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Ultimate Unwrap 3D
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Author:  jigalypuff [ 04 Dec 2005, 14:32 ]
Post subject:  Ultimate Unwrap 3D

This is one of the best uv mapping programmes i have come across, it supports mulipile formats with over 50 plugins available, for those who would prefer to use stock models from games such as armada, botf, sfc, or a great many others then this is the one for converting between formats.
I use this for uv mapping my models and prefer it to max`s uv mapping system. Dafedz has told me he also uses this for uv mapping and he uses lightwave for his meshs.
their is a demo but you cannot save with it, however it is cheap to purchase.

Author:  ZDarby [ 04 Dec 2005, 20:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ultimate Unwrap 3D

I, too, use UU3D for all my texturing. I don't appreciate the interface as much as some other texturing progs, but it's powerful and cheap... And it can load a bunch of different file format -- a big plus. It's as good a tranlator as Accutrans or Explor3D -- two other progs I use occasionally. I like it better than Milkshape, too.

When it comes to simple power at UV-ing and Texturing, it's hard to beat DeepUV & friends. But at $500, it's just too much... And the hoop you have to jump through to register & use the blasted thing! Three days!? It's just not worth it.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 09 Mar 2008, 01:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ultimate Unwrap 3D

Is anyone running Ultimate Unwrap 3D in Vista? I am having trouble getting it to work.

Author:  jigalypuff [ 09 Mar 2008, 09:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ultimate Unwrap 3D

i`d reccomend updateing to the newest version, if you have the new version mail brad, he should be able to help you.

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