With the impending demise of Filefront, we've created a new site where mods for all your favourite games can be found. We're working to upload all of the files available from Filefront before they are lost, but if you have any other files and would like them to be hosted for anyone to use, please sign up and upload them to the site.
We currently have download areas for:
Bridge Commander
Armada 1
Armada 2
We've got plenty of bandwidth though, and will add sections for games as people need them, so if you've got a Trek mod for ANY game, not just Trek games, then please submit them to us and we will host them for you. We'd particularly like to host mods for non Trek games such as Sins of a Solar Empire and Civilization, so if you have any, feel free to upload them.

So after all that info, you probably want the link to check out the mods yourself. So if you're looking to download - or upload - a mod for a game, look no further than:
Star-Trek-Mods.comWe hope to see you there soon.

_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."