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NX class 1 Fed Cruiser I 2

The Enterprise is the result of many years of dedicated human development. The completion of the NX-01 Warp 5 project has for the first time given humanity a ship capable of long-range exploration, and inner core defence within a reasonable period of time. The Enterprise class incorporates the best sensors and scientific equipment yet devised, and combines them in a way that strongly promotes shipboard research. Despite all of its exploration capabilities, the Enterprise can be expected to perform well in various combat scenarios. Although, in the interests of peace, commanders are advised to avoid combat against larger vessels.

Phaser Emitters Photon Torpedoes
Constitution class 1 Fed Cruiser II 3

The technological advances of the last half century are finally incorporated and channelled into one design concept. The Constitution class Cruiser is Starfleet's first true multi-role vessel. More than just a starship with impressive armaments and strong defences, capable of defeating any known threat, the Constitution is the beginning of a new direction in starship mission design. Intended for long, autonomous deployments, the Constitution is capable of exploration, research, diplomacy, search and rescue, and defence, if necessary. This versatile capability ensures that the Constitution will be at the forefront of Federation exploration, expansion, and defence for decades to come.

Phaser Emitters Photon Torpedoes
Constitution class (refitted) 1 Fed Cruiser III 5

The Constitution class has been refitted. Upgrades to all areas of ship systems will carry the Constitution into the next century and beyond. As well as being a multi-role Cruiser, in which it excels, the Constitution is now a formidable all-round warship, capable of dealing with almost any anticipated threat. Her presence is intended to discourage and counter potentially hostile neighbours from further aggression.

Phaser Emitters Photon Torpedoes
Niagara class 1 Fed Strike Cruiser I 6

The Niagara class was planned and built alongside the Ambassador class as a smaller Cruiser variant. Her deployments were to be less multi-role specific, concentrating rather on defence, particularly along the various shipping lanes of the core worlds. The Niagara class was fitted with an experimental third nacelle, to offset certain warp geometry factors, whilst compacting the centre of gravity for the ship's mass, furthering manoeuvrability and curtailing quantum drag in the surrounding subspace field. In addition to its propulsive abilities, the Niagara also boasts improved shields and defensive weaponry to allow it to escape any hostile misunderstandings.

Phaser Banks Photon Torpedoes
Excelsior class 1 Fed Cruiser IV 7

Young minds, new ideas. This is the thinking behind the latest in starship innovation. Hailed as 'The Great Experiment', the Excelsior is the most profound and far-reaching speculation yet for starship design. Utilizing new theories in warp studies, transwarp was greeted with great excitement and expectation, but the Excelsiors' field tests failed to win over the top brass. But it was not a total loss, and research continues. The Excelsior spaceframe itself is tremendously capable, housing many laboratories, medical facilities, and diplomatic accommodations, as well as room for major evacuations and transport scenarios, all in a package that provides both mobility and strong defensive weaponry. Traditional - but cutting edge - warp systems will now be installed in all future Excelsiors while transwarp research continues. Equipped with these systems, the Excelsior class will enter full production to undertake Starfleet's next great experiment: test bed of the Explorer design concept. For the first time in fifty years, the Federation has a true multi-role starship, and has taken the Constitution concept even further.

Phaser Banks Photon Torpedoes
Nebula class 1 Fed Strike Cruiser II 9

Recent events have clearly shown that the existing generation of starships will need to be supplemented very soon. To that end, development is continuing on new technologies for a starship to take over the leadership role from the Ambassador. Although the Nebula class is not this replacement, she is a test bed for many of the systems of that next class starship. The Nebula does have several features that make her unique. Most noticeably, the Nebula is equipped with a modular, swappable missions pod that can augment sensors, carry cargo and supplies, diplomatic quarters and limited tactical systems. With this level of versatility, the Nebula promises to become the mainstay of Starfleet in the future, both in supporting roles of the new generation of starships and on solo missions where her own impressive capabilities will be indispensable.

Phaser Arrays Photon Torpedoes
Intrepid class 1 Fed Cruiser V 11

Initially designated 'Platform SV-65', the Advanced Starship Design Bureau has finally completed the project that has become the Intrepid class - a highly advanced starship in all areas. It was not intended to be the largest or indeed the most powerful of ships, but it is highly resilient. The prototype was also a 'guinea-pig' for a speculative replacement for Isolinear Optical Chips: a type of Bio-neural organic gel pack unit, designed to relay and process computer information at phenominally high speeds. Tests have shown that this experimental replacement of the data network allows the Intrepid to react in a fraction of the time than is possible via more traditional optical data networks, but the technology is yet to be proven in the field; time will tell whether the system is as practical and resilient as the traditional data networks that Starfleet has been using for decades. The Intrepid is a medium-sized Cruiser that is capable of both exploration and intermediate-term scientific studies, and her design also offers several important advantages over existing designs in the fleet; her retractable nacelles and variable geometry warp field operates without the detrimental effects of traditional warp drive, and this advance also grants the Intrepid great speed. If needed, the ship can supplement the very swiftest of rapid response forces with her surprisingly effective tactical systems.

Phaser Arrays Photon Torpedoes
Akira class 1 Fed Strike Cruiser III 12

Recent doctrinal shifts regarding fleet combat tactics have created a niche for a new type of Heavy Cruiser. Her platform and overall spaceframe hail back to the original Enterprise design lineages, a tip of the hat to the very birth of the Federation. The Akira is intended to fill a long-to-mid-range bombardment role in future fleet actions. Equipped with a powerful tactical pod at the stern and unique broadside-firing torpedo launchers, the Akira's offensive potential can be a menace to hostile aggressors regardless of their position on the battlefield. Her primary tactical drawback, however, is her limited ability in multi-role functions; she is a vessel designed for tactical superiority through-and-through, and should be treated as such.

Phaser Arrays Quantum Torpedoes
Prometheus class 1 Fed Tactical Cruiser 12

The Prometheus class Tactical Assault Cruiser is literally armed to the teeth: it is the ultimate warship, but it comes at an expensive cost. Although deadly in small taskforces, they are also greatly effective when leading a group of lesser Cruisers into battle. Like her namesake, the Prometheus represents an advance that will take the Federation so far into the future her significance is difficult to comprehend now. Designed purely for the defence of the Federation's interests, the Prometheus combines manoeuvrability, speed, durability and raw firepower in the most modern package imaginable. Heavily automated, the Prometheus requires but a fraction of the normal crew complement of a starship her size, and her pioneering Multi-Vector Assault Mode allows her to split into three separate, powerful ship sections, exposing even more of her potent weaponry to her target, while at the same time, dividing the enemy's firepower three ways. All three sections can operate for short periods independently, and all are highly manoeuvrable. The mere thought that a Prometheus class starship might be brought to bear will deter all but the most determined of threats, and Prometheus's visionary tactical abilities will ensure the survival of the Federation against even the most serious of these threats. The commanders of even the strongest of enemy ships will bear no shame in retreating before this monster.

Phaser Arrays Quantum Torpedoes
D'Ridrex class 2 Rom Cruiser I 2

Sheer size is often simply the manifestation of power. And there can be no doubt that size, and the cosmetic design of a starship, can send a powerful message to an enemy. The Imperial Fleet now possesses a formidable spearhead, in the shape of the first true, dedicated warship. The purpose of a Cruiser is to facilitate a variety of important fleet functions, notably defence, exploration, and patrolling at great range: in effect a multirole vessel as durable and versatile as it is valuable.The D'Ridrex promises to be an exceptional asset in research, discovery, and security, and a formidable opponent in battle.

Disruptors Plasma Torpedoes
D'Renedex class 2 Rom Cruiser II 4

The now aging D'Ridrex promised, and delivered. It was a critical success in ensuring the current security of Romulan borders; and the defence of its citizens and the prosperity of the economy. But grave times call for bold measures, and it is time for the introduction of its logical replacement. The D'Renedex is that replacement, and a necessary one in light of technological evolution. With recent innovations in particle physics scientists have developed a broad scan sensor cluster capable of probing many layers of subspace simultaneously. And coupled with a significantly improved power feed configuration for primary disruptors and a sophisticated target-seek guidance system for plasma weapons, the D'Renedex class Cruiser, as a multi-role vessel, threatens to make all other ships in present day service redundant.

Disruptors Plasma Torpedoes
R'Tan class 2 Rom Battle Hawk I

(Strike Cruiser I)


The R'Tan class is not quite the vain extravagance it may appear to be on the surface, but rather a practical requirement in a galaxy of deepening endemic war. Against her multiple rivals the Romulan Star Empire must, at the very least, compete, if not triumph outright. It is for this objective that the Battlehawk Strike Cruiser is realised; for why have less when you can have more? The R'Tan is simply that, the conceptualization of a larger, more powerful type of Cruiser, with weapons systems comparable to her contemporaries, but in greater number. Its every system is optimized for the singular purpose of dominating battle.

Disruptors Plasma Torpedoes
R'Derex class 2 Rom Cruiser III 7

The R'Derex takes a bold step forward in warship research and design, focusing predominantly on weapons configurations. Power generation and efficiency has been readdressed in the R'Derex, so that the cloaking device is not so dependant on reserves that could otherwise be used for vital tactical systems. The long term projections for this new breed of powerful Cruiser reach far beyond the bounds of her contemporaries; it is a benchmark design that seeks to assert a common standard, in which Romulan superiority in this quadrant of the galaxy is wholly and emphatically demonstrated.

Disruptors Plasma Torpedoes
D'Drexon class 2 Rom Battle Hawk II

(Strike Cruiser II)


This advanced Strike Cruiser design is a significant improvement on the R'Tan design that came before it. From the initial design phase the goal was to pack its defensive arsenal with the latest in engineering sophistication, and so bring to the battle the most up to date scientific and technological prowess Romulus has to offer. The D'Drexon's advanced warheads deliver more damage than ever witnessed before, and it is also equipped with a completely overhauled guidance system, whose accuracy maximizes targeting efficiency.

Disruptors Plasma Torpedoes
D'Bora class 2 Rom Cruiser IV 9

The D'Bora is a modelled embodiment of excellence over all Cruiser-types that have ever come before it. It follows the traditional design lineage of its predecessors, but exceeds them in the grandiose presence it certainly exerts. Internally the very latest in scientific and engineering mastery is to be witnessed in what is undoubtedly the most advanced warship the Star Empire has ever produced. The pioneering originality that was put to task in the revolutionary D'Drexon Battlehawk has been modernized and streamlined in this, the current pinnacle of Romulan technology. It may be some years yet before it is eclipsed, or even matched.

Disruptors Plasma Torpedoes
D'Idricon class 2 Rom Battle Hawk III

(Strike Cruiser III)


The D'Idricon class is the technological summit of many years of research and development. Its predecessors will never be forgotten, and may yet continue to serve in a lesser capacity. But for sheer power and superiority in one overwhelming package, the D'Idricon is the champion of all Romulan Cruisers. Equipped with the strongest shields and heaviest torpedoes and disruptors available, it is fully capable of engaging and destroying multiple enemy vessels. It should be noted also that judicious use of its advanced cloaking abilities will increase its lethal effectiveness.

Disruptors Plasma Torpedoes
D4 class 3 Kling Cruiser I 2

D4 class

Disruptors Photon Torpedoes
D6 class 3 Kling Cruiser II 3

D6 class

Disruptors Photon Torpedoes
D7 class 3 Kling Cruiser III 5

D7 class

Disruptors Photon Torpedoes
D12 class 3 Kling Strike Cruiser I 6

D12 class

Disruptors Photon Torpedoes
K'Tinga class 3 Kling Cruiser IV 7

K'Tinga class

Disruptors Photon Torpedoes
K'Vort class 3 Kling Strike Cruiser II 9

K'Vort class

Disruptors Photon Torpedoes
4 Card Cruiser I 2

The Kraxon is the first true dedicated warship produced by the Union. It is an impressive vessel, designed specifically to engage and destroy enemy vessels and installations. It carries a large complement of offensive weaponry, the most powerful available to Cardassian science, and its reinforced hull can withstand sustained enemy fire even after shield failure. But research and development continues, and it is expected that new breakthroughs are forthcoming, and all too soon the Kraxon will be obsolete as a viable warship.

Heavy Phaser Emitters Photon Torpedoes
Tekoran class 4 Card Cruiser II 5

As was predicted, technological advances in weapons and construction have yielded an exciting new era in warship design and implementation. The Tekoran class is a durable and sleek vessel, seductive in its graces from the outside, but beating within is a dark and fearsome heart, and the enemy would be a fool to underestimate her. Its heavy phasers are formidable enough, but when used in combination with the new and quite fundamentally redesigned torpedo detonation systems, the result can be devastating. The Tekoran class Cruiser lacks the necessary close-quarters mobility for effective defensive manoeuvring, but it more than makes up for this with its weapons array.

Heavy Phaser Emitters Photon Torpedoes
Irkon class 4 Card Strike Cruiser I 7

The Irkon class shares similar technological advances to the design themes of the Kirol, and is actually an extension of that successful project. The Irkon employs the same design and technical specifications as the Kirol - but on a far larger scale. A specialised reciprocating fusion reactor provides not only added durability to the shields, but extended functionality at high warp velocities, whilst also supplementing the enormous power requirements for its deadly weapons systems.

Heavy Phaser Banks Photon Torpedoes
Kirol class 4 Card Cruiser III 8

The Kirol class is not a particularly elegant shape, but brute force sometimes warrants a brutal design philosophy. The Kirol heralds the beginning of a new era of tactical weapons systems. The conclusion of this initiative will reach far beyond the launch of the Kirol class – it is merely a testbed. The final result, it is hoped, will lead to a series of the most devastating and lethal warships ever built, but that time is not yet. For now, the smaller ancestor of that future generation will undoubtedly perform adequately and imperiously for many years.

Heavy Phaser Banks Photon Torpedoes
Galor class 4 Card Cruiser IV 10

The future has arrived at last, in the shape and form of a monster bristling with menace and raw firepower. The Kirol project finally came to fruition, and the result was the Galor class warship; the pride of Cardassia. Its armour is nearly impenetrable, being almost as well protected as some starbases, and, in tandem with the armour, its shields can deflect and absorb an enormous assault. Galor class warships are reserved for the most experienced and competent Guls, who can lead by example and, if required, coordinate the strategic battle plans of an entire fleet.

Heavy Phaser Arrays Photon Torpedoes
Irkon class 4 Card Strike Cruiser II 12

The Keldon class is the final payoff from many years of research in starship construction, resulting in the successful deployments of both the Kirol and the Galor classes. This awesome vessel is truly armed to the teeth. It is the ultimate weapon for long-range assault and fleet command in major battlegroups. Its ablative shield-spread guards a complement of the deadliest torpedoes, but the Keldon's basic design is still not well-suited for close-range fighting, and suffers the similar manoeuvrability problem that earlier designs have suffered. However, it is safely assumed that few potential foes will survive long enough to discover this weakness and take full advantage of it. This one handicap is offset by the clear benefit of aft-firing torpedoes, which will often prove to be a rare and valuable commodity in a crowded skirmish.

Heavy Phaser Arrays Quantum Torpedoes
Medusa class 5 Dom Battle Cruiser I 2

Medusa class

Phased Polaron Beams Photon Torpedoes
Mirage class 5 Dom Battle Cruiser II 6

Mirage class

Phased Polaron Beams Photon Torpedoes
Corona class 5 Dom Battle Cruiser III 9

Corona class

Phased Polaron Beams Photon Torpedoes
Aurora class 5 Dom Battle Cruiser IV 12

Aurora class

Phased Polaron Beams Photon Torpedoes
Kumari class »Andorians Andorian Cruiser I 3

Kumari class

Particle Cannons Photonic Missiles
Atlira class »Andorians Andorian Cruiser II 7

Atlira class

Disruptors Photon Torpedoes
Intruder class »Ankari Ankari Cruiser 4

Intruder class

Heavy Ion Pulses Plasma Torpedoes
Intruder class »Atreans Atrean Cruiser 5

Prakor class

Phaser Banks Photon Torpedoes
Ral Amnia class »Betazoids Betazoid Starcruiser 4

Ral Amnia class

Nadion Beams Implosion Bombs
Ghortan class »Breen Breen Heavy Cruiser I 5

Ghortan class

Plasma Beams Quantum Bursts
Vorlanth class »Breen Breen Heavy Cruiser II 8

Vorlanth class

Plasma Beams Quantum Bursts
Corasta class »Breen Breen Heavy Cruiser III 11

Corasta class

Plasma Beams Quantum Shocks
1101110 class »Bynars Bynar Cruiser 6

1101110 class

Phaser Banks Plasma Spreads
Tracer class »Coridan Coridan Cruiser I 2

Tracer class

Molecular Charges Photon Torpedoes
Charger class »Coridan Coridan Cruiser II 5

Charger class

Phase Corruptors Photon Torpedoes
Berserker class »Devore Devore Cruiser 7

Berserker class

Heavy Disruptors Gravimetric Torpedoes
Champion class »Devore Devore Heavy Cruiser 10

Champion class

Heavy Disruptors Quantum Torpedoes
Korayne class »Dosi Dosi Cruiser 5

Korayne class

Pulse Cannons Photon Torpedoes