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Race Image Insignia Description Type Planet

A deeply mottled integument is the chief characteristic of the Botha, so they are not a race that blends in as well as many others. But their unbecoming appearance is offset by their powerful mental abilities: they have an extraordinary telepathic capacity. They can send telepathic delusions into the minds of others, causing them to enter a catatonic state. But they are highly sophisticated technologically, and they do possess warp capability. The Botha are very territorial and will at once attack any vessel that enters their space if they deem it a threat.



Ship Image Tech Description Custom1 Custom2

Yonal class

Bothan Frigate


Yonal class http://botf2.square7.ch/b2_db/Ships.php

Positron Pulses Photon Torpedoes


Building Image Tech Description Custom1 Custom2
Bothan Operative Network

The Bothan operative networks function on the basis of impunity and autonomy, so it is not without risk. But ultimately the end result of their endeavours will speak volumes for our intelligence gathering efforts.
