Resources like Duranium and Dilithium
are desirable for ship construction. They are shown right beside the sun. (For other symbols see here)
Deuterium is another one.
- These resources will primarly used for local production in a system, but unused resources are given to the global stockpile.
- On the other side for system production resources out of global stockpile are used for local production.
- To avoid that one system get's an advantage or an disadvantage when global stockpile is low, system's sequence is shuffled (Algorithms.RandomShuffleInPlace(colonies)).
Later another resource will follow: Personnel
Other resources are Food and Energy
Raw Materials(Duranium), Deuterium, Dilithium is collected cross over all colonies and used by all colonies
- SupremacyCore\Game\GameEngine.cs void DoProduction(GameContext game)
for others (e.g. Food, Industry, Energy):
- SupremacyCore\Universe\Colony.cs
- Buildings
- Dilithium: Database-List
Duranium -also called RawMaterials- ...
- Buildings
- RawMaterials + PercentRawMaterials: Database-List
FAQ Duranium
Q: How do I get more Duranium?
A: Systems with Asteroids can build a structure that mines additional Duranium. Some empires have structures that mine extra Duranium (Cardassians, Dominion). There's also a universal structure that allows a lot more Duranium to be mined, but with a huge Morale penalty (Core Mining Complex).
- Buildings
- Deuterium + PercentDeuterium: Database-List
2018-08-12: Add missing Deuterium Extractor for some empires
- Buildings (at the moment no such building available because Personnel isn't ingame at the moment)
- Personnel + PercentPersonnelLoyalty + PercentPersonnelTraining: Database-List
see Food
- Buildings
- Food + PercentFood: Database-List
- Buildings
- Energy + PercentEnergy: Database-List
Energy shortage
- (issue/24): OBs are shut down last, power shortages should be most critical (and happen mostly) during bombardments, where OBs are more important. (Shipyards energy is also critical due to range extender)