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 Supremacy download - all builds 
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This thread is intended to be a repository of all builds currently available for Supremacy. Eventually it'll become sort of a Supremacy development historical archive if you will, when a new public build is released.

I'm going to lock this topic, so that it doesn't get messy. Any comments about the game, data, images, etc should be posted in the proper subforum - I apologize in advance, but I'm trying to keep a clean and practical place where people can download the game and any enhancements without having to go through multiple posts in different subforums to get what they really want.

06 Dec 2012, 17:48
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May '09 public build

This is the most recent public build available, from May 2009. It still includes Officers as a resource, used to build ships.

I've converted the data files that the more recent private builds use to this build's format, so that people who prefer to use this (more stable) version can test them. However, ship build times will be different than those in the development builds, due to the changes in the architecture of shipyard objects.

Resources [248 KiB]
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06 Dec 2012, 17:52
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The following builds are development builds, with a lot of changes to the game, and thus require the following pre-reqs to be installed:

•The Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (note: you want the full framework, not the "Client Profile"; after it's installed, you should see both the "Client Profile" and "Extended Profile" listed in your control panel)
•Microsoft DirectX Runtime
•Microsoft XNA Framework v3.1 Redistributable
•Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable
•Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable

06 Dec 2012, 17:53
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This was the first development build which featured the rotating ship models in the Shipbuilding screen - there are only models for some half a dozen ships though, and only Federation ones. Not particularly interesting to download at this point.

06 Dec 2012, 17:55
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20110530 development build (0.4.4170.37222)

This build features new architectures for shipyards and orbital batteries, and a redesign of shield generators. It also introduces Agents, and orbital bombardment and ground combat. ... 530.7z.bin

(after downloading the file, remove the .bin extension, and unpack with 7zip)

06 Dec 2012, 17:58
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20110610 development build (0.4.4173.26562)

An image update plus some bug fixing. ... 610.7z.bin

(after downloading the file, remove the .bin extension, and unpack with 7zip)

The following package contains some DLLs that are missing, which might not let XP users run the game; it also contains a couple of text fixes, and some textures that are required if you wish to use the latest data files.

The rotating ship models in the Shipbuilding screen will not show with the default data files. The new data files fix this.

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06 Dec 2012, 18:02
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20110828 development build (0.4.4257.28090)

This build fixes a few bugs (visibility, orbital batteries), includes an image update, and improves diplomacy and the Embassy screen, but unfortunately war declaration is disabled, which means combat is not possible. ...

06 Dec 2012, 18:04
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20111119 development build (0.4.4340.24106)

This build includes some more fixes and updates, but you still can't declare war. ...

06 Dec 2012, 18:05
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20120225 source code

In case you're interested in getting the source code, here's what is currently the most recent version.

06 Dec 2012, 18:06
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20121204 development build (0.4.4721.40378)

And here's the latest development build, the one that will be the basis for the next public release. ...

Fonts are a bit weird, if you're having problems, install the Helvetica Std Ultra Compressed font in the Resources\Fonts folder.

06 Dec 2012, 18:17
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Here's an update to the database.

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12 Dec 2012, 19:57
Chief Software Engineer
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What is this? I'm not good with computer.

Lead Developer of Star Trek: Supremacy
253,658 lines of code and counting...

01 Jan 2013, 16:26
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Chief Software Engineer
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Fixed build for 2013-01-31: ...

Lead Developer of Star Trek: Supremacy
253,658 lines of code and counting...

01 Feb 2013, 03:39
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03 Feb 2013, 21:50
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I've uploaded a new data and image update to BitBucket, while we wait for the next release.
I'd like to get feedback on Dilithium reserves, as I've bumped up the Dilithium cost of ships (to their speed value). I've also reworked the stats of Orbital Batteries, and overhauled ships.
Thanks in advance!

08 Jun 2013, 12:39
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New release available at BitBucket, with a bunch of fixes and improvements.

Most importante changes:

- system and planetary bonuses creation
- industry output
- food output
- research output
- build time refresh
- growth rate bonuses
- shipbuilding bonuses
- ship construction completion display
- numerous UI issues

- dilithium cost of ships
- Orbital Battery stats
- Production Facility output and cost
- research field costs
- ship stats in general

07 Jul 2013, 17:48
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There's a new release on BitBucket, with some fixes (mostly to combat) and some improvements - most notably the implementation of starting conditions for all the empires! A few more things were made data-driven, like deuterium per gas giant, production of raw materials for homesystems, minor generation, etc.

Merry Christmas everyone!

24 Dec 2013, 00:32
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I've uploaded a data update to BitBucket, mainly improving starting conditions for higher civilization levels.

09 Jan 2014, 20:25
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New official test build available at BitBucket! A bunch of importante fixes:

- No more F12 cheat in MP play
- Make sure that minors are being spawned evenly in the 4 quadrants
- Shipyard`s output can now be a ratio of Population or Industry
- Agents not appearing in the asset screen (refresh issue)
- #286: Starting Conditions: Can now specify <Ship Count="3"> to indicate the number of ships to spawn (3 being an example obviously)
-#292: [Combat] system assault : Only one torpedoe was ever fired
-#294: [Combat] ship to ship : Only one torpedoe was ever fired
-#293: [Combat] planetary shield hits: Even if shields would absorb the full blast, pop was still reduced by 1
- #257: [SP] no damage in combat: There was only one round of combat where only engagine fleets would fire, round was thus completed only when one side was completely destroyed. This was an SP bug but could affect MP also.

17 Jan 2014, 12:43
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New official test build available at BitBucket!


- #291: noncombat ships wouldn`t retreat even if requested by user
- #248: Hostile Outpost vs Noncombat Ship: Stations were not considered when determining if combat had to occur
- #289: Orbital Batteries always active in combat
- #283: [MP] Orbital Battery crash
- OrbitalBatteries stopped being active after loading a save game (even if the proper count showed active in the Structure tab of the colony)(they wouldn`t appear in a system assault).
- Distress signal from stranded ships can now only be seen by owner
- Disabled agent spawning until work on them can resume
-#222 [MP] Cleared FoW reveals fleets. Also, now selecting an unexplored and unscanned sector will no longer show ships in the task force list (on the left of the screen)
- from Iceman: fix for missing description for quasar/nebulae description as well as their missing interference data.
- from Iceman: now colonies will start with a minimum of 2 food PF and 1 less industry PF.
- Add a max built output to shipyards so that ratio related shipyards are viable and don't get out of hand.
- Empire Management: Negative Treasury (when idle a colony will now generate extra credits, if negative treasury: colonies and shipyards stop building, ships stop regenerating their hull damage and will even take some damage every turn)

29 Jan 2014, 11:31
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- Empire Management: Negative Treasury (when idle a colony will now generate extra credits, if negative treasury: colonies and shipyards stop building, ships stop regenerating their hull damage and will even take some damage every turn)

There's a problem with shipbuilding in this build. Will be fixed soon.

30 Jan 2014, 12:50
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New official test build available at BitBucket!

Code changes:

- Bug fix for shipyards not building
- small performance change to colony generated credits
- #26 Orbital Battery tech reqs
- #296 Planetary shield recharge rate, now increases with energy level
- #293 [Combat] planetary shield hits: invading units were not firing in the following rounds

Data changes:

- shipyard stats
- base growth rates
- ship ranges
- a few more things

31 Jan 2014, 11:42
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New build available in the usual place.

- bug fix #304: Ships owned by players weren't displaying their icons on the galaxy map if they were situated in a sector with negative scan strength.
- bug fix: Selecting an unexplored or unscanned sector will no longer show outpost in the task force list (on the left of the screen)
- #254 Cloaking: Cloak status woud reset to un-cloacked. Saw this happening ONLY when a shipped was stranded.
- #182 Scrapping stations: Build Station was still available on a construction ship that was already building one. Clicking it would restart the build project.
- #256 Escort foreign ships: The escort order will now only appear when another ship of the same owner is in the sector.
- Empire`s in MP games will no longer respect quadrant placement. Will help making sure that every player as a minimal space to expand and won`t get rushed.
- Fix for crash when wiping out a colony through bombardment.
- #286 HomeSystems.xml definitions - added Orbital Batteries (will try and spawn activated), example use: <OrbitalBattery Count="3">FED_ORBITAL_BATTERY_II</OrbitalBattery>
- Negative treasury sitrep on two lines
- #297 Hull repair in hostile systems: will now repair only 1% of hull if not in claimed territory, 2.5% if in claimed territory, 5% in a sector with a owned starbase and 10% at an owned colony
- #191 Escort and deuterium: Escorting ship will correctly consume fuel

07 Feb 2014, 11:56
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A new release is up.

No bug fixing, only a major data update:
- Stat tweaks for ships and stations (more BotF-like)
- All minor race ships implemented (except colony ships)
- Starting conditions for empires include Orbital Batteries (deactivated, mostly)
- Starting conditions for Primitive minor races implemented (Primitive Farms only)
- Groundwork for the implementation of the Edo Guardian and the Ocampa Caretaker's Array
- A few more balance changes

28 Feb 2014, 10:20
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New release, with Overlord's first version of an AI!
Empires and minors now build some ships and production facilities.
AI players no longer automatically accept agreements.

07 Mar 2014, 09:30
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