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 BOTE- AT LAST!!!!!!!!! 
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HI There all BOTF fans, :D
just started playing bote and can't belive it is hear at last,

i would be up for helping out any way they can think of, but testing online will be far and few, time that i could do it, but would still help any way possable when i can and on a side note were is the uptodate feedback area as would like to leave what i have found.and is this the only group of people building botf 2 - type of games.

18 Sep 2007, 12:52
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hi there!

if we're (BotE & Supremacy by mstrobel) the only ones is quite a good question. I never heard of any other parties (successfully) attempting to do this though I found a page supposedly from gavin (a former botf2 programmer) some months back that was actually quite funny though it has vanished.

anyway if you wanna help go have a look at the Jobs&Positions section here at the main forums. Since we're germans, we have our own board here at -> forums where our other staff talks about the latest developments and contributions they made. Check it out, you'll find that the next release isn't that far away now though the last pieces of the new graphic menus take an awful lot of time. If you're interested and good at (learning) things, go help us in the 2D menu art section. Or create some new texts for the diplomacy and techs (all inside your c:\botf2\ installation as txt files renamed to *.data).

the main discussion for all "english" help let's say takes place here so scour through what ppl suggested earlier here and hope that the community grows stronger and actually starts posting regularly here in these (bote) sections :lol:

18 Sep 2007, 13:16
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great, is there any progream that i need to download for the 2d art and text and i know it sound funny but the main forum is in german and can't read that. so will post it all hear and hope it get to them, long live them dude's

18 Sep 2007, 15:35
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The Gimp 2.3 and 3.08 are free and good enough for the task. tutorials can be found around the net (though I'd suggest you ask a person you know that knows about this stuff at least a little before trying to start. ah and only has the official help site and no tutorials). for texts, use wordpad, notepad or openoffice 2.

the dudes actually look in here regularly (at least me and sir p. does ;)) so things you create will certainly be recognized. For uploading however it may be a good idea to get either a free account (rapidshare, or actually registering at our german site mentioned in the above post where you can attach zip files to your posts in some subsections (not all, check where it works).

If you wanna start with the skins, try look here: and download the 7z zip archive (you 7zip to extract) there. Don't worry, the files are a bit huge but that's normal, just don't get confused by it :). The design is kind of final so the only thing to do there would be to learn how to do stuff and trying to improve some design elements by adding 3D effects like shadow, glow and lighting for example.

a new design to start for would be the Cartare design but for that you need 1) long breath 2) exchanging the Coalition graphic files against blank screens and later on your drafts so you can see the changes while playing CoPs on the screen and 3) long breath (did I mention that? yeah ;)).

18 Sep 2007, 16:04
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Hi guy's,

Just to post what i have learnt so far,

1.If 3d combat is a long way off- can't we have combat values for att & def
as we can't tell if you should win in a combat area. far is a tech tree off and is any one working on one- as i am

3.same as the data bank

4.can't cancel treaties with major's, except by war. race building are hard to upgrade- or is it me as i only build about
5 per system -more early on would help in the short team- but would cost more to upgrade later on

6.i feel that the later-tech scout come in too late in the tech tree

7.can we upgrade ship after we have edited them, like smaller shield. so they are fast to build early on, and once your industry is better upgrade the fleet at one of your star systems to bring them up to date with your tech far is intell off

9.are there any plans to make the maps bigger with more star system and more minor's

P.s will be up for testing on line on the 29 of this mouth but will keap in touch about it :D

19 Sep 2007, 19:54
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1) yes we already have. look at for ship values. There you find the current formulas for the battles. also there is a combat simulator here for download in a special thread which allows you to let any number of ships fight against each other as often as you want and see a rather detailed statistical outcome (or a graphic representation if you set the repeat flag to zero).

2) tech tree will stay as it is and was in botf as far as I know. There are however attempts here to write up to 30 tech desciptions per area for bote. look at jobs and positions.

3) intel will come with the new alpha4 version release probably on octobre the 10th.

4) look at the main (first) diplo menu. there pops a "cancel" button up in the left menu area when you have something to cancel.

5) is an issue with the file. go get the editor and help improving it ;)

6) ship editor will allow you to set techs more straight.

7) yes in the research->special design menu.

8.) done :mrgreen: (alpha4)

9) not yet, maybe after beta release probably next year.

keep on testing :)

20 Sep 2007, 06:11
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Easy All. :P

am using Khaoron update v51 now- buildin's a lot better for the cop now

new bit's again

1. Khaorons get 3 trade routes, but cop's get only 2 :cry:

2.about upgrading ships (eg- i built 1 Duluth-class when i got the tech for it, then about 50 turns later i would have like to have given it quantum t's)a re-rit button like in MOA2 (orion 2) would be cool :lol: do you see clocked ship in the main map( is it not possiable- like it should be) or do you need a amount of tech and subspace scanner's at a system.

3.can you get the guy's to put a trade contact's with major's (eg i've meet the cop's and they know the cart's and i can't get around there space)so if we can the contact's me and the cart's could trade and jonied force's agest the cop's in war.

o the link for the skins did not work and is not in the download bit, is there a nother

4. what progrem do u use for the data file's

5.was am working on a new ship list for the cop's but later-tech scout's are very fast so that cool waiting for them

Later's :D

21 Sep 2007, 19:03
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1. depends on population like in botf. Khaorons got a bit more on their homesystem ;).

2. that goes in the special design menu inside the research area. you can give orders for new-built ships to have better torps and phasers, hulls, shields etc. after discovering the appropriate tech level. You can't give old ships however a refit, that we don't want since it complicates the matter with the shipyards (refit needs to be a "building" to be built in the queue and it quite does not work very well in-game).

3. maybe the CoPs want exactly that ;) (i.e. they don't want you to ally with the carts)

4. the editors in the tools-section here under Downloads. basically txt files in your bote folder on hdd.

22 Sep 2007, 16:25
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Cool on the last point- with re-fitting ship's

1.why the low number of stored deritium
i know that the A.I cheat's on that- can't it be i bit higher

2.Khaoron early scout class should not go out of date (small houses would still build them)

3.Khaoron don't get a troopship 2

4.there is no way to check how many troop's you have on a star system
(it should be in the top left with the rest)

23 Sep 2007, 15:42
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the low number is a game-play decision of sir p. who does not want too many ship being built at the same time in the galaxy. can surely be changed when editing out some of the high deritium costs of ships in the shiplist file

yeah, the khaorons should have that scout along with other "classics" a little while longer. our shiplist guy probably fixes that too along with the troop transport.

we got kind of an idea to include a defense view on the news section inside bote so it'll come in alpha4 i guess.

23 Sep 2007, 16:37
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Great on all point's

Am Doing the ship-list and ship dis a the mo, so will post it hear when done
(like with the scout)

will, leave the rest till oct then. can't wait


24 Sep 2007, 20:43
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Easy dude.

hi, just thought i'll put up so more point's again, and bug's for
(Khaoron update v51) :roll:

1.bug. my ship's speed has gone down after i got tech 11 in a area, so any new ship's i build have 1 lesat speed, was playing Khaorons

In one game omegan space filled nearly half the screen but then inexplicably a big % of their systems seemed to become independant
i had the same bug when fighting the cop's- most of there sys i can't att (got the save still if need be)

3.two many minor's are neurel or worste to the cop's (there main str is minor's joing early and fast

4.why don't we have a new ship- like for move res about systems. as it get's hard fing what ship is move what about (keap the tropp ship just for that and have a fast and easy to bulid ship for movein res a-i on minor's world's dont build ship yard's- so affiliation don't meen much- is there plan's to change this and if so when are minor's getting ship's ship interstep, for get them last few ship and for borader waching. like stoping them fast moveing Heyoun ship's

:? i know it is a very small point but, need a up and down button next to the research bar so i cant put it 100%

Later's keep testing

01 Oct 2007, 10:20
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1) interesting, do you have a means to upload the savegame (register at -> forums and post it there as an attachment in one of the subforums that allow attachments, check that out)

2) fixed
3) happens if you get the wrong minors. not all are per-se friendly towards the CoPs..
4) edit one in with the ship editor, that's no big deal. might come with alpha4 anyway but we're still waiting for the final shiplist so I can't predict for sure.
5) they still got no ships in the shiplist so shipyards won't serve them very much ;). Editing new ones in is not supported with the editor right now. will come later, probably alpha5.
6) later on you will have the follow order. if i understand sir p. right, a intercept order like in botf1 will not be implemented. this might result in painful fleet catching but I think sir p. already knows a better way to cope with this than with un-specific intercept orders (just remember when 2 or more enemy fleets approach, which one to intercept? right! ;)).
7) okay I know it would help but if you hit right, you get 100% easily with some "exercise" :).

01 Oct 2007, 12:18
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got the save game for you but can't up load it. what pro do you what me to use. and i can't post it at -> forums as i will not were to post it (in german) :D)

2. what update have you fixed bug 2 on, as i am useing Khaoron update v51
is there a newer one out that i don't know about.(use exe first, then english update then Khaoron update)is that right

7. will do :)

5. can'twe give them ship yard for now, as that will be a big part of how fast and how big we and the a-i get


4.will see what i can do

Have not said this yet Malvoisin- but thank's for your help and point's on why u did this and that, and why you lefted this out.


02 Oct 2007, 01:14
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fine btw.

for 1) ... eply&t=414 go there after registration (works the same as here, use an online dictionary if necessary ;)) and post your savegame along with a short english description.

2) alpha4, comes out in roughly 2 weeks!
5) hm sure it would help but then it'd make it too easy. I want this implemented when they can also build ships to make your (invading) life harder (as Cartare for example; okay one can't play them yet, but maybe at alpha5 ;)).

you're welcome and stay tuned. btw. if you happen to know good 3D coders, you know where to direct them.. :mrgreen:

02 Oct 2007, 06:15
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Hi Kingy, as Mal said, there's an update coming in a few weeks, if you can wait that long.

Have you installed ALL of the BotE files that are available in the downloads section though?

In order, you need to install:

BotE Installer (en)
BotE english translation
BotE Khaoron Update
latest BotE.exe V0.51e

Install them in that order, and let your computer overwrite any existing files if it asks you whether to do so. That will patch your game to the latest version that we have, but like we said, an update is on its way. :wink:

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


02 Oct 2007, 09:17
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Matress_of_evil. :twisted:

THank u for that list. now fully up to date. 51.e did not work first time round. but is now

Thank's Again

Kingy :D

Wasn't it your own hartley who said "Nothing reeals humanity so well as the game's it plays?"
Almost right. you reveal yourselves best how you play. Q

02 Oct 2007, 12:13
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What u mean by btw, by the way :?:

Have do a translation on the main german site so can read all now, still have not found the list of what u need help with. like copy and paste the ship dis on the ship editor. as i found that they are there but are set as the back up. will do this on Khaoron update 51.e, or any thing like that.just so i can help out. as all i have done is tell u about thing's u know. :D


Wasn't it your own hartley who said "Nothing reeals humanity so well as the game's it plays?"
Almost right. you reveal yourselves best how you play. Q

02 Oct 2007, 13:13
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Glad I could help. :mrgreen:

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


02 Oct 2007, 14:09
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btw.=by the way, yes ;)

things we need help with are the graphics and some good 3D programmers. Anyway we "normal" people can help with are the english translation (grammar and overall phrasing help) and editing stuff with the editors to make the thing more balanced.

that's pretty much all we need.

02 Oct 2007, 15:07
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Have u seen that save game yet.

Have done the cop's ship list (Khaoron is still got load missing) will post on the main site

am going to start now copying over the building's list.will post when done

graphics and 3d's are just well!!!! not me

Wasn't it your own hartley who said "Nothing reeals humanity so well as the game's it plays?"
Almost right. you reveal yourselves best how you play. Q

02 Oct 2007, 15:30
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Please wait till release of the new alpha4, because many values would be different! So you don't have to do the work twice.

In the building-editor you can change the primary language to english. Many buildings have an english name and descriptions, but some buildings not. To test it, change the language to secondary language and reload the file. You will see all buildings are in english.

02 Oct 2007, 16:09
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i Know the next updateis out soon but, still found a few bit and pices that might bear thinking about

1.u did away with needs 1 conley ship per plant. good it relly slowed down how fast your system got up and running

2.class k dis don't fit (now most of it in english,who ever did them planet class write up's did a great job, them kind of thing's are going to give this game that bit of class that so many games dont have. loved reading them all :D )

3.will wormholes, nebula's, black hole's and co, are they going to be put in at some stage

4.why the -'s on the coalition council

5.when on system trade screen- we should be able to use the left and right key's just like the main system overview

6.(maybe be bug) Khaoron colony ship's and troop ship's went to speed 2 in my game- is that

(1) what you have changed (Khaoron speed being what it is. was at tech level 2 exp prop which was at L3)
(2)or is it that special tech (speed-range-sensor's)( but i hate to point out that 10% of 1 is not 2 :oops: )

7.(will check the rest) Khaoron tacticl school-don't give you L2 EXP on all ship after it has been built (like BOTF1) as every game i have played i have worked thinking that waitting a few turn's to build it would help out

8.Khaoron outpost1 has speed 2 short range AND MOVE'S MAN
has been fun att-ing A-i's fleet which starbase's. but we got to fix that

away way that is it for now- have been learning the editor's so when alpha 4 is out will fix some of this and let u know

Kingy :D

Wasn't it your own hartley who said "Nothing reeals humanity so well as the game's it plays?"
Almost right. you reveal yourselves best how you play. Q

05 Oct 2007, 02:16
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class K dis (what's dis btw.? ;)) doesn't fit? in what way?

okay i hope i got the text right:

1.col ship thing is fixed.
4.where exactly does this 's appear?
5.seconded ;)
6. the latter is right, it's because of the special tech. bug is fixed though in alpha4.
7. experience still needs to be implemented.
8. yeah, nice thing eh? ;) sure a bug.

Last edited by Malvoisin on 05 Oct 2007, 08:44, edited 1 time in total.

05 Oct 2007, 08:31
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hi all :idea:

yea sorry about that I tend to describe my english reading qualities as s**t
and was writeing this lot ap at about 4:00am

1.u did away with the needs 1 conley ship per planet.on a new star system and put it back to the botf, was just happy with that

2.class k 'description' don't fit in the the buttom left.
but forget about that as i had my start bar up :oops:

Wasn't it your own hartley who said "Nothing reeals humanity so well as the game's it plays?"
Almost right. you reveal yourselves best how you play. Q

05 Oct 2007, 09:03
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Easy all. Long time, no talk

Have been loveing the new update (german and english)

Again great work all :D :D :D :D

My main fault at the mo is. on (old alpha 3) when you started a new game the way the map was made (big system's e-g 40,000 to 80,000+ were coman place. so finding a good starting area was quick and easy

Now on the new update i spent all night just trying to find a good start

have the minor's been changed as they don't seem to be as many on the map or as big

Wasn't it your own hartley who said "Nothing reeals humanity so well as the game's it plays?"
Almost right. you reveal yourselves best how you play. Q

19 Oct 2007, 20:30
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So just what is the current state of the game right now? I have been out of the loop for a while. Anyways, from the small bit I have managed to gleam so far, it seems to be coming along well.

You ain't seen nothen yet.

22 Oct 2007, 06:58
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wb! get the trailer and have a look ;). we fixed the screen res issue so everyone can play it now. makes up for nearly all botf functions except borg-replacement, random events, retreat options and 3d combat ;)

22 Oct 2007, 07:00
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Don't forget intercept.

22 Oct 2007, 07:27
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right. and the reseach database for tech lookup ;)

22 Oct 2007, 07:42
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