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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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here are some pics you could use.

pics.rar [686.87 KiB]
Downloaded 537 times

11 Oct 2009, 17:17
Profile YIM WWW
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That is very nice work. Did you create it? Are we free to us this content?


11 Oct 2009, 20:46
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Well, I didn't create them. I've actually had them on my PC for a long time and I'm not sure who made them, I've only edited them and resized them.

I don't know if they were free release, I will ask my friend from whom I got them and let you know.


11 Oct 2009, 21:20
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Sorry for the double post, the only difference is Xindi Coucil, I've made it from a screenshot of Star Trek Enterprise.


11 Oct 2009, 21:22
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We should be able to use the Xindi and I will upload it. I will wait on the others until we know more.


11 Oct 2009, 21:59
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Wow, these are good images! Nice find, vjeko, but as Kenneth said, we can't use them unless we have permission to use them. :sad:

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


11 Oct 2009, 22:58
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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I'll investigate then.


11 Oct 2009, 23:04
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Ok, the pictues are actually McQuarrie's concept art for Star Wars, my friend told me that he had downloaded it from the internet.

I don't know if you can use them.


13 Oct 2009, 15:58
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I am a long time Trekie and still play the original BTOF... when I pull out my old laptop. Content and creative writing I can do. I am not the best programmer in the world but I can find my way around it.

I have just downloaded the Alpha version. The Known issues post is very helpful. Have you thought about adding the bullets to the Download Section of the website, it might cut down on some of the repeditive questions.

In terms of play, as I bet you know already:
It seems like everything it too easy/quick to build, except for Culture Specific structures which take forever. Ships could use a bit more time, buildings could to. I'm sure eventually you might balance this towards species, like Federation building science buildings faster, Dominion build ships faster and so on.

To be honest, I haven't had a try go more than 30 turns before a crash but the old 'reload' seems to be working. The look is excelent and game play is very straight forward, especially if you have played the original at all.

I will do what ever I can to help this project! :clap:

14 Oct 2009, 00:48
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Welcome KirkWanaBe and thanks for the offer. We do need coders but the work needs to be quality stuff right out of the box. Mike, user Mstrobel and the main coder, may have some jobs you could do. I learned 3D modeling to help with the game rather than make a mess of the code. MOE may have some other suggestions. He will be by soon to say hello.

@ vjeko1701 - We can use McQuarrie's stuff if we get permission first.


14 Oct 2009, 02:11
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Hey Kirk, welcome to the forums! :smile:

I put the known problems thread in the Bugs section because many of the points in there do actually refer to bugs. It seemed like the most logical place to put it. I could easily copy and paste the thread over, but that would mean maintaining two gigantic threads, increasing the risk of something being left out or missed. I could make it a global thread, but that would mean it would show up in ever forum, including the BOTE forum, which wouldn't exactly be fair or correct to them.

As for your game crashing though, there are a few things you could do to help us diagnose your problem, and that's answer some questions and do some hunting:

The hunting just means we need to see a copy of your error logs. Every time Supremacy crashes, it records a log of what caused the crash, and it places this information in one of two files, depending on the type of crash that occured; Error.txt and ServerError.txt. These files are located in your main Supremacy folder. You may only find one or the other of the files though, as the game only creates them when needed.

However, the next time you load the game after a crash, these files are automatically deleted, so you will need to provide us with a copy of these files straight after a crash occurs. If you are able to find either (Or both) of these files in your main Supremacy folder, and they have a file size greater than 0kb, then please attach them to a post on the forums, so that we can read the error message and hopefully diagnose the cause.

Other ways you can help s to answer the following questions:

1) When your game crashes, is it always on the exact same turn? (Eg. turn 30 as you've suggested)

2) Have you tried playing a new game from scratch to see if you can replicate the problem? (If you can't it could simply be a corrupted save file, in which case delete the save file)

3) Have you noticed any patterns when the game crashes (Eg. it happens when you build a certain structure, perform a particular action, meet a particular minor race/empire, or send a message to a particular minor race/empire?

4) What type of crash occurs? Does the game simply freeze, or does the Microsoft Error Reporting screen come up?

5) Are you using Vista, XP, or Windows 7?

6) Have you made any modifications to the game?


You are correct about the speed of construction in the game; it hasn't been balanced yet. All of the numbers have been worked out on paper, but obviously things are different ingame. We've got some new features planned that may have a big effect on construction speed as well. Plus we haven't even implemented the buy system yet. (Which will simply increase construction speed by 10% rather than actually instant-build it like it was in BOTF)

The Dominion will certainly be building ships faster in future though. Through most of the game, the Dominion have a 7% build efficiency bonus compared to the Federation, and that increases to 50% if they manage to build their Fleetyard. (Only from their Fleetyard though, the bonus isn't Empire-wide, but the 7% bonus is). The efficiency bonus is how much of the systems current industrial output is "duplicated" for ship construction.

I doubt the Federation will have faster construction of Science buildings though; the Federation have high research outputs, but this is because they invest in the highest quality equipment available. This means they have high build costs. So it takes them longer to build stuff, but they get greater bonuses because of it.


As for you helping make the game, we're always open to offers of help. If you feel you have skills that would be useful in making the game, follow Kenneth's advice and contact Mstrobel. He will be able to advise you, provide learning aids if you need them, and be able to tell you what work you can help him with.


Vjeko, how dare you! You've befouled us by suggesting we use Star Wars artwork in a Trek game! :lol:

Joking aside, Kenneth is right. We can actually use it, but only IF we get permission to do so. Same goes for all artwork, whether it is 2D art, models, music, voice acting, whatever. We preferably want the permission in writing to avoid the risk of arguments later on as well. A contact address for the person that is giving the permission would also be useful, should we later need to ask for further permissions or reaffirm the existing permissions.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


14 Oct 2009, 12:18
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Well I don't know the guy, he is an American that did some concept art for a lot of movies including Star Wars and Star Trek. These pics are Star Wars concept art.

This is all I was able to find:


Last edited by vjeko1701 on 15 Oct 2009, 13:06, edited 1 time in total.

14 Oct 2009, 16:04
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I have been keeping track, I didn't send the error logs because the common thread is Negotiations which seems to be a known issue. Specifically the Exclabians and Caldonians (somehow I have found those two on 5 of the 7 games I've tried so far). Expansion and contact/negotiations seem to all happen for me around turn 30. I know it is ALWAYS when I get a positive Membership response back. Most tries for trade/non-agression are fine.

I have started at the early time period as well for all but one attempt.

I would love to help with modeling but would need to train myself a bit, any hints on programs to cut my teeth with? I looked into world generators a while ago and found several free versions but didn't have much luck finding a model generator.

I have contacted a friend of mine who had the crazy ability to hear and reproduce music she heard from Star Trek. She might be a big help generating some original content for you, although I have to admit I enjoy what you've made so far.

14 Oct 2009, 22:13
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Here is a link for some background on 3D programs.

If you want to learn 2D art but can not pay for Photoshop try the free program called GIMP. It has most of the same functions. There is a lot of help online to learn these programs. We need more images for Structures and for Random Events. I use GIMP to make textures for my 3D models as well as the in game 2D images of models.

More music is a big issue as well.


15 Oct 2009, 00:48
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Awesome, thaks for the help. I'll look into those.

I just finished another one, I was happy because I got through turn 60 before I had any problem. I believe I had another Diplomacy crash, I will attach the error. I had several successes this time though.

Keeping a close eye on things I did notice the following:

1) the Dominion is not named on the map
2) There seems to be no culture specific building for the Vorta

For game play:
1) Labor prefilles into production (like it did in the first game) but there is no other prefill (like into food or energy) this might help with some of the micro-management
2) Speaking of micro-management it would be super sweet to have a "zoom to idle system" button or option
3) Some other world builders I've played have an option to have a pre-set build queue, like "Start New" would have build 3 Food and 2 Production centers but you could customize it. Do you have any plans on this type for your game?

Several minor races had the option to build "Basic Ship yards" AND my cultures Ship Yard as well. Is this on purpose or will this be removed? The Trekie in me would love to be able to build Alien ships as well as my own but there are some obvious logistical hurdels associated with that.

Error.txt [5.27 KiB]
Downloaded 568 times
15 Oct 2009, 18:43
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Remember to be nice to your girlfriend. We can also use more music.


15 Oct 2009, 21:59
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Minor shipyards are messy. Minors in general are messy. :D
You can't build their ships once they join you (by whatever means). Only they can build them while they're neutral.

15 Oct 2009, 23:07
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Through trial and crash I found a similarity between the cultures that crash diplomatically:
They share the generic insignia of a yellow circle with a black circle inside it *you named it _default*. It could be that the "successful" popup message is failing to find the correct symbol/image.

For comparison check out the Elaurians, and T'Rrogorans, and Iyaarans the insignia being used is in: resources> images>Insignias> __default, but it should be: el-aurians.png <for example>. The exact error is attached.

For clarification we might want to change the Cardassian Minging, Forced Labor and Labor Camps to say either + or -... not both as in the description.

File comment: Diplomacy Crash, specific to elaurians
Error.txt [5.27 KiB]
Downloaded 535 times
16 Oct 2009, 05:14
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This is not exactly the Bug Reports forum, you know. :razz:
You might find those reports there too. :D
The +- display thing is something Mike will have to fix.

16 Oct 2009, 10:14
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hi everyone...
I was very happy when I found out for this.....let's say it is an expansion......
I like the concept of the game till now. When I first started it, I soon realized that it is all I wanted BOTH to be and much more. I also realized that there is on working AI. Believe me, that was not the highest moment of playing.
I was reading what others have written on the forum for an hour now and saw that this game has brought man interesting people together to work on an even more interesting project. I also want to be a "part" of BOTF2. In other words, I want to help. How? However I can.

I'm interested in movies and hope to be a film director. I've got a lot of experience and knowledge in that area so i think that I could help on making trailers for the game and any other support including video.
In my free time I also take photos of everything that happens around me, so I'm quite good in Photoshop.
I also speak Croatian, German and English.
Hope I can help.

06 Nov 2009, 23:17
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Bok, ukrcaj se na palubu! :winkthumb:

Carpe Diem

06 Nov 2009, 23:29
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Zeleni wrote:
Bok, ukrcaj se na palubu! :winkthumb:

uuu,pa koliko to tu ima ljudi iz hrv??
znam još samo da je vjeko

06 Nov 2009, 23:34
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Ima ih, dođu i odu, ja sam manje više stalno ode. Ako te zanimaju traileri popričaj s Kenneth_of_Borg, on je upravo napravija jedan možeš ga naći na you tubeu, upiši samo supremacy trailer. :smile:

Carpe Diem

06 Nov 2009, 23:40
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Welcome Phil93 and we are glad you found us. You have likely seen the list of jobs on page one of this thread. That is still generally valid. We are happy for whatever work you would like to do on behalf of the game.

If you are interested in film you might want to learn the program Blender. This can be used to build and render objects and animate them as well. It is the tool I used to create the little game trailer video intro on YouTube. It is a free download and there are many useful teaching tools online. It is a major undertaking if you are not already familiar with 3D graphics but a good thing to understand for the film industry.

You can find an update to my game trailer video intro here


06 Nov 2009, 23:46
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upravo pogledo

06 Nov 2009, 23:47
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Yo, vidim da si se odlučio uključiti u nastanak igre, Welcome aboard Phil.


07 Nov 2009, 11:22
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Hi, I've played a few games of Supremacy over the last few days and it's everything I could hope for from a BOTF sequel. I would love to help develop the game in any way I can. I have some skill in programming although this is predominantly in C++ rather than C# and I am still in the process of learning to use XNA so I'm not sure how helpful I can be on that front at the moment. If there is still much XML formatting to be done then I can probably help there. I haven't written in it before but having looked at the object database reference file it doesn't look too hard to learn and given a pre-written sample to consult against I could probably make myself useful. I have various uni related commitments over the next several months but should still have a decent amount of spare time so please let me know how I can help. I want a fully playable version of this game as soon as possible so have a vested interest in helping as much as possible. :bigthumb:

16 Dec 2009, 00:58
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Welcome Deggy!

I do not know if it was the Founders or Prophets that sent you to us but welcome. Yes we can use your help. Mike Strobel is our coder and resident demigod. I have sent him a private message about you already. He can best direct you on what needs doing. We are looking for those willing to learn new skills as well as those already proficient so take your time to learn the new code.

We have some professional musicians and artists contributing. The bulk of our work, however, is done by fans. I, for example, learned to create cgi models in order to contribute ships and the like to this game. It sounds like you have a head start over where I was at day one. Praise be to the prophets you are here.


16 Dec 2009, 14:14
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Hi. I'm new here. I've always wanted to be a part of a great fan mod like this. I've seen all of the tactical combat previews, and they look good (for now). I have limited experience with C++ (which I know != fun sometimes :P). I also have experience with ship descriptions and I consider myself a bit of a creative person. I also have past experience in managing forums (I was once part of another admin team). I think that's about all I have to bring to the table, but I would love to be a part of a mod like this, since it looks good so far. But I was also wondering if there's gonna be support for operating systems like Windows XP Professional and Windows 7, since the game doesn't seem to work on my XP machine. Well, that's about I have to say for now :grin:

EDIT: Looks like it works on Windows 7 machines, but definitely not on my Windows XP machine. I wonder if anyone else has the same issue...

We are the Borg. Prepare to be assimilated. Your creative distinctiveness will be added to our own. Your creative minds will adapt to service us. Resistance is, and always has been, humorous.


May... now with expectedly warm weather!

17 Dec 2009, 02:47
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Welcome Andrew,

I must warn you supremacy isn't mod of any game it's new game from scratch developed by Mike Strobel and Botf2 Team. I don't know why your game doesn't work properly cause supremacy runs on Windows Xp, Vista and so on...maybe you should read steps for installation in our Supremacy pre-release thread. If you wish to contribute send pm to Matress_of_Evil or to Kenneth_of_Borg. Once again welcome! :winkthumb:

Carpe Diem

17 Dec 2009, 04:01
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