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Author:  Hodan [ 07 Nov 2007, 16:42 ]
Post subject:  Programming

Hi i just wanted to know. How do you go about learning how to programe video games and do you have to be some sort of super genius and if so wouldn't your time be better spent plotting world domination instead.

Author:  Malvoisin [ 07 Nov 2007, 16:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Programming

what do you think we're doin here.. :twisted: :mrgreen:

honestly, to be a programmer it takes the usual stuff: coolness, a lot of motivation and the right books to help you coding. it doesn't take a super genius to write such a video game, just a lot of self-conviction, since you mostly spend your free time on coding that others use for different kind of fun. but it levels out in the end pretty much I heard.. ;)

sir p. wasn't exactly a programmer god when he started to program bote 4 years ago. it comes over time when you learn how to do stuff efficiently and when other guys come in and help out in certain areas of programming and in terms of content-creation of course.

if you don't have a team (though you have to be at "alpha1-stage" first to seriously start attracting other contributing members) jus' forget it :lol:.

Author:  mstrobel [ 07 Nov 2007, 16:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Programming

Hodan wrote:
Hi i just wanted to know. How do you go about learning how to programe video games and do you have to be some sort of super genius and if so wouldn't your time be better spent plotting world domination instead.

Developing games is just our way of distracting the mass populus whilst we secretly plot to take over the world :lol:. But to answer your question, I have a degree in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology, which is where I developed most of my core programming skills. The rest is just from experience working as a software developer--as Malvoisin said, the more you code, the more you learn. As for programming games, that's another story. Game development is generally very different from developing other kinds of applications. However, Supremacy really doesn't have much in common with your typical video game--the architecture is a lot more friendly to business application developers like me. In other words, I still don't know much about video game development ;). I wouldn't say that it takes a super genius, or even a regular genius for that matter, but programming of any kind requires a lot of patience and a lot of passion--unless you find it fun, or at least fascinating, I wouldn't recommend trying to go too far with it. But you have nothing to lose by learning, and you can always quit if you find it boring :). I'd recommend checking out

Author:  cdrwolfe [ 07 Nov 2007, 18:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Programming

mstrobel wrote:
unless you find it fun, or at least fascinating, I wouldn't recommend trying to go too far with it.

What?,... what about those people who just like to partake in simple Masochistic, self punishing fun :). I'am sure there can be found some perverse pleasure from the complete frustration coding can be :P

Regards Wolfe

Author:  Hodan [ 08 Nov 2007, 22:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Programming

Well i am Studying history so thats not going to help me with any aspirations of games designing apart from maybe writing stories for games.

Author:  Malvoisin [ 09 Nov 2007, 07:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Programming

you may wanna have a look here: viewtopic.php?f=14&p=41988#p41988 ;)

if you're up to help fox develop a different story to the TerraDrive Universe story we had in mind to put into bote before, please do! after all, a self-crafted story is better than anything else :).

Author:  FoxURA [ 09 Nov 2007, 07:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Programming

Hodan wrote:
Well i am Studying history so thats not going to help me with any aspirations of games designing apart from maybe writing stories for games.

So then are you a history major in college I assume and not still in highschool?

Author:  danbotf [ 04 Sep 2008, 13:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Programming

I have to hand it to you guys. I'm a computer engineer myself and have written all sorts of programs in all sorts of languages but with the amount of suggestions coming in for supremacy and their sheer complicity, especially regarding the AI involved in them, you'll be writing this game forever :-

I salute you! :lol:

Author:  Malvoisin [ 04 Sep 2008, 14:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Programming

I'm also quite confident that all these ideas about even deeper complexity like for example in the recent politics thread won't make it into the game and if so then only for pure multiplayer matches with no AI involved. Still even there some kind of governmental or background AI for most of the ideas (politics, civics) would still be needed and I simply doubt there is time for that. Maybe with a large influx of programmers that have a lot of spare-time (kind of contradicting itself, doesn't it ;)).

That a botf-remake gameplay-wise can be accomplished by 1 respectively 2 programmers in about 4 years is shown with BotE however so there are achievable milestones in sight :).

Author:  danbotf [ 04 Sep 2008, 14:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Programming

Apart from the last bit im not too sure what you are getting at. What's contradicting itself??

Author:  Malvoisin [ 04 Sep 2008, 14:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Programming

that there would be large influxes of programmers all willing to share a lot of their scarce spare time with the project. (that scarcity was what I meant with contradicting itself; I doubt programmers are among those people who have infinite spare time :lol:)

sure, I mean there are examples in the free open-source scene but usually those programs have a lot larger "audience" respectively interested target group than you get with a space 4X turn-based strategy game..

Author:  danbotf [ 04 Sep 2008, 14:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Programming

ah yeah, i get you now. i would offer to help with supremacy but im already stuck between two projects at the moment. Im new to supremacy and even the whole project of BOTF2.

Iv never played BotE, infact i didnt know about it so ill have to look into it. :thumbsup:

Author:  Malvoisin [ 04 Sep 2008, 14:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Programming

do that ;).

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 04 Sep 2008, 19:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Programming

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