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Needed descriptions |
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Author: | Iceman [ 17 Dec 2012, 11:56 ] |
Post subject: | Needed descriptions |
We need descriptions for a few things: - Klingon ships - Dominion ships - the Devore Alien Genome Archive there might be more, these are the ones I remember; if anyone spots more missing texts, LMK please. There are also some texts that mention specific races or events or quadrants; we should probably re-write those. I'm thinking of the Bajoran Resistance Cells description, which mentions the occupation by the Cardassians; now, if you're playing the Cardassians and bump into the Bajorans (which is not that hard to happen), it'll sound really strange... ![]() There's one Gamma Q minor that mentions the Dominion as well, IIRC. There might be more. And some Building descriptions allude to themselves by the wrong name (due to name changes), so if anyone spots any of those, LMK please. The Andorian Recruiting Station for example refers to Troop Reserves - I can't seem to turn that text around... any help would be welcome. Any other discrepancies, also welcome. So, any writers out there that would like to help out, it'd be fantastic. Thanks in advance! |
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