shaogul wrote:
Great game, lots of fun and things to do. Massive map, would be nice if this and number of races could be changed, as huge map is hard to micromanage. Unless you want to spend the time.
Via star density (game settings) I mostly reduce number of systems to 10 or 15 when beginning a new game.
Well Khaorons are the mostly hard race to conquer – it’s easier to eliminate a system and re-colonise it. And use big ships with big shields against planet defence. Flagship ist descriped here ... laggschiff Quote:
I am not quite shure how to ground attack, i noticed transporters can do this but they are immediatly destooyed also and carry only 2 sets of troops, how about special attack craft for dropping off more troops or is this unbalanced?
Conquering a system runs by attack of transport ships with troops. But first destroy planet defence than your transport ships are safe (not always necessary, but always good).
I noticed the heyoun (who i never play, as i dont like the look of their ships) have lots of frigates which are and other ships which do masses of damage and have large shields and are cheap, they often have fleets off over 100 running around the system, i have seen them be wiped out by 1 planet, over a few turns. I think they are overpowered.
Well I’m not a specialist of the races but every race has advantages and disadvantages. Big fleets are one of the advantages of heyoun but I think you’ll find a way to beat them.
It is very slow to take territory, even if i take a planet, i need to take the next one or starbase to free it up of the territory colour. Though if i wait a few turns i think it may turn neutral? cant remember now. Taking territory is a bit slow and frustrating sometimes.
As i know/believe, territory is calculated each turn, waiting a few turns doesn’t matter. With less systems it’s easier, otherwise just conquer system by system...
An english manual would be great.
Yes – could you do it?

You also can look here ... dbuch.html – ok, the game manual in my opinion is nice to read, but many points are missing. I tried to do a tutorial here ... e_Schritte , but only Turn 1+2+3 are finished – well I think it’s enough to get familiar with the game.
I have no idea what the benefits of cloaking are.
Well it’s the same as in BotF – in a combat cloaked ships can do the first shoots, after that by next step in combat both sides are making there shoots. Oh I almost forgot- in first step you can also do a getaway to beware ships (colony, transport) from being destroyed.
All races seem to expand on the map at a massive rate, i can never compete in this respect. Also they seem to start off with better planets and i was wondering if they impove the stats of planets they claim.
AI races seem to be able to roam much further than me or is that my imagination also>?
I start gaming by buying 2-3 colony ships in the first turns so I can also expand fast. Normally it could be easy to be better than AI, not always, but sometimes. An advice: Wars are also won by diplomacy, so don’t try to fight against 5 enemies at the same time. It cost you too many ressources/ships. By the way: what difficulty you started the game (see Game Settings)
Overall really great game, does take a long time to play though. I have very few crashes and couldent attribute them to anything.
BotE-Team is glad that you like it
Yes it crashes come sometimes, but very seldom. And there’s the auto.sav so you have only to repeat one turn. It takes you less time to play with less star density (for all races the same) or don't and have
much time of fun.
Might we have a savegame from you?
Are the english links in german wiki helpful for you (or others)? I asked once about an English wiki but i received no answer by anyone so i did these English links in original german wiki (which we started 8 months ago - it's still growing)
by the way: After playing many times it could be boring, BUT:
- there is a mod with a bigger map (45x30 instead of 30x20)
- there is a english mod by pot with mediors (majar race above number 6 - not playable, but more empires, so each empire is smaller)
viewtopic.php?f=19&t=4256- there is a Babylon5-Mod
viewtopic.php?f=19&t=4289 ... tle%3DMods