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Joined: 27 Sep 2007, 01:00 Posts: 9
I dont know how tp build an outpost. can some1 explain that to me? Thanks.
06 Mar 2011, 09:58 |
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Joined: 05 Jul 2008, 07:55 Posts: 270 Location: Germany
well .. first you need a transport ship (only this can build an outpost) ..then...just look at ... 9Fenposten - there are small videos other videos are under ... lder-Serie between the screenshots perhaps you also could give a feedback whether the german wiki -with perhaps google translation- is helpful for you
06 Mar 2011, 12:21 |
Joined: 27 Sep 2007, 01:00 Posts: 9
aaaah, didnt know about the transport.
thanks mr. barclay
06 Mar 2011, 18:55 |
Joined: 01 Jul 2011, 05:33 Posts: 10 Location: Spyika, Klingon Empire Territory
Okay to start off I have some questions aboutStar Trek Birth of Empire Alpha 6.1 its with reguards to building Starbase or Upgradeing Outpost. How does such a thing work out? I understand how to build an basic outpost with Transport
05 Jul 2011, 07:17 |
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Joined: 05 Jul 2008, 07:55 Posts: 270 Location: Germany
well it's upgrading with a transport ship like building an outpost. And you must have the tech levels for it - for this just see \data\ships\shipeditor_V1.7.exe. You can also look at ... 9Fenposten (well it's google-translated) a petition: please pay attention there's a separate BotE-array in this forum viewforum.php?f=25 ...thanks
05 Jul 2011, 15:42 |
Joined: 01 Jul 2011, 05:33 Posts: 10 Location: Spyika, Klingon Empire Territory
Can someone point me in the direction of aquireing the Ship builder for bote?
07 Jul 2011, 09:48 |
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Joined: 05 Jul 2008, 07:55 Posts: 270 Location: Germany
after installing BotE it is in installing directory under \data\ships\shipeditor_V1.7.exe - is that what you meant?
07 Jul 2011, 12:47 |
Joined: 01 Jul 2011, 05:33 Posts: 10 Location: Spyika, Klingon Empire Territory
OH thank you Reg I totally forgot wasn't being very observent okay now I keep getting this warning message after I try to save a change to a ship and after I click okay in warning box it just closes the program
07 Jul 2011, 14:07 |
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Joined: 05 Jul 2008, 07:55 Posts: 270 Location: Germany
maybe run the editor as administrator. And BotE is locking most files when running. Advice: copy editor and shiplist into another directory. Editor is good for looking some detail....if you change something you have to know, that shiplist is only loaded at the beginning of a complete new game into BotE (than it's part of savegame with saving the changes you did at shipdesign-screen) see also my xls-file ... ShipEditor
07 Jul 2011, 15:25 |
Joined: 01 Jul 2011, 05:33 Posts: 10 Location: Spyika, Klingon Empire Territory
Thanks that fixed it running as Admin I always assume it automaticlly does soe and I believe I found a bug something have to do with the Vuliaco Ships A B and C somewhere before my 300th tick
07 Jul 2011, 20:16 |
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Joined: 05 Jul 2008, 07:55 Posts: 270 Location: Germany
Vuliaco Ships A B and C - ???
well a known bug in BotE is with the outpost's: outpost 2 is not offered because industry points 10 have to be higher (maybe 15) than at outpost 1....will be bugfixed in next version (maybe christmas or later..)
I noticed that getting xls by google-translated sites displays translated xls but not the original xls-file. But there's an original xls-file for download (via german wiki-version).
08 Jul 2011, 03:43 |
Joined: 06 Jul 2011, 19:24 Posts: 4
Well, this is right. The Outpost 2 must have an industry-value between 10 and 20 in order to be buildable. Try to change the value with help of the ship editor, accordingly. If you experience problems in order to do so, please, let me know and I'll give you a detailed description. If you are successful, the Outpost 2 is built automatically when you try it next time to set up an outpost. This means from there on, you are not longer able to build Outpost 1. Note: Once there is built an outpost within a star system it is not possible to build another one in the same star system.
Remember: an outpost can always be upgradet to a starbase.
12 Jul 2011, 11:46 |
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Joined: 05 Jul 2008, 07:55 Posts: 270 Location: Germany
ok i understand, but isn't it possible to scrap an outpost1 and than building an outpost 2 (or 3)?
Hello Admin's - please could you move this thread into "BotE-General Chat" - Thanks
Last edited by reg on 14 Jul 2011, 14:01, edited 1 time in total.
14 Jul 2011, 12:49 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
moved to Bote General Chat on request.
14 Jul 2011, 12:58 |