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Resource bonus' not working?
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Author:  Ouroborous [ 14 Jul 2011, 01:51 ]
Post subject:  Resource bonus' not working?

I just started playing BOTE again and I noticed that one system with 5 deuterium refineries is producing 63 deuterium while one with 5 refineries and a 50% system bonus is also producing 63. both systems are fully colonised anyone have any ideas?

Author:  reg [ 14 Jul 2011, 12:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resource bonus' not working?

generally bonus are working from turn 0 on - unfortunately you gave us no save game.

Author:  Ouroborous [ 14 Jul 2011, 12:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resource bonus' not working?

I've attached the file, I hadn't actually noticed you could do that. The planet in question is Girador co-ordinates f28 with 5 deuterium refineries and a 50% bonus to deuterium producing 63 deuterium, compared to Khayrin co-ordinates g28 with 5 refineries and no bonus also producing 63 deuterium. Its not exactly a huge issue but it is annoying, I haven't actually got to the point where I can check to see if the problem is the same for other resources.

File comment: Save file
khaoron.sav [93.54 KiB]
Downloaded 213 times

Author:  reg [ 14 Jul 2011, 14:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resource bonus' not working?

thanks - firstly I also can't find a reason - morale in both system is the same, kind of refinery also, in BuildingEditor.exe I also couldn't find something (could it depend on mininum production of 12 each refinery? 5x12= 60 x morale 106% = 63).
I'll make a request on german forum - maybe somebody there or SirP will find something.

Author:  Ouroborous [ 14 Jul 2011, 14:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resource bonus' not working?

thats why i posted about it, I can't see any reason why the bonus isn't working. I actually loaded the save as a different race and the bonuses are working as the Rotharians. It seems there is more to the calculation than just level of resource building the number of buildings and any bonus as I found 2 planets as the coalition with 2 primitive duranium mines with different outputs of duranium(t10 and q4). Still not sure why my two systems are the same even with the bonus as they have the same morale etc.

Author:  reg [ 14 Jul 2011, 15:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resource bonus' not working?

maybe size of system is one further part of calculation - Girador has 33.000 population, Khayrin has 60.000 - Girador with 50% bonus might have same production as Khayrin-system - well in my opinion there's no logic to apply system size because 5 refineries (type 0) are 5 one's indepent from system size.

Maybe that's the point for the divergences.

Author:  reg [ 14 Jul 2011, 17:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resource bonus' not working?

very quick answer by master130686: refineries in Girador are taken by heyouns - they produce 8 + 50% bonus = 12.
You can see this looking system - structures - deuterium referies - Tooltip. (In Khayrin Khaorons ones produce 12 in the tooltip)

We made a request with matter is used by initialing minor races and from witch major they get there building values.

Author:  Ouroborous [ 14 Jul 2011, 18:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resource bonus' not working?

thanks for that. it completely slipped my mind that the refinery would have different figures because of it being a minor races, guess I'm too used to BoTF.

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