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as there are Scripted Events (just see the image files at your game folder for this), but another part might be Aliens. In the long term maybe there will be some aliens but at the moment there is no function at all.

Maybe helpful could be comparing with BotE - they already have aliens. (Btw: Reginald = BotE "rainer", it's me :-) )


Here are some alien from original BotF, taken from


In BotF this was the deadliest thing that can be happen. At the moment no Borg is built in in the game.

see »Borg


Chodak Drone

Combat Drone

Crystalline Entity

Edo Guardian


Husnock Raider

Tarrelian Ship



Giant Amoeaba


Lloyd James wrote: A loong time ago I wrote a list of suggested random events. I put Q in as one of them. Note they're only suggested. Whilst we have the religious event in the game, no other events have actually been rubber-stamped - yet.

Q (A ship is thrown to a random sector. The ship will have to attempt to make it back under its own fuel reserves, so making alliances with the locals will be essential. The chances of contact with the Borg [another random event] - irrelevant of where in the Galaxy the ship is sent - are greatly increased)

  • Federation text
    • Space is full of strange, new, lifeforms. Our vessel in sector _____ has encountered an omnipotent lifeform known simply as "Q". The lifeform used his incredible powers to instantaneously send our vessel to the other side of the Galaxy, and then the entity simply disappeared. The vessel will get its wish; the crew will surely encounter strange, new, worlds on its journey home...God speed to them, wherever they may be.
  • Klingon text
    • Nargh! An alien entity known as "Q" intruded the IKC _____ and had the gall to insult the commander's house. The commander rightfully challenged the entity...but perhaps for once the commander was a fool to exercise his right to challenge those that insult his house, for contact was suddenly lost with the vessel. A deep space relay station recorded a brilliant, unexplained flash of energy in the area at the moment that contact was lost. No debris or survivors have been detected. The fleet is now on maximum alert for this dishonourable P'tach!
  • Romulan text
    • The introduction of a new being in the galaxy makes for a nice change in pace for the Star Empire. However, the entity known as “Q” is not to be considered nice by any definition. Q boarded a Romulan vessel by unknown means and without authorisation. The commander of the vessel however recognised the power and importance of this entity, and was extremely tolerant of the creature, when suddenly, a bright flash of light ended all communications with the vessel. No reports have come in of vessels randomly reappearing in odd locations, and no reports of the sudden appearance of a vessel have been detected by the Tal'Shiar. This Q will be tracked down, and it will be "encouraged" to bring the vessel back. This is a delicate situation, since Q is an omnipotent being by all definitions, and thus the Star Empire does not wish to challenge him. The Senate hopes that the vessel will soon be returned home safely, but more importantly that he will also make himself disappear.
  • Cardassian text
    • Cardassia must be protected from unknown dangers. One of these dangers is the omnipotent being known as “Q”. Q gained control of one of our vessels, which was promptly relocated via a large flash of light. It is unclear what exactly triggered this to occur, or even what the flash of light actually was. All that is known is that it did occur - and our ship is gone. Q is now sought throughout the Union, and our neighbours are being investigated, for they are the likely source of this being. The Union will not tolerate this kind of behaviour, as it does happen to weaken the navy...
  • Dominion text
    • One of the Gods appeared to us today! He claimed that he wasn’t one of the Founders, but his actions betray him, for only Gods have the kind of power that he demonstrated. “Q” transported our vessel to another part of the galaxy. We presume that this is a test of the ship’s abilities. If it fails to return home, it will mean that the vessel fell out of favour with the Founders, and that its' destruction was necessary. But if it returns, the crew will have spread the will of the Founders further than any vessel has achieved before.

more from Derek

not proofed yet, but should all be star trek canon :-)

  • The companion
  • The cosmic cloud
  • The exocomps
  • Thasians
  • The traveller

And maybe ancient races to add into the mix:

  • Medusans
  • Prophets
  • Providers
  • Voth (dino people in voy) -> but already a race see »Voth