Hey cdunn100, welcome to the forums!

The turn processing time is something that we are all aware of - in fact, for the last two months or so it has been the main focus of development. Make sure that you definitely have the latest release of the game, (It's available for download
Here) because the game is running more than
500% faster than it was before christmas!

...But the game is still running slower than people would like, especially on
some computer configurations, although we're not sure
why yet. Could you post the stats of your computer for us? Information like that can help us to find out which configurations these may be, so we can focus on fixing the cause. We need information such as your:
- CPU model/speed
- Amount of RAM
- Graphics card speed/memory
- Your operating system
Thanks for the feedback, and keep checking out the pre-release download thread for updates. The datestamp on the thread i updated whenever Mike posts a new version so you can check really quickly.

Welcome to the forums.

_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."