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Latest in-game data files for translation
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Author:  Malvoisin [ 28 Oct 2010, 06:37 ]
Post subject:  Latest in-game data files for translation

For improving game's translation, all main data files are posted here including some editors. Translators can/should post their updated files when completed (!) here too to avoid duplicate work.

General advice is to save your changes I'd say each half an hour, maybe more often, because you'll sure once notice it too that pressing the enter key the wrong time means the editor closes itself without saving. Happened to me a lot of times and it's kind of frustrating. It does this because the exit button is underlined by default so once you are out of the text box and hit enter, it executes the exit button and quits program, so be careful with that ;). Ship and building editors can be found in bote installation folder ../data/buildings/ or ../data/ships/ where all your finished files also need to be copied in in order to test them out in-game.

Minor race editor:
usage hints: copy the editor into the folder where the file is located, then save and open the file with the minor race editor you copied into the same folder

Latest files can be downloaded with full installer package (Alpha 6.1 version) here: (german magazine website)

Author:  denzil85 [ 22 Dec 2010, 22:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Latest in-game data files for translation

These are my most updated minor race files, I've currently translated/re-worded all of the minor races beginning with A + B, and I'm curently working through the Cs. So if anyone else wants to work on these, I'd suggest starting at Z and working backwards.

Edit (Malvoisin): file attached is outdated by now!

File comment: Minor race descriptions A + B complete
Minorrace descriptions.rar [253.65 KiB]
Downloaded 234 times

Author:  Malvoisin [ 27 Jan 2011, 15:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Latest in-game data files for translation

latest files are now within bote installer, all other files here in this thread are right now out-dated since they are pre-alpha6.

Author:  Malvoisin [ 29 Jan 2011, 15:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Latest in-game data files for translation

fixed stringtable.txt with "Info" instead of "Benefit" on build menu button on bottom left and "combat occuring in sector Sector XY" bug fixed.

Just overwrite existing Stringtable.txt in ..\bote\data\strings\ folder.

Edit: possibly also out-dated, I need to check that..

Attachments: [17.65 KiB]
Downloaded 218 times

Author:  Malvoisin [ 02 Feb 2011, 23:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Latest in-game data files for translation

Omegan greetings had a slightly inept word in it, "coming from omega sub-quadrant". I replaced it by "originating from omega sub-quadrant".

You need to copy this file to ..\bote\data\races\ folder.

Edit: possibly also out-dated, I need to check that..

Attachments: [3.11 KiB]
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Author:  Malvoisin [ 03 Mar 2012, 20:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Latest in-game data files for translation

latest file from the repository (structure descriptions for minors can still be improved). There was a mistake with the Omegan Homeyard (1x 633 instead of 1x634 so it could not be built).

File comment: updated 03/03/2012 [135.15 KiB]
Downloaded 205 times

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