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Wireframe on Ultimate Unwrap 3D
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Author:  Eon_Janus [ 12 Aug 2006, 05:47 ]
Post subject:  Wireframe on Ultimate Unwrap 3D

I am using this program to texture the Yorkshire model, but the wireframe on the mesh is very annoying. I have tried to remove it, but all I could find was the option to change it`s color in the Preferences window.
Could someone tell me how to remove the wireframe, if there is a way to do it

here is the pic just to let you see what i mean:

Author:  jigalypuff [ 13 Aug 2006, 12:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wireframe on Ultimate Unwrap 3D

you can`t switch it off mate, please watch the cussing :lol:

Author:  skeeter [ 13 Aug 2006, 12:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wireframe on Ultimate Unwrap 3D

Not entirely true. You can turn off the wireframe on the 3d window (not the grid)

Its not a well shown feature infact its hidden.

Ok what you do is this.

Start uvunwrap. Then look at top menus, pick "options" then "hotkeys". Find "rendertexturesmooth" assign a key to it. Then close the hotkeys window and press the assigned key and wala in 3d window no more wireframe over the model and textures anymore. :)

Theres lots uvunwrap can do apparently, just all needs assigning a hotkey to use.

Here is a example of how to do this btw. I assigned K here.

Author:  Eon_Janus [ 13 Aug 2006, 15:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wireframe on Ultimate Unwrap 3D

Thanks a lot Skeeter, now it is easier to see what I am doing wrong while texturing. Im going to keep an eye on those hotkeys from now on :P
Sorry about that Jig, I`ve edited that part :oops:

Author:  ZDarby [ 05 Nov 2006, 03:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wireframe on Ultimate Unwrap 3D

Been gone a while or I'd have replied earlier.

You can also turn off the wireframe in 3d mode by right-clicking the top left of the window (where it says "Perspective", "Orthgrapic", "Front", "Back", etc), go down to 'textured', which has will pull out a menu, left click on 'flat' or 'smooth'.

This will not work while in 3d selection mode. (It's the button with the cube icon on the top menu.)

I suggest playing with the pull down menus of the all windows to get a feel for what they do. Right-clicking on most things bring down menus.

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