I've contacted this guy called Jestr on Celestia since he has posted a lot of Star Trek related stuff on there. He got back to me and said he doesn't mind us using anything he's made for BOTF2. He has some Star Trek inspired planet textures, some models too but they're too high poly at the moment. 500k poly DS9, anyone? They are really detailed and well-made models though, and I think they could be worth the effort to down poly for some great looking game models. I wanna do it but I should focus on the engine

Link to Jestr's page on Celestia motherlode:
http://www.celestiamotherlode.net/catal ... eator_id=5I actually had a chat with Mike recently about how he animated the planets in the system view cause I too was thinking about replacing them with true 3D textured meshes. In the end though I didn't mention it because Mike said he wrote some custom code to animate them, and I don't wanna duplicate the effort unnecessarily, especially since they look good already, plus they are stable and working.
You will have to ask Mike about the specifics of his animation implementation to see if it can be ported to MFC easily or not. If you want them to be replaced by true 3D textured meshes however, we still have to investigate how well XNA (or even just DirectX) fits with the MFC API, that would be the hard part, once that's solved, rotating true 3D planets are easy