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United Federation of Planets


The United Federation of Planets is a coalition of worlds bound by a mutual desire for peace, the pursuit of scientific understanding, and trade. By far however, the most numerous of the Federation races is one of the founding members, the Humans of Sol. The people of the Federation live in a society based on the values of liberty and equality. Their strength lies in extremely effective research, which grants them fast access to new technologies. They are also efficient in industry, the mining of raw materials, and the production and supply of energy and vital goods to their planets. Their high-quality products come at the expense of high resource costs, however. Because of their moral convictions, they quickly show weaknesses in the field of espionage, but they make up for this with impressive, well-rounded starships, which function as well individually as in groups. Federation starships are equally likely to be seen conducting trade, exploration, humanitarian, and diplomatic missions, as they are to be seen conducting military patrols and combat manoeuvres.

  • HomeSystemName: Sol
  • Color: Blue
  • HomeQuadrant: Alpha
  • CivilizationType: Empire
  • TechCurve: TechCurve6

  • Race: HUMANS
  • ShortName: Federation
  • LongName: United Federation of Planets