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Did we find Vulcan?
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Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 30 Oct 2008, 01:11 ]
Post subject:  Did we find Vulcan?


In an exciting example of how science follows science fiction, Epsilon Eridani,
the star system rumored to contain Spock’s home world of Vulcan, may in fact
be home to Earth-like planets. NASA’s Spitzer space telescope has observed
asteroid belts orbiting the star that may indicate an Earth-like planet zone similar
to our own.

See here for the full story ... iscovered/

Also beam to a city near me. ... -november/


Author:  FoxURA [ 30 Oct 2008, 03:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Did we find Vulcan?

That sounds interesting. I can't wait until some more powerful telescopes enter the scene in the coming years.
We just might get a bit more of a view or this.

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 30 Oct 2008, 06:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Did we find Vulcan? have found our Vulcan brethren...

I like some of the people in that photo, Kenneth. The woman on the left of the crowd looks like she's casting for a part as an Orion and the old guy in the middle is obviously excited about Klingons. :lol:

Author:  FoxURA [ 31 Oct 2008, 00:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Did we find Vulcan?

Say... That reminds me.... I know it's a bit off topic but is the Star Trek movie still in the works?

Author:  Nemitor_Atimen [ 31 Oct 2008, 02:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Did we find Vulcan?

FoxURA wrote:
Say... That reminds me.... I know it's a bit off topic but is the Star Trek movie still in the works?

Yes, and it looks AWESOME so far.

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 31 Oct 2008, 10:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Did we find Vulcan?

Kenneth has been posting threads about the film for us as he finds out info about the film, Fox. I'm using the ship attack image from one of those thread as my desktop background. I was totally turned off but what i'd heard about the film, and still think that going back to Kirk is a massive mistake, but the latest screenies and ads have definitely piqued my interest.

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