Mike is currently off jetting around the world on some works thing. He won't be back for a few weeks, but hopes to get back into full programming mode around Christmas time. As for progress on the game since the crash, the updates have been considerable.
The game now comes with a built-in auto-updater that compares your game with a list of files currently held on the game server; if any of your files are different to those on the server, it will notify you that an update is available. It will then download the update - with your permission - and will then close the game to install it - but then it will automatically load the game back up for you. Unfortunately, the game will also identify mods as outdated files, but Mike is working on a solution to this.
A wider choice of options have been implemented in the game, and it now supports extremely large resolutions. The entire interface is designed to be scalable, so the game works well regardless of your resolution. In fact, the game will look better on larger resolutions, because the game will use the higher resolutions to sharpen the interface, making it cleaner and smoother.

The game comes with a new editor that has a lot more selectable options than the old editor - but it's a little crash-prone, runs much more slowly, and still doesn't have enough settings for someone like me.

Mike is working on the third incarnation of the editor to further increase the game customizability though.

You can now play as all of the Empires - but only in multiplayer mode. Yes, the game now has a multiplayer mode too.

I am
personally working on a major content update that will add a lot of new buildings, minor races, ships, and graphics to the game - that's also how I know the auto-updater doesnt like mods. Grr. The new in-game images are thanks to Zeleni, and the stats etc are thanks to Dafedz, who incidentally has made some rather large updates to his game database
http://www.trekmania.net/temp_files/botf2_home.htm since before the crash. I have not released my update yet, but I am planning to release the first part of it soon. People are welcome to PM me if they want to have a n early preview, but it isn't quite yet finished. The game will also try to download an "update" as soon as you load the game as well lol. The main thing to remember is that i've only done the buildings and minor races so far; the ships are still yet to be touched.
The game now has very early prototypes of the diplomacy and intel screens - the diplomacy screen especially is a major overhaul of the old BOTF system, and now has floating race images connected by lines to show the relationships between races. It's a bit like the system used in the Civilization games, but much cooler and much more advanced (Although slightly confusing at first, especially if you've met a lot of races)
The game is still lacking on some areas though; there is still no AI or 3D combat (CdrWolfe is working on that though. Unfortunately, Strings seems to have goen AWOL again and isn't currently working on his own version of the combat system

As for non-Supremacy changes, Mal will have to tell you about BOTE; I haven't played that game in months i'm afraid.

These forums now have a new portal site, which you can find
Here. The new portal contains a download section, a shoutbox, news about other Star Trek mods and games, and links to our other subdomains, such as the
Star Trek: Legacy - The Aftermath Mod, and the
Star Trek: Legacy - OEM Mod subdomains. Jig hopes to develop this site into THE Star Trek gaming website, and I think it's going well.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."