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Loknar Class Frigate
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Author:  Fireball [ 17 Feb 2008, 20:22 ]
Post subject:  Loknar Class Frigate

Well this is something I finished off this weekend, it isn't something in the shiplist so I guess it's just eye candy as far as botf II goes. It's been laying around for weeks, figured now that i'm off for a week i'll finish it.

Reworks for some of my botf II ships may be on the way soon...

I'm pretty happy with this, one problem I have is that i've gotta learn how to make realistic windows....

Weighs in at 1262 polygons.













and for s*its and giggles my original one that I decided to redo


Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 17 Feb 2008, 21:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Loknar Class Frigate

Matress notices a distinct improvement between Loknar v1.0 and Loknar v2.0. Matress also commends Fireball for this rather noticable improvement, then wonders why he has a tendency to refer to himself in the third person. :lol:

Just because a ship isn't in the shiplist doesn't mean we don't want it. Kenneth has been saving all the 'extra' models so that people can download them as mods should they want to do so later on. All the extras are saved on in a folder called 'z xxx' (Where xxx is the name of the model), for example, the Galaxy-X is in a folder called 'z Galaxy-X'.

Do the same to the Loknar and it'll be an official extra. :wink:

Federation Models Go Here

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 17 Feb 2008, 22:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Loknar Class Frigate

Yes. We would love to have your model on SharePoint. It might even replace one on the shiplist. Just put it in a Z xxx folder and put the 270x225.png image with transparent background into the image library. (or leave that part to me if you are not sure. I can make it off your uploaded model.

We do need a Federation FRIGATE I-Daedalus Class TECH 1, That folder on SharePoint is empty. It looks like this: ... edalus.htm

Author:  Fireball [ 17 Feb 2008, 22:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Loknar Class Frigate

Kenneth_of_Borg wrote:
Yes. We would love to have your model on SharePoint. It might even replace one on the shiplist. Just put it in a Z xxx folder and put the 270x225.png image with transparent background into the image library. (or leave that part to me if you are not sure. I can make it off your uploaded model.

We do need a Federation FRIGATE I-Daedalus Class TECH 1, That folder on SharePoint is empty. It looks like this: ... edalus.htm

Did oyu say Daedalus?
My god I love that ship...i'll get right on it! :lol:

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