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 First look at Supremacy 
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Joined: 06 Jun 2009, 22:39
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Ok I downloaded the game yesterday and was Dying to try it out

so at first amazing job on the start menu the music is nice although I would like to hear some of the Trek opening music from deepspace nine, voyger and other shows
ok here is my list you told me to give feedback so I won't hold any punchs :twisted:

The good:

1- amazing fan effort :bigthumb:
2- start menu is cool
3- solar systems are amazing I love the planets and the moon bonus thingy.
4- a lot of space ships although I wished I saw in action :(
5- many races and minnor races with amazing images and good icons some old and a lot new :)

The needs to be worked on:

1- AI is not there I don't know if its a bug I have or if u have not made it yet
2- the star map and stars need some contrast sometimes I missed some stars when I was exploring the map make the back ground darker and with few "fake" small stars just for visual candy :P in the back ground
3- I could not display pop number on star maybe I didn't find the the option !!!
4- cardassian (which were the first race I tried) had fast ships(sector travel I mean) they should be slow and with lots of armor but I could be wrong I need to play more
5- The menu design and color for other races except fed was the same :P thats not good each race must have his own menu and design just like the old BotF I mean the klingon red was something to behold :love:
6- the game was a little overwhelming ships need a lot of stuff to get build and the micro managment of the old game is there I don't mind micro mangement BUT it was hard keeping up with what I had and what I needed and what I needed to biuld to get what I need but maybe some practice will solve that :P
7- a lot o Icons and images were missing but I geuss u are still working on them so it fine
8- the diplomacy could get crowded so maybe a right click on the race image could bring a short cut to what you want to do with them would really help

Ok I haven't played a lot because AI is not there so its not really fun but I will keep trying to play the game and give feed back because so far I like what I see a LOT

07 Jun 2009, 13:28
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Hey Tarek, here's your answers:

For the music, a long, long time ago we talked about the possibility of including a basic media player so you could choose your own music. That hasn't been talked about in a while though so I don't know what Mike's plans are in this respect anymore. It's easy enough to mod your own files in though - just replace the existing music files in your Supremacy/Resources/Music folder. As long as the new files are named exactly the same as the existing files, they will play.

The AI hasn't yet been built. This is the one thing that people are always asking for, but the fact of the matter is that it will be the single most complex-to-program part of the game, and it will take time to make. Mike has barely even started programming it yet, as he feels there are other areas of the game that are (Currently) more important to sort out (Such as bug fixes). We're looking at a year minimum before even a basic AI is released. He's already looked at the possibility of acquiring a pre-made AI instead of making one, but this proved to be more trouble that it was worth.

We're already looking at the possibility of toning down the background image or replacing it. Mike has also said he may add in a menu option to physically turn the background image off.

The population sizes of a system are displayed on the left-hand-side of the screen once a system has been selected, just as it was in Birth of the Federation.

The ships in the game are still a work-in-progress; the Cardassians are the only Empire with a fully complete shiplist and stats so far. The Federation is about 50% done, and the other empires are hit-and-miss. I'm working on them myself, but the game editor is currently broke so I can't continue working on it at the moment.

We're going to include new interfaces for the other races in the future. Before the May-update, the Cardassians actually had their own unique right-click menu interface, but this had to be scrapped in the May update because it was buggy. We also discussed the Klingon interface in the staffroom many months ago and came up with some very nice ideas - I actually preferred the Klingon mock-up interface to the current Federation one. New interfaces will be added as part of future updates, but I have no idea when exactly this will be because I haven't heard of any development in this area since those old mockups all those months ago.

The build requirements for ships are going to be changed soon. We're initially going to reduce the industrial requirements by 90% then make further changes based on player feedback. The current costs were only worked out on paper, but as people are starting to notice, the numbers don't actually work ingame. As for the micro-management, this is one feature that will be very reliant on the AI - we plan to include a system governor that will be capable of building up systems, especially new colonies, for you. All you would need to do is turn the governor on. Since the system wouldn't be automatically, players would therefore be able to play the game in the exact way that they want to. Mike has coined the term "macromanagement" to define this flexible system. Obviously we wil include a manual with the game as day. :P

The missing icons are missing simply because they haven't been made yet, just as you surmised.

The Diplomacy (And Intel) systems are going to be overhauled in the future. Don't worry about how they work at the moment because Mike has big plans for them. :wink:

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


07 Jun 2009, 14:02
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WOW that was a swift reply thanks man

and I know the AI part will be the MOST demanding part so good luck with that, like Galactic civilzation 2 the AI was 90% of the game it took a lot of work so I feel ya :winkthumb:

I could help out in terms of icons though if u like I have good photoshop skills and MAD drawing skills so if you want me to I could make some of the icons :P

anyway thanks for the reply again it was very helpfull you answered almost all my questions and even some questions I didn't ask :wink:

so live long and prosper and as I said I will help if u ask it and will keep visiting the forums as often as possible
this is a great project and it must be realized

07 Jun 2009, 14:18
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Thanks for the offer, we could certainly use you if you're willing to help. I've already created some threads to explain the types of help we need. The most relevant ones for you would be the Random Event Images Thread and the Special Structures Thread.

We need images for both the Random Events and the Special Structures, and i've included lists of what we need (And already have) in those posts. The Random Events images are almost all done (There are some missing images near the middle and the end of the list) but that doesn't mean you can't have a go at making your own version of the existing images - there's only room for one image per event, so we want the best one we can get. So don't think that just because we already have an image, you can't try and make a better one. :wink:

The most pressing need for images though is the Special Structures. These can be the special structures of the minor race, or they can be general structures that can be built by multiple races. As you can see though, it's a very big list, and they are all structures that do not currently have an image at all.

If you're willing to help, then please, post anything you make in the relevant threads. If we use any of your work, we will credit you ingame - so please also let us know how you wish to be credited. You can use any name you want, real, forum, or otherwise.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


07 Jun 2009, 14:35
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I have been waiting for YEARS for this type of revamp to the original BOTF game. As a MAJOR ST Fan, I have most if not all the published games and as an avid player of BOTF, I am elated to see SUPREMACY.

Have always hoped that there would be a way to capture the best of the ST games out there and merge them into one truly complete game.

The thought and scope of this effort is TRULY EXCELLENT!!! Love the galaxy expansion piece :bigthumb:

I realize more needs to be done, but what an amazing job. Downloaded SUPREMACY on Friday and have been playing for 3 days now.

I will try to update notations on bugs I can.


07 Jun 2009, 17:35
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thanks for links can't wait to get started :D

and for Scottrv I say u and me buddy just found this rare cloud crystal ( BoTF 2 I mean :P) and I'm equally if not more excited

better get busy :P

07 Jun 2009, 17:56
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Thanks for the offer to help Tarek.
We have some members working on those
images but there is plenty of work to go


07 Jun 2009, 18:07
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Yeah, thats a good point, Kenneth. We already have people working on the images, so it might be a good idea if you were to contact them, Tarek. Just use the PM system. You might be able to swap image creation tips or discuss amongst yourselves who is doing what.

Our main image creators are Valcoren, SJ2290, and Zeleni. Valcoren is a regular forum poster, but SJ and Zeleni aren't on the forums very often so you're more likely to get a reply from Val. Kenneth also makes images of the ships so he might be able to offer advice and tips.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


07 Jun 2009, 19:12
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ok thx

and I finsihed an icon for the Andorian war college hope you like it if u find my coloring sucky I will give the line art to other artists here to do it becuase I can draw like 10000000 pics a day but only color 1 :P

I will go put it in right forum now

08 Jun 2009, 01:55
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I have been playing SUPREMACY for several days and have reached past lvl 11 on Tech and have over 40 colonies including minor races and a bunch of ships. I wanted to help out by identifying any/all quirks or issues discovered during this moc play.

I have been reading the inumerable posts on this forum in order to determine what has / has not been suggested and see what I could add. Also, not sure what is activated on this beta but to make sure its identified, I will notate. If my notations are redundant, I apologize.


I love the multi-turn for ships via CTRL :bigthumb:
The galactic map is AWESOME. :bigthumb:
The number of buildings expansion over BOTF is excellent :bigthumb:
The highest lvl of Tech is implemented on new colonies OUTSTANDING :bigthumb: :bigthumb:

1) Is there an option to purchase(buy) an item/building/ship rather than wait the indicated # of turns
2) The redeployment/combining of ships is not working
3) The Science Academy (Vulcans) once built does not increase research empire wide.
4) The habitation project does not appear to be turned on, but it does indicate an increase in Max pop. yet not actual increase in pop.
5) Outposts/Starbases/Ships do not appear to auto upgrade as tech increases. Also you cannot upgrade an existing Outpost/Starbase via a construction ship
6) Ship do not indicate their stats *ie: Range/cost, etc as in BOTF
7) Subatomic simulators does not always show up for each colony, also why Tech 7+ for this it is a great bonus to have to advance but to have to wait til Tech 7 is forever to actually benefit fom this
8) Will there be a SUMMARY Screen as in BOTF to do overview of each colony, the manuveuring from one colony to another in the empire is tedious

I will post more later

08 Jun 2009, 04:22
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Hi Scott, thanks for the continued feedback. Here's your answers:

1) Not yet. We plan to have a system where you can pay your workers to work overtime, but this won't be an instant-build system. It will simply increase the build rate. People have discussed this on the forums for four years and the general concensus waspeople didn't want instant-build, but they did want faster builds when they needed it. This feature will be implemented in a future update.

2) The redeployment bug is known. I've already mentioned it to Mike. With any luck it'll be fixed in the next update.

3) I haven't heard of this bug before. I'll ask Mike to look into it.

4) There is a known bug with the Habitation Project. Ironically I added it in because Mike fixed the problem in the previous update - theHabitation Project has been in the game before, but I removed it when I discovered this bug. But the May update broke the fix. :roll: :lol:

5) The stations are still a work-in-progress code-wise. They're not supposed to auto-upgrade, you will need to build and upgrade them BOTF-style. Upgrading stations is therefore yet to be implemented.

6) The ship ranges are different to BOTF. They are highly flexible and variant based on the individual ship or fleet in question - the short, medium, and long ranges that BOTF had do not exist. Each ship instead has its own fuel tanks and fuel requirements. If a ship leaves its fuel range it will begin to use up the fuel in its tanks without them being replenished. When the tanks are empy the ship will become adrift. The fuel range of a ship is displayed as a dotted yellow line.
Dotted Yellow Line.jpg
Dotted Yellow Line.jpg [ 57.56 KiB | Viewed 2821 times ]

7) No one has ever asked this before. I believe it was a tech 6 structure in BOTF, which is still more than half way through the tech list. Since there are 12 tech levels now, the Subatomic Simulators are technically in the same place that they originally were - slightly more than halfway along the techtree. Don't worry though, the game is easily moddable so you can easily change this yourself if you wanted to. Unfortunately the editor doesn't work at the moment because Mike is working on a brand new one though.

8) Yes, Mike does indeed plan to include such a summary screen. He's still only at the the designing stage for the screen though, so it won't be in the game for a while yet.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


08 Jun 2009, 20:04
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Joined: 06 Jun 2009, 22:39
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wow that was useful for me too answered a lot of questions


08 Jun 2009, 23:09
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