(9.22.2009 edit by Kenneth_0f_Borg
Blender -
hereThe leading free program for models and animation
Rhino 3d -
Free trial -
hereNot a bad program and good for building models up bit by bit using vertices and creating polys by dot the dot method. Poor texturing ability as in no uv mapping.
Milkshape3d -
Free Trial -
HereEasy for beginners but i never liked the extremely basic functions and limits. Texturing is better than Rhino3D and can create smoothing groups which is useful for making models intersect naturally instead of parts stuck together. Very useful for game modding as it supports a wide range of plugins to import and export.
3D Studio Max / Gmax -
Free Trial Gmax
HereNot used this before but its suppose to be good like a 3ds Max "lite" version.
About 3ds Max, Im sure Jiggy can tell you more than I can. But for me I just cant get around its interface its a bit complicated as its tool-button heavy and icons on buttons which would take ages to remember them all, Which is why i use Lightwave instead as the tool-buttons have text to describe in 1 or 2 words what that tool is.
Lightwave 3D -
Free Version
HereI use the non free version and it is very good. It has a very natural interface and easy to navigate using tabbing menu system. Fully customizable and easy to create stuff straight away and manipulate quickly. It has a great feature with the use of layers. Anyone who has used layers in photoshop knows how useful layers can be as you can make one part of a model in 1 layer while doing another part in another layer you can even have the other layer show but not editable using the half layer thing which shows the model in black outline so it can be useful as a guide when doing other parts. Using layers means better performance as well.
Lightwave isn't just a modelling program, no, it is split into 2 main programs. 1 is a modelling program and 2nd is for animation.
I find i could animate things easy in animator. And have made a few sci-fi movies before (just tests and short like a minute or 30 seconds) but at least there cool like a B5 battle hehe.
Oh and even tho 3ds Max is suppose to be the industry standard which i suppose it is as most modding games need it as plugins are mainly for max not LW. If you wondered how star trek animation like battles were done then LW was it. Which is why im a big fan of LW.
Texturing is also a breeze with uv mapping in lw. Oh and you can name objects like say you modelled a human you can name parts and apply different settings to each really easily..
Maya -
Free trial
hereThis is suppose to be top industry standard for most gaming these days. Homeworld was made with it and is required to mod homeworld 2. Its a bit hard to get into i think but its got some top end features.
Well that's my short guide on 3D applications, there are others like autocad but the above are the main ones i know most modders use. I have provided free trials for each program so hopefully those that are wanting to start modelling can try each out and see whats right for them. Cheapest is milkshape 3d for about £30 i think and it gets updated often and milkshape is used for most part in st armada modding.
Have fun and show us some models you make if you can.