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small report
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Author:  deheugden [ 05 Mar 2011, 19:33 ]
Post subject:  small report

i still own a legal copy of botf and have been waiting for its succestors like all you guys out there. BOTE is really enjoyable although a noticed a small bug. When terraforming a system and when presiing aplanet that cant be terraformed, i need to press the ship again otherwise i cant terraform other planets in the system.
Also, i miss the startrek universe and the map seems to small. A larger map would be nicer. maybe in the future it would be possible to add different quadrants).

Ok, back to the game again. Am missing it already.

Author:  reg [ 06 Mar 2011, 12:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: small report

ok - you're right...but just do not select a planet which can't be terraformed :wink:

There are thoughts about adjustable galaxy size comparable botf, but don't know when it will be realized.

I also miss ST, but by reason of copyrights there isn't ST... I adapted to the new races and I enjoy the game :smile:

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