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Revision as of 18:32, 18 February 2017 by Reginald (Talk | contribs)

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From Menue it's possible to come to Options Panel

Graphics Options

These options can be changed before Starting Game or while the game is running:

Music & Audio

At the moment only volume can be set here (or set it with PC speaker volume).

Newer developement versions (not released yet) already include

  • Master Volume
  • Music Volume
  • FX Volume

For music itself see here

Updater Options

This function isn't available at the moment and so it isn't shown at all. In previous versions it might be shown.


Windows 7: this file might be stored in C:\Users\#username#\AppData\Local\Star Trek Supremacy\

Content of version 2014-11-25

  • <ClientSettings
  • EnableDialogAnimations="False"
  • EnableFullScreenMode="False" *MusicVolume="0.07"
  • EnableHighQualityScaling="False"
  • EnableStarMapAnimations="False"
  • ClientWindowWidth="1024" -> (automatically, see Hotkeys ALT+F12)
  • ClientWindowHeight="720" -> (automatically, see Hotkeys ALT+F12)
  • SitRepDialogSettings.ShowGreenItems="True" -> see Summary
  • SitRepDialogSettings.ShowOrangeItems="True" -> see Summary
  • SitRepDialogSettings.ShowRedItems="True" -> see Summary
  • SitRepDialogSettings.ShowBlueItems="True" -> see Summary
  • SitRepDialogSettings.VisibleCategories="General, NewColony, ColonyStatus, Construction, Resources, Diplomacy, Military, Research, Intelligence, SpecialEvent, FirstContact, Personnel" -> see Summary
  • xmlns="http://schemas.startreksupremacy.com/xaml/presentation" />

Coding Options

  • \mainline\supremacyclient\optionspages\<tab>optionspage.xaml
  • \mainline\supremacyclient\properties\settings.settings
  • \mainline\supremacyclient\app.config
  • \mainline\supremacyclientcomponents\clientsettings.cs
  • Resources\Strings\en.txt

  • \mainline\supremacyclient\properties\settings.designer.cs
  • \C:\C-Downl\_B2\_repo201612\Mainline\SupremacyClient\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs