Jigalypuff has completed an overhaul of the videos section of the
Forum Portal. Registered members are now able to upload videos to the site by clicking on the
Videos link on the left-hand side of the portal page, then by clicking on the upload link at the top of the page. Uploaded videos are freely viewable by all site users. I have already uploaded a few videos of our current projects to get the ball rolling, but we encourage all forum members to upload their own Trek gaming-related videos for all to see.
Please note that the normal site rules apply to all uploaded videos. Anyone that uploads content that is deemed questionable or offensive will have the content removed and may have their accounts suspended. If you have any questions or objections to uploaded material, please contact one of the site admin.
We look forward to seeing what people will upload to the site.

_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."