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..............Y = Vertical, Z = Forwards, X = Left - Right
..............Y = Vertical, Z = Forwards, X = Left - Right
................(In Blender / In object mode, set the X rotation of your model to -90. Press Ctrl + A and apply rotation,
.................X rotation appears to be 0 now in Blender, set it to 90 and save/export it. You'll see that it will appear both correct and at 0 rotations now.)
..........Unity natively imports Blender files. This works under the hood by using the Blender FBX exporter."
..........Unity natively imports Blender files. This works under the hood by using the Blender FBX exporter."

Revision as of 15:49, 21 June 2017



All about 3D combat engine


We are looking at Unity to develop 3D combat: (There is a free version at the link)

....FBX 3d model format has the largest array of supported features in Unity and is also acceptable to Unreal Engine. Will use .fbx as the default file format.

..............Y = Vertical, Z = Forwards, X = Left - Right

................(In Blender / In object mode, set the X rotation of your model to -90. Press Ctrl + A and apply rotation,

.................X rotation appears to be 0 now in Blender, set it to 90 and save/export it. You'll see that it will appear both correct and at 0 rotations now.)

..........Unity natively imports Blender files. This works under the hood by using the Blender FBX exporter."

..........1) To get started, save your .blend file in your project’s Assets folder.

..........2) When you switch back into Unity, the file is imported automatically and will show up in the Project View.

..........3)To see your model in Unity, drag it from the Project View into the Scene View.

..............If you modify your .blend file, Unity will automatically update whenever you save.

....You can begin learning Unity here:


....C# coding for beginners in Unity here:





>> main page >> Unreal

We had done some work with Unreal Engine to develop 3D combat: (It is free for non commercial use)

.... You can begin learning Unreal Engine for space combat here:



....In your Blueprints folder hover over content to find the (Blueprint Class) items and look for the "Native Parent Class" such as an Actor or Pawn.

....Can right click on the blueprint and take "Copy Reference" to grab the name

....Go to File>New C++ Class>(Your Class Type Here) and click Next where you past in the path for name field (and reduce the path to a name.)

....Click on "Public" button and Next. This should open Visual Studio with your public .h and private .cpp files.

....Open the .h header file and between the [include "FileName.generated.h"]line and the [CLASS()]line enter new lines like this:

      struct F(name of file hear) work in progress..........


>> main page >> Blender

  • Blender is a free 3D modeling program. See also Autodesk Maya, 3d Max, Lighwave 3D, ...

...... Export models in the .FBX file format: https://wiki.unrealengine.com/Static_Mesh_from_Blender#Overview

...... The basic unit in Unreal is 1 cm. Set blender to this by selecting an object, then go to properties, scene, units and set length: metric and unit scale: 0.01 (down from meter to cm), save your startup file in the file pull-down menu. No faces in UV unwrap can be overlapping (sorry, that is an .fbx file thing with UE4), Set the objects Pivot Point to (0,0,0) center of the world rather than center of mesh object. Build your model facing to the + x axis (global). {Blender defaults to -y} Use the static mesh editor to delete collision and add it back as generated capsule collision.

The static mesh, texture and material appear to go in the BluePrint folder in UE the way we are building the engine.

.........See also creating and editing and applying materials at these links

Pages in category "3D Combat Engine"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.