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Revision as of 19:27, 26 March 2014 by Reginald (Talk | contribs)

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Most strings are out of the file located in \Resources\Strings\

  • for English: file name is en.txt (it's also possible to replace en.txt-content by another language to translate the game - for this Notepad++ is a well done program showing CR and LF)

Some Strings:

  • Galaxy size: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large & Huge
  • Galaxy Shape: Irregular, Spiral, Ring, Cluster, Elliptical
  • Star Density: Dense, Medium, Sparse
  • Planet Density: Dense, Medium, Sparse
  • Tech Level: Early, Developed, Sophisticated, Adanvced, Supreme
  • Minor Races: None, Few, Some, Many


  • Game_Name: name of the window (e.g. in task bar)