplomat" or some other representative to be pictured alongside of the text like the picture you showed us? I also don't think you'd want to create a 3D model that moves and stuff like in MoO2. Would be quite some work to make them for all races.

In short: cool idea, but what exactly do you want us to make at this point?

Author:  mstrobel [ 18 May 2007, 14:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

You'll still have to wait 2 turns to receive a response. Basically, I'm going to set it up so that you have a collection of every type of proposal/response (i.e. decline trade agreement). There can be multiple entries for each, and one will be chosen at random. We can have race-specific collections of proposals/responses, and if such a collection does not exist for a given race, or if the specified proposal/response is missing from that collection, then it falls back to a default collection. I imagine most of the minor races will use the defaults.

So, it goes like this:
The Klingons are declining a trade agreement...
- Do we have a collection of diplomacy dialogue specific to the Klingons?
    - Yes...
        - Does it contain any entries for a trade agreement refusal?
            - Yes...
                - Pick a random entry from the Klingon collection.
            - No...
                - Pick a random entry from the default collection.
    - No...
        - Pick a random entry from the default collection.
Also, in a space directly above where you create a new proposal, I want to include a sort of "greeting". And like in the MoO games, if you just recently went to war, you will temporarily unable to communicate with the diplomat of that race (for, say, 5 turns). In such cases, the greeting will reflect that, and will say something like "Go away, {LEADER NAME}. We are too busy crushing your fleets to talk to you right now." Then, when the lines of communication are re-opened, the greeting would change to something like "I shudder each time you come before me, {LEADER NAME}. Too bad communication is possible again, as time has not lessened my revulsion of you and your kind."

Of course, greetings might also be friendly, and they will always appear, regardless of your current relations.

Author:  cdrwolfe [ 04 Jun 2007, 21:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Regarding diplomacy, do you have everything you want to implement in mind, or is it possible to add further 'components' later on?

Have you figured out how the race relations will be handled, diplomacy effecs, how to get the computer not to be a complete idiot etc etc.

Also coincidently ;) what are your plans for the old supremacy wiki with the AI jargon, considering i think only three people have access to it, you wouldn't mind adding it to the sharepoint would you and make it open access to edit so others can chime in :), though you don't have to :D

Regards Wolfe

Author:  Mazzeh [ 20 Jan 2008, 07:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Sorry to bump an old post up - but is any help still needed in this area? :)

Author:  cdrwolfe [ 20 Jan 2008, 13:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

I'am sure MOE will be along give a headsup on whats what and what needs doing, he's kind of like the psuedo producer in a sense of he knows whats going on and is very good in getting others to work ;) and helping out, he's the great organiser, file master etc :)

Regards Wolfe

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 20 Jan 2008, 15:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Then my production is a failure - as in i've got no idea on what needs to be done in respects to diplomacy! :shock:

I've not really talked to Mike about diplomacy so i've got no idea what has been/needs to be done. It's my first day back at uni after my christmas holidays as well tomorrow, so i'm not going to have as much free time as i've had over the last month or so. :(

We'll have to wait for Mike to post about his plans or i'll have a word with him on MSN tonight. The five hour time difference between me and Mike makes life a bit difficult though and my sister currently has control of my PC (I'm "typing" this on my Wii) i'm going to need my beauty sleep for lectures tomorrow... :P

Author:  Kirktitude [ 23 Jan 2008, 05:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Hopefully you guys can come up with some kind of diplomacy that doesn't become a system of bribery/extortion to determine race relations. Cause how many times in TNG do you see them bribing people or demanding money in exchange for good relations? Maybe some kind of base compatibility between races with increases due to peaceful relations or conflict with races they have bad relations with. Like the Selay liking you more if you were at war with the Anticans.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 23 Jan 2008, 11:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialog

We have some of what was in the original game in our recordings. This could be a starting point. Do you want the spoken lines recorded? ... 44987A3%7d ... 44987A3%7d

lets see - You have:
meet a new major race, meet a new minor race, lets be increasing levels of good friends, lets trade, lets go to war against soandso, leave us alone, we are at war with you, and stop doing different things or else, go away we are busy going to war with you and one or more kinds of no and yes. Can you think something I left out?

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 23 Jan 2008, 13:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

It would be nice to have voiceovers for the same areas that were spoken in BOTF. Anything more than that would be nice but isn't necessary as weve survived a whole game without them. :P

Kenneth, IF we decide we want to have voice overs for the first contact introductions, then the text that needs to be spoken is the writing in the "Diplomacy Report" section of the minor races' info screen under Factions. I can compile a list of them if necessary. I know you've made some already, but we've added more races and made some changes since then. Hopefully Jade and everyone else that contibuted will still be willing to make new ones. :)

...However, in BOTF, all the voices were done by one person for each Empire. Whilst it would be a lot of work for one person, I would prefer it if it was still kept that way. It would make the game more consistent, and would sound like it was your chief Diplomat or something making the report, rather than just random voices. What do other people think? Anyone feel up to the challenge? Just so you know, there are 147 minor races, so that's 147 diplomacy reports that we will need.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 23 Jan 2008, 14:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Is this below the text to record for minor races? ... 44987A3%7d

Is the "Factions" on SharePoint or other location? (have had my head down in models so I am not sure where this stuff is) I tried to keep one or more voices unique to each major race in what we have recorded so far.

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 23 Jan 2008, 15:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

I didn't actually realise that it was up on sharepoint! When I said about the factions, I was talking about the Supremacy editor, Kenneth - you need to go to the factions heading before the Diplomacy introduction will be displayed.

While the intros on Sharepoint are technically correct, some changes have since occured. There are also new races such as the Voth, whom I wrote the intro for entirely myself. I'll compile an up-to-date list for you.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 23 Jan 2008, 20:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Thanks. I look forward to recording the minors. :D But first I will get to the point of a model in each slot for the major race ship lists. :bigthumb: When that is done I will get back to recording. Walking around with my laptop and headset will get a variety of voices and accents. This will work well for the minors. We need someone offering to write the major race lines in the mean time. Grab the next guy offering to help that does not write code or make models. :wink:

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 23 Jan 2008, 21:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

That was a point I was going to make myself actually; the Empires have got Diplomacy reports, but they are extremely long and read more like a secondary description than a Diplomacy report.

I'm actually a bit worried about the minor races diplomacy reports as well. Some of the are very Federation-oriented - in fact, some - like the Andorian one - specifically mention humanity. We might need to rewrite them to get rid of this, or we could even come up with Empire specific ones... :mischief:

Just imagine hearing the Federation offering to help Bajor to get back on its' feet, whilst the Cardassian voiceover tells you that "Bajor is worthless as it has already been stripped of anything useful...other than the slaves". :P

*Matress waits for Mike to pull out his hair in terror at the thought of another game-expanding idea*


Author:  dafedz [ 25 Jan 2008, 23:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

The diplomatic reports certainly would have to be tailored specifically for each empire. Quite a bit of work, but not a problem. As for recorded voiceovers, I imagine that will be tough to pull off. They would have to be completely believable and not sound daft. Remember in BoTF actors were used, for a non-actor it would be difficult to deliver the same quality. Alternatively, I have a pro standard text to voice simulator, that uses a very good high quality synthesized voice (both male and female). I've used it to replace the voice-overs for new races in BoTF Ultimate Mod 4. Might be worth thinking about.

Regarding how diplomacy will work in regards to securing diplomatic relaitonships/memberships etc, let us not forget the Mastrerplan, for hopefully s system can be implicated that greatly improves on the bribery of BOTF1. It was for this very reason that External Affairs was introduced as a concept. Below is the description of how I hoped Diplomacy to work (pasted from the database).

5.03 / Getting Races to Join you

It will not be so easy to get members to join you in this game, not that it's hard, but it will require more time and strategic thinking. This game will introduce other methods of gaining a favourable diplomatic ear to achieve affiliation and membership, rather than simply throwing cash at them as in the first game. Of course you can still propose Gift Treaties, but some races will view this as Bribery, and as such, will come to think, if too many are sent, that your empire is perhaps less than reputable if it resorts always to such tactics - this can harm relations rather than improve them. But there are other options.

External Affairs.

In the Diplomacy screen where the known races are displayed, you have the option to 'Assign' a diplomatic team for cultural exchange. This certainly has its benefits for the races open to diplomacy, and can lead to an improvement in sympathy ratings. For those races who are stubborn or opposed to diplomatic relations, a fall in rating might be observed (for these races, cold hard cash might be the best option). It will be all down to what type of race you're trying to recruit. In this game you're going to have to read the reports submitted to you by your diplomatic corps!

Trade Convoys

A Trade Convoy is different to a Trade Route. Convoys are one way trade deliveries - a trade gift to the races you're trying to impress. Again this can be selected in the diplomacy screen. It will work similar to a gift treaty - it is not simply something that will automatically happen behind the scenes without being noticeable - you will have to specify what to trade each turn. Examples could be:

1 Dilithium unit donated for 5 turns
A certain number of raw materials
Some fuel reserves
Research points (which you will lack for 5 turns)
Intel Points (which they could use if you know they have a sworn enemy)
A ship (perhaps possible? - give them a starship to play with and run around in for a few turns)
Food, energy, replicators, martial law experts etc etc....

Again, you will be responsible for doing your homework on these races. Find out what makes them tick, what they might need, or might like to be offered...

Gift Treaty

The option of money is still available, but of course, not all races are so materialistic... and as stated before, some might take a dim view of bribery....

Other Options

You can offer your services to races in other ways if your management skills in the Diplomacy screen fail. This could be to terraform some worlds in their system, or surrounding systems if they're an expandable race (careful you don't colonize them for yourself - a sure way to tick them off), additionally you could deploy some ships to ward off any threats that might oppose them nearby, or run escort missions for their shipping etc... All these things could be tied into the sympathy ratings of races it might affect, respectively increasing or decreasing their sympathy towards you


I hope some of this this stuff can still make it in the game..

Author:  Centurion_VarDin [ 07 Feb 2008, 10:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Matress_of_evil wrote:
That was a point I was going to make myself actually; the Empires have got Diplomacy reports, but they are extremely long and read more like a secondary description than a Diplomacy report.

I'm actually a bit worried about the minor races diplomacy reports as well. Some of the are very Federation-oriented - in fact, some - like the Andorian one - specifically mention humanity. We might need to rewrite them to get rid of this, or we could even come up with Empire specific ones... :mischief:

Just imagine hearing the Federation offering to help Bajor to get back on its' feet, whilst the Cardassian voiceover tells you that "Bajor is worthless as it has already been stripped of anything useful...other than the slaves". :P

*Matress waits for Mike to pull out his hair in terror at the thought of another game-expanding idea*


Besides this, I'd still like to know if anything has been done with the original intent of this thread and if there's still help needed there? Mike, need any help in this area?

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 20 Feb 2008, 17:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Yes. We still need some help with this. I am on the road this weekend and can record a number of voice actors working these line. I just need the text. Here is what Mike has said about what we need for text.

Mstrobel wrote:
Basically, I'm going to set it up so that you have a collection of every type of proposal/response (i.e. decline trade agreement). There can be multiple entries for each, and one will be chosen at random. We can have race-specific collections of proposals/responses, and if such a collection does not exist for a given race, or if the specified proposal/response is missing from that collection, then it falls back to a default collection. I imagine most of the minor races will use the defaults.

So, it goes like this:
The Klingons are declining a trade agreement...
- Do we have a collection of diplomacy dialogue specific to the Klingons?
    - Yes...
        - Does it contain any entries for a trade agreement refusal?
            - Yes...
                - Pick a random entry from the Klingon collection.
            - No...
                - Pick a random entry from the default collection.
    - No...
        - Pick a random entry from the default collection.
Also, in a space directly above where you create a new proposal, I want to include a sort of "greeting". And like in the MoO games, if you just recently went to war, you will temporarily unable to communicate with the diplomat of that race (for, say, 5 turns). In such cases, the greeting will reflect that, and will say something like "Go away, {LEADER NAME}. We are too busy crushing your fleets to talk to you right now." Then, when the lines of communication are re-opened, the greeting would change to something like "I shudder each time you come before me, {LEADER NAME}. Too bad communication is possible again, as time has not lessened my revulsion of you and your kind."

Of course, greetings might also be friendly, and they will always appear, regardless of your current relations.

Besides trade we would need war and alliances and whatever I forgot. What did I forget?

145 minor races with this level of complexity is beyond me. I have done general intros for the minor so that is doable. Are we talking about one diplomatic message per minor or a series of possibles?

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 20 Feb 2008, 19:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Breaking the double post rule here is something to get the discussion going. I made up some lines for the Romulans. What situations did I leave out? I work on the game rather than play it right now so forgive me if I have the whole affiliation / alliance thing wrong. Is there other terminology? Is it used at all? Are there more categories? Talk to me.

Mike wants more than one option in each setting so suggest your on responses and I will add them in.

Romulan Trade Agreements

Offers (to other race):

The Romulan Star Empire will grant you the honor of a trade agreement. It is unwise to refuse our offer.

Response acceptance:

The Romulan Star Empire bestows on you the privilege of trading with our systems. Do not abuse your access to our space. Any acts of espionage or sabotage are punishable by death.

Response decline:

The Romulan Star Empire finds your offer of a trade agreement a thinly veiled attempt at gaining access for the purpose of espionage. We refuse your advances and will crush all attempts at aggression.

Romulan War

Declare War:

Surrender your ships and systems to the Romulan Empire immediately. If you fail to capitulate we are at war. The Imperial Fleet will crush you.

Offers a Joint War Alliance:

Join the Romulan Star Empire in crushing the inferior ____. We grant you the privilege of making war at our side so do not betray our trust.

Accept Joint War Alliance:

The Romulan Star Empire accepts your offer to make war on this inferior race. Do not betray our trust or we will make war on you as well.

Decline Joint War Alliance:

The Romulan Star Empire recognizes your attempt to weaken us by dragging us into your war. We refuse to take part in your foolish miss adventure.

Contact while at war with you:

You have reached the Romulan Star Empire Diplomatic Mission.
We are busy destroying your fleet and systems right now. Please call back when
you are a slave.

Romulan Alliance / Affiliation

Offers Affiliation:

The Romulan Star Empire invites you to join us in an Affiliation. Few
races are worthy of this level of trust so take care not to violate this privilege.

Offers Alliance:

The Romulan Star Empire grants you an offer of Alliance. Do not take
this as a sign of weakness or undue trust. You must remain trustworthy and
complaint to our authority.

Accept Affiliation:

The Romulan Star Empire accepts your offer of an affiliation. Do not betray this access to gather intelligence or you will meet swift retribution.

Decline Affiliation:

The Romulan Star Empire does not grant affiliation to a lesser race. Do not attempt to gain access to our systems.

Accept Alliance:

The Romulan Star Empire honors you with acceptance into our
Alliance. Act responsibly and you will maintain this level of access to our systems.

Decline Alliance:

The Romulan Star Empire does not sustain sufficent trust to grant you an alliance. Be satisfied with the contact you are now allowed.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 20 Feb 2008, 21:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialog

:shh: :shh: :shh:
Now lets try the Federated (Wolfe is going to work on the Dominion when he gets the time. I think we have to the end of the year.)

Mike wants more than one option in each setting so suggest your on responses and I will add them in.

Federation Trade Agreements

Offers (to other race):

The United Federation of Planets offers you a trade agreement. We hope this cooperation will lead to an economic, and cultural benefit for all the races.

Response acceptance:

The United Federation of Planets accepts your generous offer of a trade agreement. We hope this will lead to better understanding and cooperation between our peoples.

Response decline:

The United Federation of Planets must decline your generous trade agreement offer at this time. Perhaps at some time in the future we can have more contact with your people.

United Federation of Planets War

Declare War:

I regret to inform you that the United Federation of Planets has declared war on you. We will resist terrany to our last breath but still hope this conflict will end soon. Have a nice day.

Offers a Joint War Alliance:

Please join the United Federation of Planets in war against the ____. We see this war as the last resort. We hope you will join us in our fight for freedom in this galaxy.

Accept Joint War Alliance:

The United Federation of Planets accepts your offer of a joint military operation to ride the galaxy of an evil empire. War is the last option but now the only way to bring democracy to an enslaved people.

Decline Joint War Alliance:

The United Federation of Planets must decline your offer of a joint military action. We view war as only the last resort after all peaceful options have been exhausted. Please try again later.

Contact while at war with you:

You have reached Starfleet Headquarters, Office of the Diplomatic Corps. We are busy justifying to our own people this war against you . We can not come to the communicator right now. Please leave a message after the beep and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Your business is important to us. After you have recorded your message press the star key to hear other options….Beep! The maximum time for your recoding has been exceeded.

United Federation of Planets Alliance / Affiliation

Offers Affiliation:

The United Federation of Planets invites you to join us in an affiliation of mutual cooperation and cultural exchanges.

Offers Alliance:

The United Federation of Planets invites you to elevate your level of cooperation with us to an Alliance. Please help us spread truth, justice and the Starfleet way throughout the galaxy.

Accept Affiliation:

The United Federation of Planets accepts your generous offer of an affiliation. We look forward to cultural, economic and intellectual exchange.

Decline Affiliation:

The United Federation of Planets regrets that we must decline your generous offer of an affiliation. We hope that some day our peoples can find a way to mutual understanding.

Accept Alliance:

The United Federation of Planets is honored to acceptance your offer of
Alliance. We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship with your people.

Decline Alliance:

The United Federation of Planets is honored by our offer of
Alliance but we regret that we must decline at this time. We do hope to discus our relations again in the near the future. Do not go away mad. Just go away for now.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 20 Feb 2008, 22:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialog

:shh: :shh: :shh: :shh:
and Hello Kitty:

Mike wants more than one option in each setting so suggest your on responses and I will add them in.

Klingon Trade Agreements

Offers (to other race):

The Klingon Empire submits to you the offer of a trade agreement. You will honor both our houses to accept.

Response acceptance:

The Klingon Empire accepts a trading agreement with your star systems. You are warned to conduct yourselves honorable while in our space.

Response decline:

The Klingon Empire finds your offer of a trade agreement unacceptable and a disgrace to our warriors.

Klingon War

Declare War:

(expletive in Klingon) You are at war with the Klingon Empire (expletive in Klingon.) Fight and die with honor or disgracing your house (expletive in Klingon.)

Offers a Joint War Alliance:

The Klingon Empire grants you the honor of fighting at our side to destroy the (expletive in Klingon) ____ (expletive in Klingon.)

Accept Joint War Alliance:

The Klingon Empire accepts your offer to make war on these dishonorable (expletive in Klingon.) Our warriors yearn to be tested in battle once more. This will be a glorious victory. (Expletive in Klingon.)

Decline Joint War Alliance:

(expletive in Klingon) The Klingon Empire sees your war as a dishonorable act of cowards. Do not darken our door until you learn the meaning of honor.

Contact while at war with you:

(Klingon Expletives) Do not try to contact us will we are actively killing you. (expletive in Klingon.) (busy signal)

Klingon Alliance / Affiliation

Offers Affiliation:

Join The Klingon Empire in an Affiliation. Few races are worthy of the hall of warriors. Do not take this offer lightly.

Offers Alliance:

The Klingon Empire grants you Alliance. It is the highest honor for Klingons to join in a brotherhood of arms. Treat this honor with respect.

Accept Affiliation:

The Klingon Empire accepts your offer of an affiliation. You have fought with honor.

Decline Affiliation:

The Klingon Empire will not grant affiliation to a non warrior race. Do not attempt access to our systems.

Accept Alliance:

The Klingon Empire is honored to accept alliance with another race of warriors. (expletive in Klingon)

Decline Alliance:

The Klingon Empire declines alliance with your people at this time. Talk to us again when you earn respect through battle.

Author:  Zeleni [ 21 Feb 2008, 08:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Sounds great!

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 21 Feb 2008, 12:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Now all we need is the voices to go with these intros... :P

Great work, Kenneth!

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 21 Feb 2008, 14:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Mike is still working out the diplomatic structure. We will likely have to change and add to this. Does anyone want to come up with some preliminary Cardassian lines like this?

Author:  dafedz [ 25 Feb 2008, 21:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Kenneth asked me to do a write-up of these. Here's the Feds and Cards. Almost finished the others, will post when done. Haven't got a lot of time at the mo. I was hoping to go through this a couple more times and polish it up, but haven't had the chance.


TREATY TYPE: Similar rules as BOTF. This treaty establishes empire territories with a visible border. Crossing the border and violating another empire's territory could be considered an act of war – for unlike BOTF you would be physically able to cross this border as long as your vessel is in your own refuelling zone. If you are the party who proposes this treaty you may offer as much compensation as you wish in order to sway negotiations. On the same note, you may request compensation in exchange for peace. You can request a neutral zone to be installed between the two empires (1 grid square thick) – neither side by agreement can enter the zone as it could be considered an act of war, but the zone can be violated (at the players risk) if you so wish. This treaty can be offered whenever your relationship is neutral, or as a ‘stalemate’ conclusion to a war, (see Surrender treaty).

We feel the time has come to suggest a treaty of mutual Non-aggression. Let us put our hostilities aside and agree to this treaty. It will establish the first bridge of trust between us, as well as the borders of our territory.

Salutations, honoured neighbours! We are confident that we can find a common ground, and reach an agreement for how we might move forward to a more peaceful future. Sign this non-aggression accord, and let this be the beginning for a new era of peace.

There will always be a shadow of doubt and uncertainty in the minds of our people whilst our two great powers share no formal relations. This quadrant is in dire need of stability, and a treaty of non-aggression can secure it. Do you agree? It is in our mutual best interest.

We wholeheartedly concur. Now is the time for security and peace, and with this treaty we have the means to grant it. Consider it done!

After some thought we have concluded that the long-term advantages outweigh our initial scepticism. So very well, we will sign it, although some reservations remain.

The Federation is always open to peace talks. Let this treaty be merely the first step to a more stable future. We accept.

After careful consideration, we have decided to suspend these peace accords. Our attention has been called elsewhere to more important matters. This is the wrong time for us, but leave the table open, we may return to it in time.

Your proposal is a noble gesture, certainly, but we perceive the subterfuge behind it. It is a sham! You do not know the meaning of ‘non-aggression’.

Non-aggression? We did not know that your kind had such a sense of humour. The territorial claims you make with this treaty are scandalous – we will not ever recognise these borders.


TREATY DESCRIPTION: A Trade Treaty is similar to a Friendship, but precedes it by one level. With these simple initial trade ties, you do not get to see the populations, system names or the system information of your partner’s territory. Profits for each trade route could also be only 50% of the system’s potential output. Friendship treaties would guarantee a full 100% profit.

The Federation hereby proposes a formal trade agreement. We hope this will serve to transcend initial commercial benefits, and begin to truly open the door between our two peoples.

We are always striving to secure stronger ties with neighbouring powers – we seek peace, not conflict. We hope you can share in the wisdom of this goal, and accept this trade agreement with us. Consider the benefits, and how it might pave the way to a new level of understanding between us, and to rewarding prospects for all parties concerned.

Greetings. The Federation maintains an active merchant shipping fleet. We are offering a wide selection of supplies: fuels, ores, produce and general goods from many worlds across our territory. Trading can be the first step in bridging the gap between us. We would hope you agree that friendly relations are in both our interests.

Our shipping lanes traverse many sectors, and we maintain a wide number of trade contracts and affiliates. Trade with us, and enjoy the bounty of its economic returns, and the chance for stronger diplomatic relations.

After consideration of the finer details the Federation will accept your offer. We are always open to discourse with new civilizations that we come into contact with, and the prospect of forging closer bonds with them.

We have just recently been looking to secure new trading contracts, and you have contacted us at a most fortunate time. Consider the treaty signed and sealed!

Very well. What seemed to be a curious and unexpected proposal at first may prove to be a wise and auspicious suggestion. Consider it done. We have always desired a peaceful relationship with your people, and we believe that it can be secured with this treaty.

It will be done. A trading accord is an ideal venture at this time, and we’re sure that this is just the first step to a more prosperous future, and a more peaceful era of contact between us.

We regretfully decline your offer of a new trading accord with your people. It has come at a difficult time, and unfortunately we cannot commit to it.

This is an audacious and ill-conceived proposal. If you wish to tender for a trading contract with the Federation, you will have to increase your bid considerably, or at least offer something that would engender consumer confidence.

We must regretfully decline your offer. All our trade networks are operating at capacity, and demand is very high at present, almost beyond our means to supply. We just cannot commit to a new series of routes at this time.

TRADE DECLINE 4 (when sympathy very low)
We have nothing to trade with your people, except torpedoes and phaser fire. Do not provoke us with any more ridiculous proposals. Did you seriously expect us to accept?


TREATY DESCRIPTION: I would see a Friendship Treaty as being an extension and enhancement of a Trade Treaty. Now planets, populations and system information of your opponent’s territory can be seen and inspected. Also, trade routes will return a higher profit margin (100% output). Friends often help each other in times of conflict, however this isn’t a condition of the treaty.

FRIENDSHIP OFFER 1 (when Trade treaty in affect)
From our trading partnership all markets have flourished. But clearly we are destined for an even closer bond. A friendship treaty can establish the first military link, and permit each side to benefit from reduced overheads on our trades routes.

It is clear to us that our recent dealings have been highly beneficial to both parties, and a great success. Let us renegotiate this relationship, and formalise it with a more rewarding arrangement. A friendship treaty is the next logical step.

The added economic benefits of mutual friendship cannot be ignored. What would you say to a formal agreement along these lines? We do not make such overtures lightly, but know that we hold you and your people in the highest regard.

We are pleased to receive and accept this friendship proposal. Likewise we share the same ambition for a positive and peaceful future between us.

There can be no harm in having such influential friends. Perhaps this union will send a message to our divided and disorganized rivals. Let them beware!

We concur that at this time such a partnership is just what we both need for added stability to our social and economic bodies. If you are willing to trust us, then we likewise are willing to trust you. Let it be done!

FRIENDSHIP DECLINE 1 (when Trade treaty in affect)
Our borders are open to only merchant traffic – our trading pact is all that we are prepared to commit to at this time.

Friendship? Do not try to run before you can walk! This is far too ambitious, considering our current relationship. It is out of the question.

It is an intriguing suggestion, but just beyond the bounds of what we could realistically support or sustain at this time. Perhaps one day will we be ready, but not today.

We salute the aspirations of such a bold project, but these terms are just not quite appealing enough. But do not give up! It is a gesture we appreciate.

Do not waste our time with such absurdities….


TREATY DESCRIPTION: Affiliated empires may cross each other’s space and use each other’s starbases to expand refuelling zones and for ship repair. It is also a commitment of the treaty that each empire defends each other as they would their own people. If an empire declares war on your affiliate, it is a treaty obligation you declare war on them. Not declaring war in such instances would invalidate (and hence terminate) the affiliation treaty.

We would like to offer you a new treaty. Affiliation guarantees a generous distribution of resources, and the sharing of all our military infrastructures. Together we would form a formidable force, which will assure galactic security for years to come. Stand with us, and be our noble brothers!

Courage can be found in the arena of peace, as well as war. A brave tomorrow awaits, and we offer you the chance to be a part of it, with us. Let us stand together as military affiliates, and as a unified strength our security will be assured.

Cooperation leads to understanding, and understanding leads to a lasting friendship. This is our hope, and with affiliation we can reach a new level of cooperation. It is something that our peoples have lacked for far too long. What say you?

Let it be done! We see this bold endeavour as a new opportunity for peace and understanding between us. Who would have thought it possible not so long ago? We predict a fruitful and rewarding future for both of us by way of this agreement.

We have been hoping for a furtherance of political bonds for some time, and this is an ideal opportunity. We gladly accept. Who now would oppose us?

An affiliation, we presume, would guarantee a sharing of all intelligence information, as well as military resources? We detect growing threats on all sides, and we would indeed be interested in joining forces, as well as comparing and collating that all-important intelligence information. We accept.

We quite understand that you would wish the protection of our starships, but it is not a concession we are willing to grant you, or anyone, at this time. We are flattered by the offer, but cannot commit to it.

We do not believe that Starfleet is quite compatible with your military infrastructure. They are modelled on, and shaped by, a completely different charter, which can serve Federation interests only. An affiliation is quite out of the question.

You ask too much of us. Trade, diplomatic friendship, all this is possible. But to open our borders, as well as our intelligence structures to outsiders, this we cannot allow. We appreciate your optimism, but it is far too much, far too soon.


TREATY DESCRIPTION: Two empires sharing military facilities can escort each other’s convoys, patrol each other’s borders etc. It is a commitment of the treaty that allied empires defend each other as they would their own people. If an empire declares war on your ally, it is a treaty obligation that you declare war on them. Intelligence is still possible against such an ally, but sabotage events are not.

We have always held your people in the highest regard, and we have enjoyed our thriving relationship thus far. Now that we know each other well, we would like to take the next logical step towards a full alliance. We would be partners on a very grand mission that could secure our futures for years to come.

Greetings once again! The time has come to draw up a new treaty we feel, and the most ambitious and far-reaching to date. We both have enemies, and some we share. Would it not make sense to combine our strength and forge an official alliance?

ALLIANCE OFFER 3 (when affiliated)
Our military analysts fear that war lingers on the horizon. Our enemies are closing in around us. To you, our affiliates, we say that we need you as much as you need us. As separate military entities we are vulnerable, but together we are formidable indeed. Join us in an alliance, and let us send our enemies a message!

This we would accept gladly. Affiliation is in essence an alliance in itself, so little would change. We take this as a further sign that our two peoples are destined for a long and prosperous partnership for generations to come.

Such alliances are not easily forged. It is a testament to the ambition and effort of all those that have served to bring us closer together over the years. We will take this step with you, and remain true, and together we shall honour them.

Alone and apart neither of us would stand much chance against the combined forces of a powerful aggressor. We therefore accept your offer of an alliance treaty. Together we will be far stronger! Perhaps now our enemies will think again.

You are a valued friend and ally, and you have proved trustworthy so far. Forgive our lack of faith, but an alliance would be a leap too far. We must regretfully reject your proposal.

We have poured over the details of this treaty, and we are not quite convinced. It is too great a step, and now is not the time for rash deeds. We are self-sufficient, and would prefer to continue governing our affairs independently.

Many citizens of the Federation would welcome a formal alliance treaty. Together we would make a formidable force indeed. However, the Council has decided to decline this invitation, for now, in favour of continuing our current arrangement, which is quite satisfactory. We will always value your friendship.

ALLIANCE DECLINE 4 (far below the sympathy prerequisite)
An alliance proposal is absurd! Do not waste any more of our time.


TREATY DESCRIPTION: A War Pact is an immediate mutual declaration of war on another empire. Current diplomatic status is unimportant -- neutral empires can fight together against a common threat (including the Borg). Affiliates and allies can propose war pacts in order to ensure the war is agreed on both sides before committing. It does not alter your current status with said empire.

A Defence Pact confirms that two empires, regardless of relationship, will commit to mutual defence to encourage an aggressive power to leave both partners alone. This treaty would include the conditions of only a non-aggression treaty.

There can be no further doubt, the %_____% are corrupt, and can no longer be trusted to mind their own affairs, or refrain from meddling in those of others. We are sure you feel the same, and that you stand with us. Do not desert us now! Let us form a pact of war and put a stop to them, before it is too late!

We are generally a peaceable people, and would rarely move aggressively against our neighbours. But we cannot turn a blind eye to the treachery of the %_____%. They have gone to far, and we must put an end to them before they overtly threaten us both. Share the burden of war and join us in our campaign!

To the enlightened mind diplomacy is the first choice, and war a last resort. But the subtle voice of reason no longer has any influence with the %_____%. It is time for the fist of justice! Join us, friends and brothers. It would be an honour to do battle at your side.

This is a dark day for the galaxy. War has become inevitable. Join our forces as we take on the %_____%! And may we bring this conflict quickly to an end!

This would not be our first choice at this time. Our resources are already stretched too thin. But we see the wisdom in your words, and concur with your findings. So we have no choice. Together we will stand a chance. We will stand beside you in battle.

We agree. Our experts and advisors reached similar conclusions just recently. War is an unfortunate choice, but there is no other. We accept your war pact treaty against the %_____%.

Too often have they provoked us, exploited us, attacked us! And too often have we stood aside in the interests of peace. But no longer! Your timing could not be better. We are ready to take on the %_____%, and pledge to fight until they have been neutralized as a threat.

We do not concur with these conclusions. War you say, but why? Certainly there must be other avenues to explore and exhaust before such profound courses of actions are considered. We are sorry, but we just cannot support such action.

We cannot commit to such a war. We feel it is neither necessary nor justified. If you wish to provoke the %_____%, then it is your choice, and your responsibility. We will have no part in it.

We are loath to jeopardise our delicate diplomatic situation with you, but on this matter we must speak out, and accept whatever consequences come from it. We feel very strongly that this war would be a mistake! Until now our relations with the %_____%, although difficult at times, have been relatively agreeable. We cannot betray them. You must conduct your needless war alone.

We are endeavouring to pursue the diplomatic process in placating the %_____%, and continue to construct such methods that would lead to a foundation of trust and understanding with them. Until such time we have failed, military action is not an option. We strongly advise you to reconsider, and not risk jeopardising a delicate situation.


What say you to a mutual defence pact? We share the same threats from the same adversaries, and military cooperation would make perfect sense.

OFFER DEFENCE PACT 1 (When not affiliated)
Affiliation and alliance may be a step too far, but let us not rule out the possibility of a defence pact. Once established, our enemies would think again before attacking us.

We concur. The %_____% have been all too hostile and disruptive of late, destabilizing an already delicate galactic balance. They need to be shown that we are not to be intimidated!

We are in agreement. A provisional defence pact makes perfect sense. Furthermore, let us suggest that a war pact treaty remains an option, and could be activated in the event of either one of us being threatened in the future.

We are not interested in a mutual protection accord at this time. We are quite satisfied with our current relationship, and more than capable of defending ourselves.

We do not see the value or necessity of such a treaty. Who would benefit the most? Not us we think. We have enough to deal with in protecting our own interests.

DECLINE DEFENCE PACT 3 (with no other treaty in place)
For what reason would we leap to your defence all of a sudden, when up until now you have had little interest in our welfare? If you desire non-aggression, that is another matter, and we would advise you to pursue it along the pertinent diplomatic channels, but on this issue it is out of the question! We will say no more.


TREATY DESCRIPTION: This is a special non-aggression treaty that you would offer to superior forces to save your empire. It is an admittance of defeat, and would incur stiff morale penalties (if they are not already bottomed out), and a major morale boost for your enemy. It may not be the end of the game – you may be granted a reprieve (if accepted), and a chance to rebuild and ‘come back’. You may offer as much or as little compensation as you wish, however large compensation may be needed to save your empire. Compensation can include, but is not limited to: ships, territory, credits, research points, intel points, raw materials.

Likewise, demanding the surrender of your poor victims grants you a big morale boost. You may ask for whatever compensation you wish.

Enough is enough! The time has come to accept that we are defeated. End the bloodshed, and we will promise to meet whatever terms you deem suitable.

We can no longer stretch our resources to support this war. Therefore we feel it would be wise to submit to your demands in the interests of peace. We surrender.

What is the price for peace? This battle no longer suits our purpose. Too many have died already. We will give you what you want, just state your terms.

ACCEPT SURRENDER 1 (to admit defeat)
Begrudgingly, we accept. This war has reached its end at last, and we welcome it.

ACCEPT SURRENDER 2 (to admit defeat)
If you can promise us a peaceful conclusion then state your terms and get it over with!

ACCEPT SURRENDER 3 (to admit defeat)
There can be no doubt, we have been outclassed and outmanoeuvred. We will meet the demands, and let that be the end of it.

ACCEPT SURRENDER 1 (to accept victory)
We are relieved that you have yielded before we were forced to do too much damage. You have made the right choice.

ACCEPT SURRENDER 2 (to accept victory)
Contrary to what other powers may feel, surrender is a brave choice. You have saved your citizens from much unnecessary suffering.

DECLINE SURRENDER 1 (not accepting defeat)
Surrender? The Federation will never yield to a foreign power. We will fight to the last planet, the last ship, the last man, woman and child…!

DECLINE SURRENDER 2 (not accepting defeat)
You are gravely mistaken if you think we would relinquish our freedom, and hand control of our territory and people to you! We will never surrender!

DECLINE SURRENDER 3 (not accepting defeat)
Do not think that we have given up. As a people we have fought long and hard for all that we have achieved, and we would sooner die than give it up to live under your rule. This war is not over!

REFUSE SURRENDER OFFER 1 (no peace! now you will all die!)
Ha! Surrender? You must be fighting a different war to us if you think you hold the upper hand!

REFUSE SURRENDER OFFER 2 (no peace! now you will all die!)
Unacceptable! We feel that you present too great a threat to the galaxy, even in your reduced form. You must be wholly eliminated.

You are defeated, your fleets lost. Have mercy on your own dispirited people and spare them any further suffering. Submit to us, and our rule, and we will end this.

Accept defeat and the superiority of Federation forces, and we shall conclude our campaign against you. We feel you have suffered enough. Now is the time for resolution and reparation. This is a one time offer. Take it! The only alternative is to be destroyed utterly.

The United Federation of Planets claim victory. Accept your defeat graciously, and immediately, and we shall withdraw. We have enclosed our demands, and we advise you, with all prudence, to meet them in full.


TREATY DESCRIPTION: This is self-explanatory.

DECLARE WAR 1 (event specific - Raids)
How dare you launch raiding attacks against our shipping lanes! We are now at war! You have given us no choice. But bloodshed can be avoided if you surrender quickly. You would be wise to do so.

DECLARE WAR 2 (event specific - Intel)
Your spies were captured before they could do any more damage! You have tested the patience of the United Federation of Planets once too often. Now face the consequences! We are at war, and you will be made to pay a hefty price for your treachery.

DECLARE WAR 3 (event specific – colonizing near the border, claiming contested sector etc)
We can no longer tolerate your actions! After much consideration, we have decided there is no choice. We are forced to declare war on your people!

DECLARE WAR 4 (event specific – treaty abrogation)
So you have repaid our goodwill with treachery. Well now you will pay the ultimate price: War!

DECLARE WAR 5 (event specific – demands not met)
If you will not meet our demands, and do what is asked of you, then we will take what we need by force. Prepare for battle!

DECLARE WAR 6 (general)
Your government is deemed by many a corrupt and disruptive influence, and must be stopped. The security of the galaxy is at stake! We are now at war. May it end swiftly.

DECLARE WAR 7 (general)
Many have made the mistake in the past of underestimating the Federation. Our spirit cannot be conquered; our determination cannot be subdued. We will fight to the very end, and at the end perhaps it shall be us who are the last ones standing. Prepare for battle!

DECLARE WAR 8 (general)
We are not conquerors, or invaders, but liberators! Soon your oppressed people will taste the freedom you have denied them. Prepare for war!


TREATY DESCRIPTION: This is self-explanatory.

DISSOLVE 1 (event specific – Intel)
Your espionage has destroyed any chance for peace. Why could you not trust us! Our treaty is hereby dissolved!

DISSOLVE 2 (event specific – Intel)
We do not tolerate spies, nor do we maintain diplomatic relations with the governments that deploy them against us. This treaty is over!

DISSOLVE 3 (event specific – Sabotage)
We have captured your terrorists! And we have strict methods for dealing with them -- we are not as forgiving as you would think, particularly in such serious matters. Our treaty his hereby terminated!

DISSOLVE 4 (event specific – raids)
We cannot possibly turn a blind eye to the plundering of our systems. Did you think you could get away with it? We thought you were our allies!

After some consideration we have decided to disband our treaty. It no longer serves our interests.

Your provocation merely demonstrates that you cannot be relied upon, or even trusted anymore. Treaty dissolved.


SUMBIT REQUEST 1 (peaceful relations)
We would ask you, our valued associates, if you could see your way clear in forwarding us a small token of friendship. We are in need of $latinum$ and/or $resources$, and would greatly appreciate your aid. Please forward (….) Total of $____$ to us. Accept or Decline?

SUMBIT REQUEST 2 (peaceful relations)
Due to the recent collapse of several key markets there has been a general shortage of $latinum$ and/or $resources$. If you could help us, the Federation would be in your debt. Please forward (….) Total of $____$ to us. Accept or Decline?

SUMBIT DEMAND 1 (unfriendly relations)
In order to overlook many of your actions there must be a toll. Therefore we demand $latinum$ and/or $resources$! We expect the transfer to be made swiftly, and this will ensure that military action is prevented! Accept or Decline?

SUMBIT DEMAND 2 (unfriendly relations)
We hereby insist on certain economic reimbursements for our continued support. We demand $latinum$ and/or $resources$, to be forward to us at once. Know that it is a necessary mark of respect, and the very least you can do! Accept or Decline?

SUMBIT DEMAND 1 (hostile relations)
This uneasy peace cannot last! War may soon be upon you, and if not from our quarter then from any other of the numerous enemies you have made! We do not wish to go to war, so convince us not to take this course, by disbursing the following levy: $latinum$ and/or $resources$, immediately. Accept or Decline?

SUMBIT DEMAND 2 (hostile relations)
We would ask that you recognise our authority, and supremacy, by immediately dispatching $latinum$ and/or $resources$ to our stores and treasuries. Refuse, and there will be grave consequences! Accept or Decline?

SUMBIT DEMAND 1 (when at war)
We demand your unequivocal attention and cooperation. You will arrange to forward $latinum$ and/or $resources$, to us immediately. Do this, and we may reconsider our current military stance.

SUMBIT DEMAND 2 (when at war)
You have two choices. Pay as at once, peacefully, the following compensation: $latinum$ and/or $resources$, or we shall take it for ourselves by force, and in that process leave your empire in ruins!

SUMBIT REQUEST (territory – sectors)
We would ask that you recognize our claim to the territories currently in dispute.

SUMBIT DEMAND (territory - sectors)
We hereby claim the currently contested sectors (and/or the %_____% system), as payment of your debts. Cede them to us at once.

ACCEPT REQUEST 1 (sympathetic)
We would be glad to share our wealth with you. Consider it a free gift!

ACCEPT REQUEST 1 (sympathetic)
Peace comes at a price that is no longer cheap and easy to pay. But if peace can be bought, then yes, we will pay for it.

ACCEPT REQUEST 1 (unsympathetic)
Very well, we will do this for you, this time. But do not always believe we will be such easy targets. This is an extortionate amount! Our funding is limited.

ACCEPT REQUEST 2 (unsympathetic)
I do not believe we have any choice at present. Receive this token then, but not with our blessing.

ACCEPT REQUEST 1 (territory - sectors)
There would be no point in fighting over these territories. They are of no value to us. Take them if you want them!

ACCEPT DEMAND 1 (unfriendly relations)
What you ask is criminal. It is an extortionate amount. But what choice do we have! We had been willing to give you a second chance, but that chance has now gone. You have made a bitter enemy of us this day!

ACCEPT DEMAND 2 (unfriendly relations)
We are taking a great gamble in trusting to the greater good, and submitting to this one demand. There will not be another!

DECLINE REQUEST 1 (sympathetic)
We must regretfully, but respectfully, refuse this request. It is not a reflection of our feelings towards you, but an economic reality. We cannot spare what you ask.

DECLINE REQUEST 2 (sympathetic)
These are desperate times unfortunately, and we are aware of your shortages. But we regret that we cannot help, for we are suffering in the same way.

DECLINE REQUEST 1 (unsympathetic)
This is a rather audacious ‘request’, is it not? Did you think the Federation could be so easily swayed by seductive words, dripped in such obvious poison? We are more wary than that!

DECLINE REQUEST 2 (unsympathetic)
A worthy effort, and we salute you. But we do not grant charitable donations to criminals. Request denied!

DECLINE REQUEST 3 (territory - sectors)
We have long held a claim over those territories -- they are ours, and we won them fairly. We are not about to simply give them away!

You cannot possibly justify such demands! But then again, you are not a reasonable or morally just people. You will get nothing from us!

You dare to make demands of the Federation! We do not pay tribute, or respond to extortion!


To improve diplomatic relations we present you with a gift. (Forward amount = $____$.)

Know that no one can match the wealth and influence of the United Federation of Planets. This financial aid should clarify this. (Forward amount = $____$.)

We sympathise with your current situation. Recognise our continued support with this gift. (Forward amount = $____$.)

We apologise for our rash, military action. It was not a battle we wanted. To help repair any damage caused to our relationship, please accept the following donation. (Forward amount = $____$.)

OFFER GIFT 5 (neutral)
There is still hope left for a better future for both our peoples. Perhaps this small token will remind you that you do not stand alone, and maybe even on day we might stand together as allies! (Forward amount = $____$.)

OFFER GIFT 6 (friendly)
Together we stand and together we march. What is ours is also yours. (Forward amount = $____$.)

This is a very generous indeed. We humbly accept it with thanks.

We would never ask for such tribute, but we thank you nonetheless.

We are glad you have at last seen wisdom. It is not before time.


INITIAL COMMUNICATION (RESPONSIVE) 1 >Initial dialogue opening<
Our patience is somewhat thinner than once you knew. You want a swift answer, then you shall have it! <Appended with relevant response>

INITIAL COMMUNICATION (RESPONSIVE) 2 >Initial dialogue opening<
Very well, we will talk… <Appended with relevant response>

Very well. You have regained our ear, but not our trust… <Appended with relevant response>

You were not satisfied with offending us so completely last time, now you return with more. Why should we even listen to what you have to say?

The Federation Council are normally very patient and forgiving, but you ask too much of us. Now is not the time for talk. Communication channel closed.

Will you not ever give up? Your position is well known. Even if you said everything you believed we would want to hear, you quite simply cannot be trusted. Nothing you can say will
change our minds about you.

We will no longer allow you take advantage of our trusting nature. Believe us when we say that we have learned our lesson well. Your words are bereft of either sincerity or truth. No further appeals will be heard.

You are late to the diplomatic table. You had your chance. The time for speech has passed. You have driven us to war, lest you forget, and it is war we shall see through to the end – your end. Discussion over.

Normally we would be more than prepared to receive you, and reopen negotiations. But, to be quite candid, we do not trust you. All your words were proven false, full of lies and trickery, do you not recall? Face now the bitter consequence of betraying the Federation!

We are at war, and it is too late now to sue for peace. This is what you wanted, was it not? Our fleets have not even begun to exact our brand of justice, or should we say revenge?


(a sample – unfinished)

I haven't finished these, much will depend on the coding and what elements/events are planned, and what diplomatic interaction is possible along these lines. Just let me know what is required. The following is just a sample of what immediately springs to mind.

-We applaud your recent efforts against the %_____%. They are getting what they deserved!

-We cannot condone your bombardment of the %_____%, but we see that you had no choice.

-Call off your raiding parties, or there will be war!

-If our borders are not respected, we shall respond with our full military force!

-It is good to be talking with you once more.

-We were worried by your long absence.

-We are somewhat preoccupied with important business elsewhere at the moment, and we cannot grant you our undivided attention. Please contact us again at another time.

-You will come to regret your alliance with the %_____%. They will not share power equally with you. Soon you will be their minions!

-Fools. You think you are safe, now you have signed this agreement with the %_____%? They will only protect an ally that shares their corruption.

-You are in error, if you think the %_____% will honour this treaty.

-You are unwise to show such hospitality to the %_____%. They will abuse and exploit it. They know nothing else.

-Do not trust to the generosity of the %_____%. It conceals their true agenda. They are manipulating you.

-You have dispatched spies among the %_____&, our allies. Should we expect to find them within the circles of power on our own world too? You risk much in your espionage against us. We urge you to withdraw them immediately, lest you provoke a response that might lead to an interstellar incident.

-You have won a battle, but not war, no matter what your propaganda machine might say.

-We were on a peaceful mission of exploration! There was no reason to fire. Discipline your commanders, or our mission of peace will change!

-Do you now regret your provocation? It is only a matter of time before you fall, and then at last your people will be liberated from your tyranny.

-We feel we have been very patient, but Federation borders are not open to your ships. Intrude once more, and you may lose them!

-We are as equally curious of the internal workings of the %_____&. We trust that you will make your intelligence reports available to us on request?

-We share your concern at the startling growth of the &_____%. They cannot be permitted to expand any further unopposed. We applaud your efforts to contain them.

Author:  dafedz [ 25 Feb 2008, 21:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Here's the Cards.

Sorry, just got time to post and run, no time to comment or explain anything... see ya :thumbsup:


TREATY TYPE: Similar rules as BOTF. This treaty establishes empire territories with a visible border. Crossing the border and violating another empire's territory could be considered an act of war – for unlike BOTF you would be physically able to cross this border as long as your vessel is in your own refuelling zone. If you are the party who proposes this treaty you may offer as much compensation as you wish in order to sway negotiations. On the same note, you may request compensation in exchange for peace. You can request a neutral zone to be installed between the two empires (1 grid square thick) – neither side by agreement can enter the zone as it could be considered an act of war, but the zone can be violated (at the players risk) if you so wish. This treaty can be offered whenever your relationship is neutral, or as a ‘stalemate’ conclusion to a war, (see Surrender treaty).

Do not heed all of the propaganda you hear regarding us. We are open to peace, if the terms are suitable. Thus, we hereby offer the following Non-aggression pact. Will you sign it?

This is the Central Command of the Cardassian Union. We have been instructed to forward terms for the following treaty. It will demarcate our territorial claims. It is a requirement in recognising our political and military domain.

We think it would be wise, for the time being, if we entered into a mutual non-aggression pact. There is no need for any bloodshed. We have always desired a peaceful and productive relationship with your people.

It takes courage to concede your apparent weakness, and appeal for peace. Very well, we shall grant you this one concession, for the time being.

Let it be done as you have suggested. Peace gives one the time to reflect, and regroup.

Very well, we shall join you in this non-aggression pact. We will always remember that it was you that proposed it, so do not ever betray us, for the price will be high.

If you want peace with the Cardassian Union, you had better revise these terms. They are not nearly enticing enough.

We have no interest in this. We do not recognise the validity of your territorial claims, and you will come to learn this in time.

This treaty does not describe itself well to us. As a contract it is ambiguous, and convoluted. Does it mean that you would pledge to curb your own aggression, or that you fear us, and would seek reassurance that we bear no harmful intent?


TREATY DESCRIPTION: A Trade Treaty is similar to a Friendship, but precedes it by one level. With these simple initial trade ties, you do not get to see the populations, system names or the system information of your partner’s territory. Profits for each trade route could also be only 50% of the system’s potential output. Friendship treaties would guarantee a full 100% profit.

Greetings. We are proposing a new treaty, one that might enhance the economic returns for both sides. Trade with us. It makes sense, does it not?

Trade is necessary for any great power to flourish. Enter into a trade accord with us, and benefit from Cardassia's economic and industrial strength.

We have noted your poor commercial strength of late. You are lacking in many common wares that Cardassians take for granted day by day. We have a solution for you. Perhaps there are some things we could supply you with, for the right price?

Very well. We find that these terms are adequate, for now, or until such time we choose to alter them.

This proposal does have some merit, and we shall agree to it in principle. However, we reserve the right to dissolve the treaty when we deem that it has run its course.

It is not an ideal solution. Generally we are loath to treat with foreign powers on such terms. But we see the wisdom of this in the current climate. Do not however think that we will be an easy partner to control or subdue to your ends. We are very demanding.

We have absolutely no interest in such a treaty. Besides, our methods of business are not compatible with your own.

These terms are absurd. Why would we wish to maintain such a relationship with you?

To what end? You have given little thought to this treaty. It is poorly drawn up in virtually every way, and weighed heavily in your favour. Come back to us when your people have learned to be impartial, and fair, in formulating terms.


TREATY DESCRIPTION: I would see a Friendship Treaty as being an extension and enhancement of a Trade Treaty. Now planets, populations and system information of your opponent’s territory can be seen and inspected. Also, trade routes will return a higher profit margin (100% output). Friends often help each other in times of conflict, however this isn’t a condition of the treaty.

There is often value in patience, and trust. To that end we extend our hand. What would you say to a Friendship treaty with the Cardassian Union?

It is in both our interests to cast aside our differences and embrace reality. As painful as it might sound to admit, we need each other as allies to survive! Sign this friendship accord, and enjoy the bounty that such agreement between friends, will grant.

We feel the time is right to present you with our latest idea. Join us in a friendship treaty! It can provide the security we both need in these difficult and uncertain times. Never say that we think only of ourselves.

The wisdom of your words is not lost on us, and we are duly moved. Very well, let it be so. May this be the first step in solidifying our relationship.

We apologise for the delay. Normally we would respond immediately, and in brief, for it does not take long to say 'no', or 'yes'. But this required careful thought and examination. And you will be will pleased to hear that your proposal has been met favourably by the Detapa Council. We accept.

At some length we have decided to accept this treaty -- provisionally. There is still some scepticism on our part, but we shall sample it for a short time. If it does not prove to meet our expectations it will be dissolved.

We do not view you as friends, but needs must, as they say. We have common enemies, we agree, and it would make sense to combine our strength to oppose them.

To be bound in friendship is to be shackled to a burden, which we neither need nor desire. Treaty rejected.

Such treaties are for friends. We however are not friends, nor shall we ever be. Do not delude yourself with false expectations.

Bravo! This proposal is both sublime and audacious -- you amuse us with your presumption. Did you think we could be so easily swayed? The Cardassian Union stands alone, and will fall or rise alone. We do not need friends! Treaty declined!


TREATY DESCRIPTION: Affiliated empires may cross each other’s space and use each other’s starbases to expand refuelling zones and for ship repair. It is also a commitment of the treaty that each empire defends each other as they would their own people. If an empire declares war on your affiliate, it is a treaty obligation you declare war on them. Not declaring war in such instances would invalidate (and hence terminate) the affiliation treaty.

It is not often dire need will drive us to make such radical proposals. But an affiliation treaty can be an important step in securing this quadrant from those who would seek to destroy it. Together we can guard our interests and preserve our identities! What do you say?

There can be no doubt, that judging by our successes and burgeoning strength thus far, we are meant to be far more than mere friends and trading partners. Join us in full affiliation. You will not regret it!

The Cardassian Union seeks to broaden its horizon and expand. You likewise, no doubt, would like to expand your own influence into new territories. Affiliation will grant our fleets access to new areas of space. Will you accept?

This would not have ever occurred to us; we would never presume to make such a profound suggestion. So we salute you, and humbly accept.

Affiliation you say? Now that we have fully examined the effects and ramifications of such an extreme proposal, the more it appeals to us. This will grant a far greater flexibility to our fleets. We accept!

You are persistent, we grant you that. And although we are sure you will receive the better end of the bargain, compared to what we would gain, we have chosen to accept.

Affiliation is a big step, one we are not willing to make at this time. It is beyond our means and measures. But perhaps one day we will be ready.

No, this does not appeal to us. We have no interest or desire in accessing your military resources. We are quite self-sufficient, and we would certainly never grant free rein to foreign shipping in our territories...

We cannot foresee any benefit in such an affiliation. We do share this ambition, and we are somewhat disturbed to learn that you would harbour such goals yourself. So you seek access to our space? By all means you are willing to try by more conventional means, just be aware that Central Command does not look kindly upon intruders!


TREATY DESCRIPTION: Two empires sharing military facilities can escort each other’s convoys, patrol each other’s borders etc. It is a commitment of the treaty that allied empires defend each other as they would their own people. If an empire declares war on your ally, it is a treaty obligation that you declare war on them. Intelligence is still possible against such an ally, but sabotage events are not.

If we were to form an alliance, then we would suggest that nothing could stand in our way. We would be invincible! What do you say?

The Cardassian Union has an exciting proposal. You would no sooner submit to a foreign power than we would. Therefore, let us combine forces in an alliance, and we will ensure that such an unthinkable thing could never befall.

Only as a combined force could we ever hope to defeat the growing power of our rivals. They oppose us and threaten us at every turn, do they not? We cannot survive alone. Such a merger is vital if we are to take them on, and win through. If you sign this treaty now, then we would all but taste the victory toast!

It is a seductive notion, ruling the galaxy together… Very well, let it be done. We cannot foresee that either power, divided, could ever rule the galaxy as a single force.

An alliance may not even be enough to combat the threat of the %_____%. But there can be no harm in a trial of this arrangement. Maybe they will think twice before attacking us again? But we cannot help but feel that we will be too late.

Our enemies will fear us now! At last, the Cardassian Union will be felt as a significant power in the galaxy!

We have already done far more for you than we were ever obliged to do. This is a step, a big step, too far. Treaty rejected.

ALLIANCE DECLINE 2 (to a partner with less territory/wealth)
An alliance by definition is an equal responsibility; and equal distribution of all that we have to share. As we see things, you are smaller, weaker, and poorer than us. It would not be a very amenable arrangement.

And why, exactly, would we wish to ally ourselves with you? What do you have to offer us, except grand words and promises you could not possibly keep? We are not impressed.

ALLIANCE DECLINE 4 (far below the sympathy prerequisite)
An alliance, with you? That is an absurd idea!


TREATY DESCRIPTION: A War Pact is an immediate mutual declaration of war on another empire. Current diplomatic status is unimportant -- neutral empires can fight together against a common threat (including the Borg). Affiliates and allies can propose war pacts in order to ensure the war is agreed on both sides before committing. It does not alter your current status with said empire.

A Defence Pact confirms that two empires, regardless of relationship, will commit to mutual defence to encourage an aggressive power to leave both partners alone. This treaty would include the conditions of only a non-aggression treaty.

There can be no further doubt, the %_____% are a threat to us both. We can no longer stand aside and do nothing. We are sure that you will agree, and that you stand with us. Do not desert us now! Let us form a pact of war and put a stop to them, before it is too late!

We do not generally jump to conclusions, are we are not easily alarmed, but we can no longer ignore the clear threat of the %_____%. The time has come to put a stop to them, once and for all! Join us now, and share the spoils of war!

We are concerned by the ever-expanding influence of the %_____%. If they were to achieve general supremacy in this quadrant of the galaxy, it would mean an end to our existence as we know it. Join us in a war against them, and the security of our futures will be assured.

You are fortunate to have come this far, relatively unscathed. But you cannot sit and do nothing and pretend you will escape the storm that is to come. We must launch a pre-emptive strike against the %_____%. They threaten us both! Together, we may win through. Think carefully, but quickly. Time is short!

We concur with your findings. We dislike the %_____% as much as you do. They must be stopped! It will be an honour to fight with you side by side.

The current state of affairs cannot be permitted to continue. The Cardassian Union will join you in this war.

Yes, it is about time the %_____% were taught a lesson. And we shall teach it with you. They will pay for their treachery in blood. To war!

We regret to say that we do not share your findings. They are powerful yes, and their influence is growing rapidly. But there is no need for alarm. They have never overtly threatened us; on the contrary, we share amicable relations with them. This war is unnecessary.

Unfortunately we do not have the means to conduct such a campaign at this time. We shall watch and wait, and continue to rebuild. In the meantime however, should you choose to take them on alone, we wish you luck.

There can be no doubt that the %_____% pose a significant threat. But we are not convinced by your motives. What do you wish to achieve? To declare war now would be rash and foolish. Such aggression would threaten to further destabilize an already tense and delicate climate. We advise you to be patient. The %_____% can wait a while longer.


Consider, a moment, the benefits of a mutual defence pact. We share many of the same threats, but we need not face them alone. Military cooperation would be the perfect answer to quell our fears.

OFFER DEFENCE PACT 1 (When not affiliated)
You may for now oppose the possibility of close diplomatic relations, but the value of a defence pact cannot be so easily cast aside. You need us as much as we need you.

Agreed. This proposal is compatible with our own agenda. The %_____% must be resisted! This pact will at least cast some doubt into their minds. As one combined force they may yet reconsider their position.

The timing is apt. We dislike the %_____% as much as you do. This pact that we sign here today will send them a clear message -- we will not be intimidated!

We regret to inform you that we must decline. But merit where merit is due. The proposal is well thought through, and would be a rational course of action. However, it has not come at a good time for us. We cannot make such a commitment.

You are easily intimidated, we see. But do not fear, timid ones, I am sure the %_____% harbour you no…. ill feeling. But thank you for such an intriguing psychological insight into your people. We will not forget it.

DECLINE DEFENCE PACT 3 (with no other treaty in place)
The cost of such a proposal, coming from you, is just too high. Defend your own people, and we shall defend ours.


TREATY DESCRIPTION: This is a special non-aggression treaty that you would offer to superior forces to save your empire. It is an admittance of defeat, and would incur stiff morale penalties (if they are not already bottomed out), and a major morale boost for your enemy. It may not be the end of the game – you may be granted a reprieve (if accepted), and a chance to rebuild and ‘come back’. You may offer as much or as little compensation as you wish, however large compensation may be needed to save your empire. Compensation can include, but is not limited to: ships, territory, credits, research points, intel points, raw materials.

Likewise, demanding the surrender of your poor victims grants you a big morale boost. You may ask for whatever compensation you wish.

This war has become too costly for us to support. Accept our surrender.

This war serves no purpose! End it now, and we will meet your terms.

We ask that you cease these attacks! We will give you whatever you ask.

ACCEPT SURRENDER 1 (to admit defeat)
Very well. This war was beginning to bore us.

ACCEPT SURRENDER 2 (to admit defeat)
Yes, the people have had enough of this now. It’s time to end it.

ACCEPT SURRENDER 3 (to admit defeat)
We surrender. But know that we do not recognise your superiority! Obviously you have had help from outside.

ACCEPT SURRENDER 1 (to accept victory)
We shall accept. It will save our troops the time and effort it would have taken to crush you completely. Welcome to the Cardassian Union! As our guests you will treated fairly, of course…

ACCEPT SURRENDER 2 (to accept victory)
You no longer wish to fight? Such cowardice. We had thought as much.

DECLINE SURRENDER 1 (not accepting defeat)
Cardassia will never yield! We will fight on!

DECLINE SURRENDER 2 (not accepting defeat)
We will fight you until the last man, woman and child is lying dead, drowned in their blood if necessary. Destroy us completely if that is what you want, but what good would that do?

DECLINE SURRENDER 3 (not accepting defeat)
Do not underestimate us. We are not finished yet!

REFUSE SURRENDER OFFER 1 (no peace! now you will all die!)
You amuse us. But for this insolence we shall come down upon you all the more harder. May apocalypse be upon you! Prepare your people for death.

REFUSE SURRENDER OFFER 2 (no peace! now you will all die!)
We will soon be your masters, and you will find no more mercy from us then, than you will now.

The time has come for you to fall into the dust from whence you came. Alternatively, you may surrender to us and our rule immediately, and we shall spare your species from extinction.

Recognise the superiority of the Cardassian Union! You will learn to serve us as our subjects, or die. The choice is yours!

Do you have no sympathy for the plight of your people? Then let us grant them what you could not. Surrender to us, and we shall give them the care and protection your administration failed to deliver. They would enjoy Cardassian hospitality -- of that we have no doubt!


TREATY DESCRIPTION: This is self-explanatory.

DECLARE WAR 1 (event specific - Raids)
You would dare to raid our transport ships! Now there is war!

DECLARE WAR 2 (event specific - Intel)
The price of sending your spies among us is war. They died in vain, and so too will you. Prepare for battle!

DECLARE WAR 3 (event specific – colonizing near the border, claiming contested sector etc)
Those territories are ours; you have no right to them! And we are going to take them back! To battle!

DECLARE WAR 4 (event specific – treaty abrogation)
Our instincts about you have proven true! You disgust us with your treachery. Now you will be crushed. To war!

DECLARE WAR 5 (event specific – demands not met)
Very well then. It was a simple request, and what a regrettable choice you have made to refuse us. How unfortunate for your long-suffering people that they will not mercifully live long enough to condemn the unwise fools who ruled them and their affairs so poorly. Ready your ships. It is war!

DECLARE WAR 6 (general)
We do not care if we have to destroy every man, every ship, every planet! We shall be compensated in full for having to put up with you for so long! Prepare your people for war!

DECLARE WAR 7 (general)
Time to move aside! The Cardassian Union has identified your region of space as its next area of conquest. We are coming, and you are in the way. Prepare your people for death!

DECLARE WAR 8 (general)
We can tolerate you no longer. It is time to put you out of your misery. Goodbye and good riddance!


TREATY DESCRIPTION: This is self-explanatory.

DISSOLVE 1 (event specific – Intel)
Your poorly trained intelligence agents were quickly identified, captured, and executed. And they went to their deaths knowing that their ‘carelessness’ would cost their homeland dearly. Our treaty is hereby dissolved.

DISSOLVE 2 (event specific – Intel)
So you have found it necessary to send spies among us? What a grave mistake. Our treaty is over, and this is just the beginning.

DISSOLVE 3 (event specific – Sabotage)
We would normally execute such terrorists publicly, for the pleasure of our people. But this time we have decided to hold them indefinitely. They may be useful, but they do not face a pleasant or comfortable future. Negotiations for their release, or any further dealings, will not be possible. We hereby dissolve all diplomatic channels.

DISSOLVE 4 (event specific – raids)
You would send raiding ships against us? This will be rued as a great mistake on your part. The first step toward our rapidly crumbling relations will be the immediate abrogation of this sham of a treaty! What of the next step we wonder, have you nerve to take it?

The conditions that made this treaty acceptable no longer apply. It is obsolete, and we can no longer pay any heed to it.

Times have changed, there is no use denying it. We are afraid to say that we no longer feel obligated to keep our end of this treaty. It is henceforth dissolved.


SUBMIT REQUEST 1 (peaceful relations)
We have a small request. If you could see your way clear to forwarding us $latinum$ and/or $resources$, as just a small token of friendship, we would be - for the time - placated. Please forward (….) Total of $____$ to us. (Accept or Decline?)

SUBMIT REQUEST 2 (peaceful relations)
It injures our pride to ask this of you, but we are in dire need of assistance. Talks with the trade unions have collapsed, and many workers are now under state arrest. As a result we are suffering a general scarcity of key resources and victuals. A small donation of $latinum$ and/or $resources$, would go some way to alleviating this shortage. We would be in your debt. Please forward (….) Total of $____$ to us. (Accept or Decline?)

SUBMIT REQUEST 3 (peaceful relations)
War is expensive, but war is a necessary evil. In order to continue funding our military programs, from whose protection you yourselves benefit, we require a contribution. It is in your own interests. Please forward (….) Total of $____$ to us. (Accept or Decline?)

SUBMIT DEMAND 1 (unfriendly relations)
In order to offset our imperial deficit, we require duty on a number of support services we have provided for you, which have not yet been paid for. We demand $latinum$ and/or $resources$, made payable in full, at once. Failure to do so would meet with unfortunate consequences! (Accept or Decline?)

SUBMIT DEMAND 2 (unfriendly relations)
The Cardassian Union asks that you would recognise its greatness with a gift. We insist you donate $latinum$ and/or $resources$, to us at once. (Accept or Decline?)

SUBMIT DEMAND 3 (unfriendly relations)
We can no longer ignore the uneasy truth! War is building, and in many places. We hope that it is not you who are next to fall, but there is a hope that we might have the resources necessary to support you, should the unthinkable occur. Therefore we require a few small provisions so we might create a private trust fund, dedicated to your future protection. It is in your best interests. Please forward (….) Total of $____$ to us. (Accept or Decline?)

SUBMIT DEMAND 1 (hostile relations)
We will offer one final reprieve. Pay us now, in full, and you may be spared. Please forward (….) Total of $____$ to us. (Accept or Decline?)

SUBMIT DEMAND 2 (hostile relations)
Times are bleak, are they not? You have few friends and supporters, and we are in a strong position, stronger than you, we deem. It would be in your best interest to begin a steady flow of tribute payments to appease us. Fail, and you shall pay in another way… Please forward (….) Total of $____$ to us. (Accept or Decline?)

SUBMIT DEMAND 1 (when at war)
We hope that you have now been taught a lesson. Do not oppose the Cardassian Union! Submit to us, and we will spare your people further suffering. We demand $latinum$ and/or $resources$. Failure to comply would be unfortunate. (Accept or Decline?)

SUBMIT DEMAND 2 (when at war)
Fools. Did you think you could withstand the Cardassian Union? But do not be ashamed by your weakness in the fight, we expectedly little more from you. We might be prepared, however, to spare you complete humiliation, if you would kindly make a donation to our war funds. We demand $latinum$ and/or $resources$, immediately. Please forward (….) Total of $____$ to us. (Accept or Decline?)

SUBMIT REQUEST 1 (territory – sectors)
Once again, we must stress the importance of our territorial claims. We would ask that recognise the sectors currently in dispute, as ours. (Accept or Decline?)

SUBMIT REQUEST 2 (territory – sectors)
Forgive the sudden intrusion. But we submit that there must have been some kind of mistake. The sectors currently contested by our two peoples clearly belong to us. Fear not, we will forgive this oversight, but we would also ask that the necessary corrections are made at once. (Accept or Decline?)

SUBMIT DEMAND 1 (territory – sectors)
You insult us with your claim over territory that clearly belongs to us! Return it to us at once, and you will not know the wrath of the Cardassian Union! (Accept or Decline?)

SUBMIT DEMAND 2 (territory – sectors)
You will cede your claim to what is clearly our territory immediately. If you do not, we shall take back what is ours by force! (Accept or Decline?)

ACCEPT REQUEST 1 (sympathetic)
Ask, and you shall receive, trusted friends.

ACCEPT REQUEST 2 (sympathetic)
You would be a worthy beneficiary of our great wealth. Consider it done!

ACCEPT REQUEST 1 (unsympathetic)
Perhaps it would be best, in the interests of peace, to accept your request – this one time! We do not do it gladly.

ACCEPT REQUEST 2 (unsympathetic)
You ask much of us. But do not think you can return to the well to refill your pail too frequently. Sometimes the lid is closed!

ACCEPT REQUEST 1 (territory - sectors)
These regions have no value to us. Take them if you wish.

ACCEPT DEMAND 2 (territory - sectors)
This will be a temporary arrangement. We will henceforth view these territories as protectorates of your empire, as our resources are required elsewhere. A time will come, however, when our attention will return to these sectors. And we will reclaim them.

ACCEPT DEMAND 1 (unfriendly relations)
We do not look kindly upon thieves! Make no mistake, this demand is quite simply a crime against us.

ACCEPT DEMAND 2 (unfriendly relations)
You do not move us! And we advise you not to feel too comfortable with this new found wealth. One day we shall return to reclaim what it ours, but we shall be exacting an even greater price!

DECLINE REQUEST 1 (sympathetic)
You fail to make a very strong case to us. Request denied! And if you wish to appeal, may we suggest you take the matter up with our military? They would be pleased to explain things further.

DECLINE REQUEST 1 (sympathetic)
This is quite out of the question at this time. All markets are suffering at present, and our people must endure many shortages to support imperial war efforts. But until such time the economy regains its former strength, we will need every credit, and every scrap of material for ourselves.

DECLINE REQUEST 2 (sympathetic)
You have shortages? We sympathise with your plight. But have you ever paused a moment to sympathise with ours? We are in a far graver position, and yet we do not ask you for handouts!

DECLINE REQUEST 1 (unsympathetic)
This is a most entertaining idea. It has aroused the mirth of many who are so seldom roused these days. It has been a welcome diversion from the far more serious matters that beleaguer the lofty charge of our wise leaders. This is why you have escaped punishment for such a sheer lack of respect, this time!

DECLINE REQUEST 2 (unsympathetic)
If you would throw stones into the lair of the beast, be prepared to have your hands bitten, or worse…

DECLINE REQUEST 1 (territory - sectors)
You have tested our patience once to often with your incessant demands and grievances. There was a time when we may have granted this concession. But you have pushed us too far. Request denied!

DECLINE REQUEST 2 (territory - sectors)
We do not understand the concept of a ‘territorial dispute’. The charts that you have drawn up must obviously differ from ours, but the region in question is our quite clearly ours. We advise you to re-examine your maps.

You are pitiable. This, being but the latest example of your diatribe, is clearly an incitement for war!

To think that we would freely part with what we had rightly earned – it is ludicrous. You seek to intimidate us, but we see the subtle truth that your posturing has failed to hide, and that is your inherent poverty, and thus weakness. Soon, the entire galaxy will know this!


We have decided to forward this gift, as a token of respect. (Forward amount = $____$.)

Do not come to rely on such donations; we do not have much, and we cannot support you indefinitely. It is meant merely as a symbol to remind you of our extreme power and influence. (Forward amount = $____$.)

Your people have suffered too long, and there may even be a small number of Cardassian expatriates living among you, fools that they are. Therefore we offer this token to defray the cost of supporting them. No one in this age should have to endure such primitive standards of living.

OFFER GIFT 4 (no relations)
Perhaps we have been in error with our foreign policy. We seek peaceful relations with all our neighbours, and promise to do more to improve relations. Receive this gift as an admission of our neglect.

OFFER GIFT 5 (allied or affiliated)
You still have our unwavering support. Do not give up, together we shall triumph!

You flatter us. It is neither expected nor warranted. What precisely is your agenda?

Very well, we will take it in good faith. Though we may need further convincing…

This is a wise and timely gesture. Our commanders may be convinced to delay their inevitable advance.


INITIAL COMMUNICATION (RESPONSIVE) 1 >Initial dialogue opening<
Your argument does carry some weight. Do not ever say we are closed minded, or not open to diplomatic talks. <Appended with relevant response>

INITIAL COMMUNICATION (RESPONSIVE) 2 >Initial dialogue opening<
You ask much of us. But we will give you the benefit of the doubt. <Appended with relevant response>

We know your motives. We are experts in such tactics and devices ourselves, and are well trained in spotting them.

We see no need for further discussion. Our position should be clear to you.

You are urged, with all due diligence, to stop wasting your time, and ours.

We do not talk with bond-breakers. Our trust in you has been destroyed.

There will be no further contact, except on the field of battle!

See how it squirms and writhes when backed into a corner? What shall we do with it, we ask ourselves –put it out of its misery, or show mercy?

We have long awaited this plea for clemency, and we receive some satisfaction in hearing it! But we fear that we cannot grant it. We shall make an example of you. They shall say of the %_____% : “they opposed the Cardassian Union, and look what happened to them…”

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 26 Feb 2008, 15:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

That is an amazing piece of work.

Author:  Centurion_VarDin [ 26 Feb 2008, 18:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Holy crap!

That's an awfull lot of work indeed. I haven't read all of it, just tiny bits of the federation. Most of it looks good, but I must say there are parts (mainly in the war declaration / surrender sections) that sound more Romulan/Cardassian than Federation like. I'd like to offer my services in trying to sort some of these things out if nescessary and perhaps come up with other races diplomatics. Send me a pm or an email for that. I should be having some time left the comming few weeks.

Cheers for the good work!

EDIT: I realy lol'ed at the first Federation recording. But I do am realy wondering whether you were serious with it. :p They do sound good, though!

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 26 Feb 2008, 20:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

We got the converstation going.

Author:  Darth Windu [ 27 Feb 2008, 08:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diplomacy Dialogue

Just a quick bit of input here, some of the humour seems out of place, like the Federation saying "we're going to destroy you. Have a nice day." I get that humour is good and all, but it just doesn't fit.

Also is the public release alpha the non-aggression pact text seems pretty poorly written. Remember that we're supposed to be in control of galactic superpowers here.

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