I grabbed my TNG Decipher Card Game so here we go for some Events:
[*] Name of Event
Is it possible that events take place on ships/fleets? I´ve done some here! Once event take place on X sector it should be marked with some of these events.
Alien ParasitesEconomy struggles or is stopped until a hospital ship arrives and is healing the population in the affected system. If none intervening will be done, the system is lost.
Attack of parasites on this system. Will be stopped when a hospital ship encroach within X turns.
Armus (Skin of Evil)Economy frozen for X turns, X population killed.
A malevolent creature formed by the former inhabitients of Vogra II. It just knows evil.
Birth of JuniorShip/s stopped for X turns
A large spaceborne life-form. Junior lost his dam and sucks energy from ships.
Cosmic String FragmentX Ship/s destroyed
A long space object with the gravitational attraction of a hundred stars.
FirestormDestroys X buildings and X population
A atmospheric phenomeon. They occur when radiation of solar flares react with high-energy plasma of the planet.
Gravitic MineShip/s damaged and/or destroyed
Free-floating weapon used against space vehicles. It destroys or damages your ships.
Hyper AgingWhole system population killed (except hospital ship arrives within X turns)
Disease created accidentally by the Darwin Genetic Research on Gargarin IV. It kills whole populations.
Menthar Booby TrapShip/s destroyed
A relic from ancient Menthar-Promellian war. A aceton assimilator trap. It drains power of your ships and emits then a deadly radiation.
Microbiotic ColonyStarbase lost
A subatomic spaceborne life-form. It damages the starships hull and destroys them.
Microviruskills X population
A genetic weapon designed to kill life-forms with a specific DNA sequence.
NanitsDestroys X buildings, economy stopped for X turns
Self-replicating submicroscopic robots who disables computer systems.
NagilumShip/s stopped for X turns and X percent will be destroyed
Extra-dimensional entity who kills for its understanding of other life-forms.
NausicaansX credits, X Deuterium and/or X Dilithium stolen (trading)
A race with quick temper. They attack trading routes in order to gain profit for their own.
Nitrium Metal ParasitesShip/s stopped for X turns, X percent will be destroyed
Microscopic life-forms that normally live in asteroids. They can infest and damage ships by ingesting nitrium.
Null SpaceShip/s destroyed and/or cannot move for X turns
An abnormal region of space. The pocket of space is filled with the bright light of condensed turbulent magnetic and gravitational fields absorbing all electromagnetic energy from anything that enters the phenomenon. The fields also bend all outside energy around the pocket, making it naturally cloaked. (Most copy & paste by
Portal GuardShip/s stopped for X turns
A protector of the Tkan Empire. He was invested with great powers, including the ability to immobilize starships.
Radioactive Garbage ScowSystem Moral -X, X Population killed, Economy stopped for X turns
Barges containing radioactive waste and can be adrift for centuries.
SarjenkaShip/s stopped for X turns
An alien Child from Drema IV. Her call for help interrupts your ships who immediatly join her for help.
Temporal Causality LoopShip/s stopped for X turns
A localized distortion causing an infinite temporal loop.
Tsiolkovsky InfectionEconomy frozen for X turns, X population killed.
A variety of water-based Psi 2000 virus. It creates a dangerous intoxication-like instability among the population.
Two-Dimensional CreaturesShip/s stopped for X turns
These such lifeforms are known to exist in a single plane only. Some of these beings make their homes in cosmic strings, objects a single proton wide but with lengths measuring in kilometers or more. Because of their strange nature, two-dimensional lifeforms can interact in strange ways with starship engines. (Copy & paste of
Alien ProbeCould take place on planets or ships
What could we do with this one? My ideas and fantasy are totally blanked atm here as well :(
Masaka Transformations Memory AlphaCould take place on systems as well on ships
What could we do with this one? My ideas and fantasy are totally blanked atm here as well :( It´s going to be an interesting event

Plasma FireX power plants are desroyed
An accident occured in X system. Super-energized gas was inflamed by ruptures in the high-energy power system.
Subspace Warp RiftX ship/s destroyed
Due the excessive use of warp drives disastrous rifts occur in the fabric of space.
Telepathic Alien KidnappersShip/s stopped for X turns / X officers lost.
Unknown aliens abducted personnel for telepatic studies.
Warp Core BreachShip/s destroyed
A catastrophic failure of a starship's warp core.
Energy VortexShip/s lost
An instinctual intelligence, spinning, turbulent local temporal continuum anomaly caused a lost of your ship/s.
Subspace SchismX officers lost
Solanogen-based aliens from another subspace domain accessed space for abducting people for experiments.
Temporal RiftEconomy, population cap frozen for X turns and/or ship/s stopped for X turns
A temporal rift is a distortion in the spacetime continuum, which can allow for temporal displacement.
Feel free to edit

Just some ideas

Best regards,