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Klingon Empire


The Klingons are some of the most feared warriors in the galaxy. Their quest for glory and honour in battle makes them masters in the field of combat; be it in ground or space-based combat, their weapons arm quickly and strike hard. Some of their battleships possess cloaking devices, with which the Klingons strike from the shadows at their prey. Their vigorous industrial forges process countless masses of raw materials, keeping their resource-hungry war machine running, whilst gigantic hunting parties guarantee the population's food supply. However, all things that do not directly serve battle are of lower importance to them and thus are less effective. The Klingons consider espionage a cowardly and dishonourable act, but are willing to defend themselves through internal security as necessary.

  • HomeSystemName: Qo'noS
  • Color: Crimson
  • HomeQuadrant: Beta
  • CivilizationType: Empire
  • TechCurve: TechCurve6

  • Race: KLINGONS
  • ShortName: Klingons
  • LongName: Klingon Empire