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Voices were planned (see here) but not implemented yet. So the next values are examples, partly used in addition from BotE.

Federation Romulans Klingons Cardassians Dominion Minors

some voices

Image Voice Text Custom1 Custom2

[1] "Affirmative !"
[2] "Contact has been made with an alien culture !"
[3] "We have discovered new alien customers !"
[4] "An alien culture has been encountered !"
[5] "We have established contact with an alien culture."
[6] "An alien culture has been encountered !"
[7] "Alien culture has been discovered !"
[8] "We claim this system in the name of the Coalition of Planets."
[9] "This system belongs to the Heyoun Trade Union. We are going to get rich!"
[10] "Colonization in progress !"
[11] "Colonization is on the way."
[12] "Colonisation is in progress !"
[13] "This system will be colonised !"
[14] "This system will be colonised !"
[15] "Colonisation is on the way."
[16] Pattern