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Voice work?
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Author:  Davec8r [ 07 Sep 2008, 21:18 ]
Post subject:  Voice work?

Hey guys,
Loving Supremacy thus far and think it's going to be great once completed :).

I just wanted to ask if there will be voices in the game like in the last one? ie
"This system is Federation territory"
"Greetings from the Ferengi Alliance, want to make some profit?"
"Victory is ours"
or my fav from Star Trek Conquest "THIS IS FOR EARTH!" :lol:

If you are and short of voice actors, I'm more than happen to help, I think I can do a good Klingon impression and a sycophantic Vorta.

Author:  Malvoisin [ 07 Sep 2008, 21:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Voice work?

In the Jobs and Positions subforum is a thread about voices. There'll be voices in-game and there are already lots of them recorded but just not yet implemented. New voice talents are very welcome ;).

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 07 Sep 2008, 22:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Voice work?

Yes. So far it is a very quiet game. We have recordings on hold and are looking for more talent.

Author:  Davec8r [ 07 Sep 2008, 22:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Voice work?

Kenneth_of_Borg wrote:
Yes. So far it is a very quiet game. We have recordings on hold and are looking for more talent.

Okie dokes, I'll try and get recording some samples this week ;)

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 07 Sep 2008, 22:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Voice work?

We are currently working on combat voice snippets. With our SharePoint down I have put my recordings on MediaFire. More than one voice doing the same lines will give variety.

The Romulan

The Federation

The Klingon

Also for the Cardassians, not the combat voices Stegrex did, the combat mix. This takes a lot of sound effects and a mixer to build. It is fun but may only be used in a game trailer if at all.

Also for the Dominion the comparable combat mix

This is what Stegrex recorded for the Cards:

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