so I understand that right, that your 4th project, the large one, is BotE? well if so then I have to say, I'm 99,99% (let's make that a 100

) sure that SirP won't allow that. For starters going commercial with that project ain't possible since the code uses FMOD, a sound engine that costs (a lot of) money if used for commercial projects. Also a whole lot of the current graphics (planet maps etc.) cannot be used commercially without high payments to their makers (one of them told me about 100-1000$ for each of his pics. now count the pics in total taking 550$ as an average value.. anyway I guess you need at least 2 or 3 skilled 2D graphic artists working a year to get the amount of graphics done, let alone mentioning all the 3D needs like models etc.), etcpp.
Also, the rights of the project as a whole will always(!) stay with SirP whereby the rights to each contribution stays with the ones contributing. Contributors can possibly combine their rights and select a chairman of their own but I'm pretty sure, SirP won't ever give up his rights to the project and without his consent no one can possibly negotiate with outside people/publishers about the project. So if anyone ever gets "chairman" of the project with regards to outside publisher, he is or he is to delegate that to another person.
Next problem will be to actually sort out good from bad artists or contributors in general. Coders should be the hardest part since you are an arts student, not a computer science graduate. So the probability some faker or underachiever will do a number on you during the hiring interview is relatively high. Problem again here is that although the project is already quite well-developed, it still needs at least as many dedicated new coders as it would need new artists (and you can't seriously pay serious coders only after they committed some however-valued work, they all want steady monthly payment). Reason for that is SirP's recent timeplan change. He does not nearly have as much time to further develop the game (which it needs if it ever wants to compete with other similar commercial games like GalCiv2 etc.) as he has had before. Same with the two other code contributors we have. Also, ask cdrwolfe how much work it is to develop a 3D engine and how little time he now has to do that since he's starting his PhD right now. You see, the coding front is almost empty right now (well, compared to the busy alpha-version churning one we had the last years

) and working on pilot flame. Not a good premise for a commercial attempt to organize contributions to it and later on commercialize the whole project.
The only thing SirP ever has considered was voluntary donation to some bank account that gets distributed afterwards to every contributor who wants a share. In no way SirP or I for that matter wants to be responsible for someone starting a company (or something alike. even an organizing company is a company

) and possibly amount some large debts in the end cause it all goes wrong unfortunately (you never know, it's all possible). So if BotE is indeed your 4th project, I strongly recommend you to rethink the whole act since this is a little too hot for us. Tbh I'd also recommend to first finish college before starting such a critical professional endeavour like a company. Companies are about money and everywhere where money is involved there is risk of losing it. Another thing and I'm also honest here is that simply disappearing without saying a word like you did half a year ago (a simple register on our german boards and a pm to sirp would have been enough) is a no-no if we were to be in a professional relationship. You can sure imagine what happens if you decide to leave it all and refocus on your studies and then pissed-off hired contributors are seeking damages from either you or us and probably bad-mouthing the whole project everywhere. You see, too many negative factors for us. I mean if you got an idea for a 4th (large) project other than bote, please go ahead. But I'm afraid BotE won't be at your nor anyone's disposal. It's nothing against you and I'm sorry if we disappoint you, it's just we won't take the risks included for a commercialized project that is actually only a spare-time one.
To nullify risks, the following things would have to be met:
1. Replacement of FMOD by another sound engine (OpenAL?)
2. Realistic time- and cost-table for replacing (nearly) all in-game graphics
3. At least 3 dedicated and hired coders working on 3D engine as well as general polishing and extension (new, planned features) of the game's architecture and on 1.
4. Enough money to cover at least 2 years of development (all payments included)
5. Market analysis for such a type of game including comparison with other games already in the market. How much market share would bote able to take away from the established commercial games
6. A good reason why we should do this since this whole game is intended and promised as a free game free to download