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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
Fuel leak or Engine malfunction Romulan style, if you decide it to be Fuel leak I will add Fuel levels.
engine malfunction_or_fuel leak2.png [ 117.79 KiB | Viewed 11409 times ]
16 Nov 2009, 19:32 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
Race and era alternates to Advanced Ship captured, I'm not suggesting you replace the original by sj, I'm just providing era and race alternates.
16 Nov 2009, 20:50 |
Starfleet Ambassador to the French Peoples
Joined: 19 Jul 2009, 12:25 Posts: 471 Location: Les Pennes Mirabeau (13) France
I like the TNG Romulan ship with the Dominion ship, and according the DS9 episodes, the Romulans were friends with the Dominion before to be in war against them...
_________________I'm a Starfleet Security member. Spammers, never venture to come drag bad posts, me and my friends (admin and moderators) we are a very large army ready to battle you. Be warn!!! 
16 Nov 2009, 22:54 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
The First contact disaster, but it could be used for something else.
File comment: fade hands added
first_contact_disaster2.png [ 147.42 KiB | Viewed 11378 times ]
First_contact_disaster.png [ 151.52 KiB | Viewed 11378 times ]
18 Nov 2009, 23:02 |
Ship Engineer
Joined: 10 Jul 2006, 01:00 Posts: 5220 Location: Space is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence!
It looks good for disaster. I like the bottom one the most. 
19 Nov 2009, 14:22 |
Joined: 10 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 309 Location: Florida, USA
Enemy Spy Defection
Enemy Spy Defection.png [ 100.83 KiB | Viewed 11356 times ]
21 Nov 2009, 06:55 |
Joined: 10 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 309 Location: Florida, USA
Points Of Opportunity
Points Of Opportunity.png [ 99.26 KiB | Viewed 11355 times ]
21 Nov 2009, 07:24 |
Starfleet Ambassador to the French Peoples
Joined: 19 Jul 2009, 12:25 Posts: 471 Location: Les Pennes Mirabeau (13) France
Hey Excellent!!! Val. 
_________________I'm a Starfleet Security member. Spammers, never venture to come drag bad posts, me and my friends (admin and moderators) we are a very large army ready to battle you. Be warn!!! 
21 Nov 2009, 08:09 |
Combat Engineer
Joined: 18 Jul 2005, 01:00 Posts: 1054
You know it is always a joy to come to this thread and see the new images. Keep it up  Regards Wolfe
21 Nov 2009, 13:35 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
Planets fixed:
Diplomatic_Failure2.png [ 124.38 KiB | Viewed 11320 times ]
Diplomatic_Success2.png [ 123.85 KiB | Viewed 11320 times ]
28 Nov 2009, 10:48 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
And a brand new concept of it:
diplomatic_success2.png [ 135.5 KiB | Viewed 11314 times ]
diplomatic_failure2.png [ 130.79 KiB | Viewed 11314 times ]
28 Nov 2009, 17:59 |
Ship Engineer
Joined: 10 Jul 2006, 01:00 Posts: 5220 Location: Space is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence!
Very nice. I like the second set better yet that bush on fire does have a nice feel to it. Would it help to have some leaves falling off and or a little smoke and fire in the second version of failure? 
28 Nov 2009, 18:11 |
Aesthetics Surgeon
Joined: 24 Oct 2006, 01:00 Posts: 1349 Location: Croatia
imo first set is better, it's perfect
_________________ Carpe Diem
28 Nov 2009, 18:13 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
Second on fire, it's your choice now, just let me know which one you decide.
diplomatic_failure_2.png [ 134.45 KiB | Viewed 11301 times ]
28 Nov 2009, 21:36 |
Ship Engineer
Joined: 10 Jul 2006, 01:00 Posts: 5220 Location: Space is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence!
I like the later images, this one above included, the best. Z likes the first ones and he has a good eye. I say you have shown us your talent many fold. You should now chose what of these images will represent you in the game. It is all good. 
28 Nov 2009, 22:04 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
What does Zeleni think about the new pic with the fire?
28 Nov 2009, 22:56 |
Aesthetics Surgeon
Joined: 24 Oct 2006, 01:00 Posts: 1349 Location: Croatia
i think we should use last fire image and green image from second set 
_________________ Carpe Diem
29 Nov 2009, 00:34 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
It's settled then, we will use the second set with the failure on fire. Talking about fire: Attachment:
earth_2012.jpg [ 84.82 KiB | Viewed 11285 times ]
I made it for fun.
29 Nov 2009, 11:43 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
I found a better picture for the Sphere so here:
sphere_builders-new.png [ 109.05 KiB | Viewed 11281 times ]
29 Nov 2009, 13:21 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
I found some intersting Borg images while on Doug's blog, so if you believe these are better than the previous version replace them, if not keep the old one. It's your choice.
the_borg.png [ 115.94 KiB | Viewed 11246 times ]
13 Dec 2009, 21:23 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Hmm decisions, decisions. I like both Borg images to be honest, although there's something a bit...zombie-ish about the drones in the latest image. For that reason i'd say keep the current image, but we'll see what other people think. I've uploaded the new Sphere Builders image though; the new one gets rid of the black line that was around the planet so it's definitely better. The bigger glow effect is cool too. I also went for the new versions of the Diplomatic Success and Failure images, went for the first First Contact Disaster image because the black line (Which I imagine was intended to loow like the orbit of the planet) looks a bit odd, and I also added the Points of Opportunity and Enemy Spy Defection. I've uploaded the updated images to Sharepoint and have linked them in the first post of the thread. Just to note, the randoms for which we still don't have an image for are; - Highway Robbery
- External Affairs Crisis
- Encounter With The Traveller
- Starship Lost
...Or at least, those are the only ones for the time being...  I couldn't decide on the Advanced Starship Captured and the Fuel Leak images though. They're ALL fantastic. Does anyone else have any preferences? I hope Mike allows for the possibility of race-specific randoms or multiple images because then we could use them all...
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
13 Dec 2009, 22:17 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
vjeko1701 wrote: Little enhancement of the Omega particle. Attachment: encounter_the_omega_particle-enhanced.png Attachment: encounter_the_omega_particle.png vjeko1701 wrote: and the fourth Attachment: scout_nebula1.png vjeko1701 wrote: Little explosion fixes: Attachment: manned_station_lostExplosionFix.png Attachment: warp_core_breachExplosionFix.png What about these pics?
13 Dec 2009, 22:39 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
Ahhhhhhh, the pics are not visible but look at the quoted posts.
13 Dec 2009, 22:42 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
You can't quote attached images. The attachment tags are recycled for each new post, so the forums are trying to display an attachment in your new post instead of displaying the images from the quoted post. But since there aren't any attached images in your new post, it comes up blank.
I'd recommend you upload images to an off-site file hoster in future (Such as Imageshack, Photobucket, or Mediafire) and link to them rather than attaching them. You'll save us memory and bandwidth then as well - plus it'll avoid the risk of the above problem happening again.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
13 Dec 2009, 23:16 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
Ok, but what do you think about the images? Will you use them?
13 Dec 2009, 23:26 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Already did lol. Sorry about that, I was in the middle of editing my post when you replied. - I went for the third ship lost image as the ship was almost invisible, ie. hard for a search party to notice.
- I replaced the Encounter The Omega Particle image with the new one.
- I replaced the Manned Station Lost image with the new one.
- I replaced the Warp Core Breach image with the new one.
All images have been Sharepointed and added to the thread.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
13 Dec 2009, 23:38 |
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 20:17 Posts: 2092 Location: Krapina, Croatia
Can you replace my old civil war picture with this one.
civil war7.png [ 119.13 KiB | Viewed 11224 times ]
15 Dec 2009, 21:00 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Done.  By the way, you could add the fuel levels to the Romulan fuel leak one? People still haven't said what they want either way (Since I can't decide either hehe) but it'll be useful to have it if people do choose the Romulan one.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
15 Dec 2009, 21:40 |
Ship Engineer
Joined: 10 Jul 2006, 01:00 Posts: 5220 Location: Space is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence!
Good to see you are home from work Matress. No food poisoning I trust? Yes, I like the new civil war image. The fuel gage sounds good if it is not hard to do. 
15 Dec 2009, 21:51 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7801 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Just home for the evening, Kenneth. I usually work about 8.20-5.30. I'm on flexitime so I work the extra time to build up enough hours to flex off when I need.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
15 Dec 2009, 23:13 |