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Botf IP might be up for sale as Atari is selling their IPs
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Author:  skeeter [ 24 May 2013, 13:57 ]
Post subject:  Botf IP might be up for sale as Atari is selling their IPs ... -by-piece/

Afaik i think atari bought the company who did botf and probably took the IP as they do or did have a support page for Botf at one point. So if there selling IPs off botf might be sold.

Maybe time for KS to get funds to buy the IP off atari if its confirmed they have it and will sell it? Who knows.

Author:  captain_picard [ 24 May 2013, 19:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Botf IP might be up for sale as Atari is selling their I

Does anyone know what is the order of magnitude for an IP such as BOTF? Is it >$1 mil. ?

Author:  VinculumOne [ 24 May 2013, 20:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Botf IP might be up for sale as Atari is selling their I


captain_picard wrote:
Does anyone know what is the order of magnitude for an IP such as BOTF? Is it >$1 mil. ?

It for sure is far less. Other then the few titles they listed, it's pretty doubtful it's of any value to any game company showing up there. And no idea if Atari still has it, might also be back to Hasbro or who knows. :rolleyes:

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 25 May 2013, 13:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Botf IP might be up for sale as Atari is selling their I

This is an interesting development. One wonders if you could get the source code for BOTF. The AI portion might save us considerable time.

Author:  VinculumOne [ 25 May 2013, 13:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Botf IP might be up for sale as Atari is selling their I

the AI portion of BotF is complete crap and of no use :razz:

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 25 May 2013, 13:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Botf IP might be up for sale as Atari is selling their I

Wouldn't it be useful to see any subtle adjustments of one factor on another that we might not have thought of? Admittedly, BOTFII has departed from BOTFI in many ways and so the BOTFI AI would be useless in that sense...

Author:  VinculumOne [ 25 May 2013, 14:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Botf IP might be up for sale as Atari is selling their I

the BotF AI even is useless in BotF itself
it does act stupid like no other and takes up a tremendous amount of computation time, not to talk of memory leaks there are
and there's no chance you might get that ported, even with source code available it would be senseless to try as it's tied to the rest of the code
better start off your own

still if you can grab the source it would be nice to take a look :)

Author:  reg [ 26 May 2013, 11:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Botf IP might be up for sale as Atari is selling their I

before spending money to BotF-AI-Code don't forget BotE's free AI-Code - atm we had transfered code to

Other parts of BotF might be more interesting .... just writing a email to atari whether copyrights are there ?

Author:  Bloodwurm [ 26 May 2013, 18:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Botf IP might be up for sale as Atari is selling their I

Total Annihilation is up for grabs for 250k$. I`m pretty sure there were more sales of that game than of BOTF. So I would presume it would cost less.
That being said, it`s probably more complicated a matter then that. To do a game on someone`s else license (ie, Star Trek) you need to have contractual permission and even often pay for it. The important part is that these contracts are rarely open ended, they target a game in particular. It`s not an infinite permission and so even if they wanted to sell the IP, they can`t because it doesn`t belong to them. They could sell the engine itself, with the understanding that you couldn`t, as a buyer, do a BOTF2, but you could use it to create another space faring game. But then, after so many years, who, for a business perspective, would really want to buy that? Probably easier and more worthwhile to redo it from scratch with today`s hardware and trends in mind.

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 26 May 2013, 22:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Botf IP might be up for sale as Atari is selling their I

Makes sense All.

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