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Poll about the race of the villain in ST into Darknes
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Author:  captain_picard [ 14 Sep 2011, 17:27 ]
Post subject:  Poll about the race of the villain in ST into Darknes

In another thread Kenneth ventured a guess on which might be the race of the "villain" or antagonist in the next Trek movie. What do you think?

Some clarifications, the term race is a broad term by itself, so even if Khan is not a Federation citizen per se, he belongs to one of the Federation member races (Humans). Also, the Borg have members from many races but after assimilation (as we all know) they are Borg and no longer, say Klingon.

Finally, due to the limitation of 10 options per poll, the last two options are quite generic (and self-explanatory).

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 14 Sep 2011, 19:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll about the race of the villain in next Trek movie

I'd say Klingon is most likely. But i'd love it to be a Khan remake...

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 14 Sep 2011, 20:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll about the race of the villain in next Trek movie

Some of the better episodes in the original series were comments on society at the time. Also the ones about computers in control and Kirk / Spock using logic to out smart a computer. It would be interesting to see some innovative story on this. Or the Klingons... Or both.

Author:  Nemitor_Atimen [ 15 Sep 2011, 16:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll about the race of the villain in next Trek movie

If you asked me two years ago I would've said Khan. Now I say Klingon. Why?

Out of all the startrek villains, the Klingons are the most recognizable. People know the Klingons, even if they aren't fans of the shows. Therefore, the next film will include them.

Author:  captain_picard [ 15 Sep 2011, 17:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll about the race of the villain in next Trek movie

I tend to agree and that was what I voted for myself, but since everybody will be expecting Klingons, perhaps they decide to innovate somehow :smile:

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 19 Sep 2011, 15:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll about the race of the villain in next Trek movie

You know it occurs to me that the reason JJ Abrams redid the timeline was to give the writers fresh ground to work on. I wonder if we'll be introduced to a new race entirely. The original series had the crew encountering all kinds of new stuff (while I guess that was true for all of them). I have a funny feeling that the writers might be thinking that Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, etc, etc have been done to death. To rehash these wouldn't work well for box office big screen? They know the star trek fans will like most anything done well, but have to appeal to the cash-carrying wider audience. Just a thought.

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 19 Sep 2011, 19:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll about the race of the villain in next Trek movie

To be honest, I fall into the happy trekkie camp as you say Bashir; I don't mind what they do, as long as they do it well. Trek has a long history of both hits and misses. Let's hope this one will be a bullseye of a hit.

First thing i'd do though is scrap the JJPrise. Give us Gabriel Koerner's Enterprise!

Obviously we'll need some action sequences too. Whilst it has the wrong ship, This Is The Sort Of Thing I Want. What do you guys want from it?

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 19 Sep 2011, 19:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll about the race of the villain in next Trek movie

Yeah scrap the flashlight engine Enterprise and go where no trek has gone before.

Author:  captain_picard [ 20 Sep 2011, 15:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll about the race of the villain in next Trek movie

Talking about new enemies, perhaps it's time Kirk et al fought the Empire :lol: : ... star-wars/

Author:  Kaladin [ 22 Sep 2011, 13:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll about the race of the villain in next Trek movie

I needs to be something new, which could include any race really, but I have a feeling it will be on a cosmic scale so while it might involve a race, it will likely also involve some galactic phenomenon/entity/event as well.

The first movie wasn't bad, I was afraid it would be terrible but it surprised me and was pretty decent.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 22 Sep 2011, 15:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll about the race of the villain in next Trek movie

We will see how much they give out in the way of cameo and other parts to A list stars this time. The pressure will be even more intense. Will DeCaprio, Matt Damon, Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Sandra Bullock, Brad Pitt, Tom Hanks, Will Smith or Tom Cruise show up in it? Bight your lower lip and hold on. The rumors are flying.

Author:  captain_picard [ 22 Sep 2011, 15:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll about the race of the villain in next Trek movie

Honestly, only two or maybe three of the "stars" you mentioned can I possibly imagine in a Trek role. My criterion is simple: just imagine each of them sitting on the captain's chair (or anywhere else for that matter) on the bridge. Do they fit in? Well, I could easily imagine Matt Damon and with some reservations maybe Will Smith, but definitely none of the rest.

Spoiler: show
Angelina Jolie fails because I still remember her as Olympias in Oliver Stone's film "Alexander" :brickwall: :love: :jemhadar: :orion:
Sandra Bullock fails because she's Sandra Bullock! Perhaps she could drive a bus instead of piloting Enterprise :twistedlaugh:

Of course, that's only my humble opinion due to my (possibly) poor imagination... :lol:

Actually, I would be more excited if there was a cameo with some old Trek alumni like Jeffrey Combs (as a grandson of Shran), J.G. Hertzler (as a grandfather of Gen. Martok) and so on and so forth, you get the picture.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 22 Sep 2011, 17:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll about the race of the villain in next Trek movie

You might see a TOS actor play the part of a disapproving parent of the current crew.

Author:  Kaladin [ 27 Sep 2011, 13:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll about the race of the villain in next Trek movie

Q would be interesting (but I doubt they'd do that); wouldn't the Q be immune to the altered timeline?

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 27 Sep 2011, 14:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll about the race of the villain in next Trek movie

I think Q wouldn't work for a broader audience. He is kind of a frustrating character like Squire Trellane.

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