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 Daedalus Class WIP 
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Okay so i'm working on a Daedalus class for the projects. Currently i'm doing a super high poly one to build the low poly ones off of...and if not that...just for the hell of it :p

Okay anyway here is where i'm at so far...
Dont think you can see it in the image but the "saucer" has some sort of pinch in it :oops:
I HATE when that happens with high poly models lol...
modelling panels sucks...I think i'm going to cry when I get to the windows :lol:




22 Mar 2008, 18:34
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I see it! ;)

22 Mar 2008, 18:41
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It is looking good from what I can see. Here is the link to the folder, FRIGATE I, on SharePoint for it. ... 44987A3%7d

If you are too busy to make the 270x225.png 2D image I can take that shoot for you off the model.


Currently we have a low poly and Daedalus like model in the Federation folder for Hospital Ship I.


I was thinking back to the episode of TNG when Dr. Crusher shows up in her medical ship looking kind of Daedalus. If you have time we could us an original model made by you for hospital ship I and or II.


22 Mar 2008, 20:59
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Kenneth, the "Daedalus-like" ship that you've shown the picture for is an Olympic class Hospital ship. Olympics are late TNG-era ships and are far more advanced than a Daedalus, so we do need them to be separate models. They were part of an alternate timeline where Riker was Captain of the Galaxy-X Class Enterprise D. The Olympics were only seen during that one episode however and have not been seen anywhere else in Trek.

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23 Mar 2008, 00:31
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Yes, and I am thinking it would not be as hard to make the hospital ship once you built the Daedalus.

The one above is on SharePoint as one of our hospital ships for the Federation but it is a borrowed model. As you can see it has a rather low on the poly count boxy look.


23 Mar 2008, 01:34
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Kenneth_of_Borg wrote:
Yes, and I am thinking it would not be as hard to make the hospital ship once you built the Daedalus.

The one above is on SharePoint as one of our hospital ships for the Federation but it is a borrowed model. As you can see it has a rather low on the poly count boxy look.

I agree with you, once i'm done this sucker i'll work on the hospital ship. I've been itching to try something TNG (or post TNG in this case I guess)

Here is a little update, paneling on the engineering section and nacelles is done. All that is left now is windows and other details, this isnt really super high poly actually.....only 20000 (I think, could be horribly wrong) and a lot of those are unecesarry for ingame models atleast.....mind you it would be more if the model didnt look like garbage every time I hit the mesh smooth button.... :oops:

Well here is what i've got so far!



24 Mar 2008, 04:09
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Mike asked that we use a 5,000 poly limit on ships and 25,000 on stations.



24 Mar 2008, 14:01
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The 20k poly ship is for textures ken. He will make the high poly then render textures from it then apply them on lower poly versions.

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24 Mar 2008, 16:25
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You are correct Skeeter...

But wow I had no idea stations had such a high limit...I might go a little bit crazy on a station soon! :waah: :lol:


24 Mar 2008, 17:14
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well it could even be higher I think since stations aren't moving in battle (less computing power needed) and are generally not a hundred times copied (i.e. 100 Akiras in one battle for example). So I would even set it up as high as 50k but that's just me ;).

24 Mar 2008, 17:18
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Don't forget that we have orbital batteries, shipyards, and so on as well - Stations aren't the only imovable objects that will be present in combat. :wink:

The Daedalus is looking very pretty, Fireball. But then again so is everything you make. Great work. :bigthumb:

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24 Mar 2008, 18:21
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We have some fleetyards and shipyards as well as outposts and starbases that could use some work. If you make a new one (and there is already a model in the sharepoint folder) just give the two models version numbers or move an inferior model to "z extra" ... ions&View={2EAB3CAC-2EF3-4EA6-85DB-87B0D9B58BA0}

So is there a rule of thumb about the number of work-bays a shipyard or fleetyard should appear have? I recall something about them making more ships at the same time the more advanced you get.


24 Mar 2008, 18:33
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would be logical. But also if internal processing times get faster by better equipment whilst the bay number per station stays the same so it ain't needed. It just be fine if they look more advanced, i.e. more texture-crisp, as tech level progresses..

24 Mar 2008, 18:40
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This is the general rule that the shipyards *should* be working to. I'm pretty sure that none of the shipyard models have followed these rules though...possibly because none of the modellers knew the rules existed. :oops:

Basic Shipyard: 1 Build Slot*
Medium Shipyard: 2 Build Slots*
Advanced Shipyard: 4 Build Slots*
Fleetyard: 6 Build Slots*

*One Build slot means that one ship can be built OR repaired at any one time.

I think building shipyards to match this would be a nice touch, but it might also be a move that could potentially cause some considerable headaches,as the models would need to be rebuilt. We should leave it up to the modellers to decide whether they want to stick to these rules or not, but it would definitely look better if they did. Just remember though that combat is only a small and relatively rare part of the game. Whilst it would be fantastic to have uber models from the word go, we have all the time in the world to keep releasing improved models as mods later on. :wink:

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24 Mar 2008, 23:59
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Yes, we need the 3D engine or the models are Condoleezza. (Condoleezza = new word in the Israeli language that means rush around and accomplish nothing - in honor of the US Secretary of State, MS Condoleezza Rice.)

The 3D fights are few are far between but they are the reason I put up with all the rest of the game.

Some of those yard models can bash up to more build slots without trouble.
We can add that to the to-do list after all the slots are filled up.


25 Mar 2008, 00:43
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I'm sure we can get something figured out. I know what your saying, I get so revved up when combat approaches!
I'm starting to get my modeling revved up for summer production! My exams finish sometime in April so i'm not that far off.


25 Mar 2008, 16:19
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Tiny little update, I talked to MOE about it earlier last week, here is the little "exhaust vent" I have in the nacelles plus more recently i've chizzled out the inside of the nacelles and will probably put some blue glowy stuff inside or something..




31 Mar 2008, 21:37
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Hehe hollow Nacelles just mean my Plasma torpedoes will do more damage. :twisted:

Great work, as always Fireball!

(Now try modelling in the Warp Coils, Plasma Conduits, Computer Terminals... :P)

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31 Mar 2008, 22:14
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Looking good like I knew it would.


01 Apr 2008, 03:06
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I havent done much on the Daedalus to tell you the truth, atleast not much i'm happy with. :lol:
Although I have accomplished are some pics of something i've been working on!




Edit - I'm also learning how to break my toys!



07 Apr 2008, 04:22
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You're making the world?! :shock:

If you need photos of where I live to ensure accuracy, let me know. :lol:

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07 Apr 2008, 13:08
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It's not the Daedalus again...(I hit a snag)
But i've started working on a random tos saucer...possibly going to be a saladin in the end? I dunno...

here it is anyway.




08 Apr 2008, 22:32
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The Deadalus may not be my favorite ship, but you did an excellent job on it. :bigthumb:

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23 Jul 2008, 11:10
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While I maintain that the Daedalus is a horrifying design abortion, you certainly seem to have captured it nicely in your model. Kudos :winkthumb:.

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23 Jul 2008, 23:03
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No longer a WIP, and no longer high poly.
This is the BOTF II model rendered in max with bump, specular, light and disffuse maps, nothing too fancy.
What do ya think? More shots coming soon!



27 Aug 2008, 15:54
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Nice, also a good test bed for me to try out bump mapping, light mapping and diffuse mapping support.

Regards Wolfe


27 Aug 2008, 16:13
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very nice :thumbsup:


28 Aug 2008, 18:33
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I used to hate it as well, but now I'm starting to love the design of the Daedalus. It's most probably your design to be blamed for making it look so nice. :) Good job! :bigthumb:

Alhu na shiar!

28 Aug 2008, 21:47
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I've always loved Daedalus.

Honestly, I've never seen a better representation of her class, even in my own attempts. This model is truly wonderful, Fireball.

My only kibitz is possibly --only possibly-- about scale. I'm not sure the bridge is the right scale... Have you tried to put a scaled person within the bridge to see? ... Also, the size of the windows on the neck seem too small. Is that an illusion of the POV? Are the windows properly spaced? I know that's a mapping thing and realize no one is else likely to notice or care.

My intent is to be constructive... Truly, it's a wonderful model. I'm jealous of it.

No. I'm not back.

24 Oct 2008, 00:02
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