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How To: Mod System Populations
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Modding The Default System Population In Supremacy Issues you need to be aware of before following this guide:- Modification of the game is done at your own risk. Remember to create backups of the original files if you don't want to screw up your game and need to redownload it.
- This modification may cause incompatibilities with your existing save files. It is recommended you only follow this guide with new games.
- If you intend to play multiplayer games, you will not be able to play unless the person you are playing against has the exact same files as you, or vice-versa.
- The auto-updater may identify this mod as an outdated file and attempt to replace it with an unmodded one. If this happens, you will need to cancel the update or turn off the auto-updater in the game menu. This may prevent you from receiving legitimate updates, however.
The Guide 1) Open your Supremacy/Resources/Strings folder. 2) Look for the file called "UniverseTables.txt". Create a backup of it by copying-and-pasting it into another folder of your choice (So if something goes wrong, you can just replace it with the original file). Now open the original file (Not the copy). 3) Press Ctrl+F and search for "PlanetMaxPop" (Without the quote marks). It's around line 95. 4) The next line should say "ColumnHeadingsStart Uninhabitable Hostile Marginal Adequate Comfortable Ideal". The numbers underneath these columns are the numbers that you need to modify. You can set these numbers to whatever you want. I don't currently know of any numerical limits, but please keep the numbers within reason. For simplicity reasons, please also keep the numbers to multiples of five, so eg. 505 is acceptable but 504 and 506 are not. 5) The numbers are set up as a table in a 6x7 grid. The columns represent the planetary conditions, whilst the rows represent the planetary size. So for instance the number at the top-left-hand-corner of the table is the population for a tiny uninhabitable planet, whilst the number at the bottom-right-hand-corner is the population for a giant, ideal planet. When editing the numbers you must follow these rules:
- Ensure the formatting of the file remains unchanged. If there is a space between two items in the table, keep the space there. Broken formatting may make the file incompatible with the game, resulting in game crashes.
- Uninhabitable Planets must always have 0 population.
- Asteroids and Gas Giants shouldn't be capable of supporting a population, but I do not know if this is a programming requirement. Change the population numbers for Asteroids and Gas Giants at your own risk.
The habitability of planets varies from race-to-race. By changing the populations of one planet type, you will also change the current and future max population sizes of every planet of the same type in the Galaxy, irrespective of its' owner. Cardassian Ideal - Desert Dominion Ideal - Jungle Federation Ideal - Terran Klingon Ideal - Jungle Romulan Ideal - Terran Each of the minor races also have their own individual preferences. A majority of them prefer Terran planets, however. Therefore, if you increase the size of a large ideal planet from 140 to 150, this means: - EVERY Cardassian-occupied system with a large Desert planet will gain +10 max population size.
- EVERY Dominion-occupied system with a large Jungle planet will gain +10 max population size.
- EVERY Federation-occupied system with a large Terran planet will gain +10 max population size.
- EVERY Klingon-occupied system with a large Jungle planet will gain +10 max population size.
- EVERY Romulan-occupied system with a large Terran planet will gain +10 max population size.
- EVERY minor race-occupied system with a large ideal planet will gain +10 max population size.
6) Once you have made your changes, save the changes and close UniverseTables.txt. 7) Play the game and see what effect your changes have in a NEW game. Loading an old save file may result in incompatibilities.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
07 Jun 2009, 00:22 |
Joined: 10 Apr 2010, 16:28 Posts: 138
Error: UniverseTables.txt is in the resources/tables, not /strings folder 
28 Apr 2010, 20:54 |
Aesthetics Surgeon
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28 Apr 2010, 20:59 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
@ Zeleni Don't bother, he is probably dead by now,
28 Apr 2010, 21:06 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
It's been 10 months since I posted this. Took the forums long enough to notice my intentional mistake.  Oh, and your feeble assassination attempts failed V. But I encourage you to continue. It amuses me how many people have tried and failed. 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
28 Apr 2010, 22:16 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
29 Apr 2010, 14:08 |
Joined: 10 Apr 2010, 16:28 Posts: 138
*smiles in barely veiled pure pleasure* Thanks to notepad+, it's fairly easy for me to go in and modify production.  *mumbles* now about the research...
30 Apr 2010, 18:21 |
Chief Software Engineer
Joined: 11 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 2934
It's probably easiest to modify the table files using Excel or its OpenOffice counterpart. That should keep the formatting intact.
_________________ Lead Developer of Star Trek: Supremacy 253,658 lines of code and counting...
01 Jun 2010, 17:01 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
I wasn't sure how the formatting would be effected in Excel, which is why I didn't recommend using it. But i'm also used to editing the ship tables from Starfleet Command 2 in Notepad - and the table file for that game is several hundred times larger than the table files for Supremacy. I didn't think about others.
Still looking to mod the research rate Alex? I could write a similar guide on that if you want.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
01 Jun 2010, 18:05 |
Joined: 10 Apr 2010, 16:28 Posts: 138
Nah. Only game on the weekends, and then its my games I paid for, (finish the single-player campaigns... Ive only ever finished the armada games, bridge commander, and elite force 1/2. SFC3 nope, all the SW games, nope. and so on.
01 Jun 2010, 18:24 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Hehe I...acquired...SFC3 last year. I completed it in three days.  Not played Armada 2, the Elite Force games, or Bridge Commander. I've also completed Legacy (Which was another...acquisition...) and now I play it exclusively with the Aftermath mod. Let me know if you want to know how to mod any other aspect of the game.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
01 Jun 2010, 21:19 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
Finished and modded BC back in 2004, Same thing with Armada 2 in 2008, finished Elite Forces, SFC I and III, Away Team, Legacy, Dominion Wars, The Fallen, 25th Anniversary and of course played BOTF since 2003. Now Star Wars, finished and modded Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy in 2004, finished Battlefronts, Pod Racer, Republic Commando, Battle for Naboo, one that I can't remember from '98, and modded and played Empire at War and Forces of Corruption expansion. Although I have modded all that games I have only released one mod a year ago: http://empireatwar.filefront.com/file/R ... rds;103335But I still have the rest on my PC. And yeah I made two games, one Star Trek and one Star Wars. If you want I can post screenshots. Hehehehehehe, all that in 17 years. Beat that! 
01 Jun 2010, 21:54 |
Chief Software Engineer
Joined: 11 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 2934
I really liked Empire at War (and FoC).
_________________ Lead Developer of Star Trek: Supremacy 253,658 lines of code and counting...
30 Jun 2010, 22:43 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
Yeah, I spent a lot of hours playing and modding them.
30 Jun 2010, 23:17 |
Captain Andrew
8 of 9, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 001
Joined: 17 Dec 2009, 01:47 Posts: 249 Location: Le Canada
@Matress: WHAT??!? You've never played EF1 or EF2?!!? This is tragic. *faints*...2 hours later...*gets up and continues writing* I've never actually modded a game before (Well, a little with Star Trek Armada, and dabbled in modifying Elite Force 1. I've modified some other non-Star Trek and non-Star Wars games before. But these mods were never finished). BTW, vjeko, how do you mod Away Team? I've been trying for ages!! I think some aspects could use a boost. I actually just think the game needs some balance. I found out you can cheat items in that game using Cheat Engine  . Barring that, I really would like to mod it. I never really got into Star Trek Legacy, or the SFC series. I found Bridge Commander with the Kobayashimaru mod, and Armada with the Armada Restoration Project Mod, much more appealing. OMG I think this is the longest post I've written in some time. I must now stop to avoid getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  . 
_________________We are the Borg. Prepare to be assimilated. Your creative distinctiveness will be added to our own. Your creative minds will adapt to service us. Resistance is, and always has been, humorous. May... now with expectedly warm weather!
01 Jul 2010, 16:55 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
I never modded Away Team, just Bridge Commander, Armada II, Elite Force series, Starfleet Command series, Jedi Knight series, Battlefront series, KOTOR series and EAW/FOC. Away Team is unmoddable.
01 Jul 2010, 17:05 |
Captain Andrew
8 of 9, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 001
Joined: 17 Dec 2009, 01:47 Posts: 249 Location: Le Canada
NOES.... Oh well I will stick with using Cheat Engine then  . Thanks though  . 
_________________We are the Borg. Prepare to be assimilated. Your creative distinctiveness will be added to our own. Your creative minds will adapt to service us. Resistance is, and always has been, humorous. May... now with expectedly warm weather!
01 Jul 2010, 17:29 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Nope, never played them Andrew. Are they any good? ... The first game I ever modded was SFC2. I figured out how to cheat by giving yourself millions of prestige to buy any ship or starbase you wanted. Then I figured out you could edit the stats of ships, stations, and fighters. Then I started adding in ships I had downloaded and new graphics packs. Then I modded Armada 1. That must be the game i modded the most. God the sheer amount of mods out there was unbelievable. But I also got into modding the game myself. And once I figured out how to mod the Akira's Chain Reaction Pulsar, nothing could stop me.  I've also modded Pharaoh/Queen of the Nile (Which isn't Windows XP Service Pack 2 + 3 compatible  ) and Legacy. Plus i've also downloaded a fair few addons for World of Warcraft. And don't forget Supremacy. 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
01 Jul 2010, 18:19 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
Supremacy doesn't count, we are making the game, not modding it. But good try though. 
01 Jul 2010, 18:51 |
Captain Andrew
8 of 9, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 001
Joined: 17 Dec 2009, 01:47 Posts: 249 Location: Le Canada
I modded in a decent Admiral's Flagship for Armada 1, and then a fairly nice Queen's Diamond. It was irritating not being able to properly simulate the conditions of a true borg fight. 8 of 9, tertiary adjunct of Unimatrix 001
_________________We are the Borg. Prepare to be assimilated. Your creative distinctiveness will be added to our own. Your creative minds will adapt to service us. Resistance is, and always has been, humorous. May... now with expectedly warm weather!
02 Jul 2010, 16:27 |
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