Start Game Panel

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Select Empire

The most important choice is to select an empire but also the other options are important. After the choice press OK to start the game.

Galaxy Size

  • GalaxySize (0=Tiny,1=Small,2=Medium,3=Large,4=Huge)

Available (Width - Height), defined in UniverseTables.txt

Beware of: With a small galaxy the game might not start because it has MinDistance between stars and homeworlds. With 24x16 the game should run always.

  • Tiny 24 - 24 (sum = 576 sectors)
  • Small 36 - 36 (sum = 1296 sectors)
  • Medium 48 - 48 (sum = 2304 sectors)
  • Large 60 - 60 (sum = 3600 sectors)
  • Huge 80 - 80 (sum = 6400 sectors)

Galaxy is sub-divided into four Quadrants

Galaxy Shape

  • GalaxyShape (0=Spiral,1=Ring,2=Elliptical,3=Cluster,4=Irregular)

Galaxy Canon

  • GalaxyCanon (0=Canon, 1=Random)
  • Canon (Federation in Alpha Quadrant and so on...)
  • Random = Civs are scattered all over the map without being Canon to ST-Universe

Star Density

  • StarDensity (1=Sparse = 1,2=Medium,3=Dense)

Sum of sectors (see above) is divided by

  • Sparse: /12 (example at "large" galaxy: 3600 sectors / 12 = 300)
  • Medium: /10 (example at "large" galaxy: 3600 sectors / 10 = 360)
  • Dense: /8 (example at "large" galaxy: 3600 sectors / 8 = 450)

(Source: BotF2.Universe.GalaxyGenerator.cs)

Planet Density

  • PlanetDensity (3=Sparse,5=Medium,7=Dense)

Starting Tech Level

Starting Tech Levels, defined in GameOptionTables.txt, others in HomeSystems.xml













1 Federation 1 = Early 50 % (150/300) 1000 20 5 100 10 1 1 6 4 4 5
2 Romulans 1 = Early 40 % (142/355) 1000 20 5 100 10 1 1 6 4 4 5
3 Klingons 1 = Early 50 % (153/305) 1000 20 5 100 10 1 1 6 5 4 4
4 Cardassians 1 = Early 50 % (153/305) 1000 20 5 100 10 1 1 6 5 4 4
5 Dominion 1 = Early 60 % (150/250) 1000 20 5 100 10 1 1 6 5 4 4
1 Federation 2 = Developed 60 % (180/300) 2000 40 10 200 10 1 1 6 10 6 6
2 Romulans 2 = Developed 50 % (177/355) 2000 40 10 200 10 1 1 6 10 6 6
3 Klingons 2 = Developed 60 % (183/305) 2000 40 10 200 10 1 1 6 10 6 6
4 Cardassians 2 = Developed 60 % (183/305) 2000 40 10 200 10 1 1 6 10 6 6
5 Dominion 2 = Developed 75 % (188/250) 2000 40 10 200 10 1 1 6 9 5 5
1 Federation 4 = Sophisticated 80 % (240/300) 4000 60 20 400 10 2 2 6 12 6 8
2 Romulans 4 = Sophisticated 70 % (249/355) 4000 60 20 400 10 2 2 6 13 6 9
3 Klingons 4 = Sophisticated 80 % (244/305) 4000 60 20 400 10 2 2 6 12 6 8
4 Cardassians 4 = Sophisticated 80 % (244/305) 4000 60 20 400 10 2 2 6 12 6 8
5 Dominion 4 = Sophisticated 90 % (225/250) 4000 60 20 400 10 2 2 6 11 6 7
1 Federation 7 = Advanced 100 % (300/300) 7000 80 30 700 10 2 2 6 13 6 8
2 Romulans 7 = Advanced 100 % (355/355) 7000 80 30 700 10 2 2 6 14 6 10
3 Klingons 7 = Advanced 100 % (305/305) 7000 80 30 700 10 2 2 6 13 6 8
4 Cardassians 7 = Advanced 100 % (305/305) 7000 80 30 700 10 2 2 6 13 6 8
5 Dominion 7 = Advanced 100 % (250/250) 7000 80 30 700 10 2 2 6 12 6 7
1 Federation 10 = Supreme 100 % (300/300) 10000 100 40 1000 10 2 2 6 14 6 9
2 Romulans 10 = Supreme 100 % (355/355) 10000 100 40 1000 10 2 2 6 15 6 11
3 Klingons 10 = Supreme 100 % (305/305) 10000 100 40 1000 10 2 2 6 14 6 9
4 Cardassians 10 = Supreme 100 % (305/305) 10000 100 40 1000 10 2 2 6 14 6 9
5 Dominion 10 = Supreme 100 % (250/250) 10000 100 40 1000 10 2 2 6 13 6 8

Minor Races

Available (FrequencyRatio | MaxCount), defined in UniverseTables.txt

  • Many: 25 | 120
  • Some: 16 | 100
  • Few: 12 | 80
  • None: Infinity | 0

Home Quadrants

new in code since release 2014-11-25 (might be different in BotF2)

  • Canon: like display in Quadrant
  • Random: Majors are randomly mixed up, minors not yet

see also Quadrant


not sure whether implentented + not changeable directly

  • 0 = Normal
  • 1 = Agreeable
  • 2 = Aggressive

Place of storage

this settings are done by "IsolatedStorageFileStream" - means it is save to /User/xx/AppData/Local/IsolatedStorage in some subfolder in a binary file format. The file name is Settings.dat. Manual editing is not possible so just use the game UI.